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Everything posted by Trab

  1. Trab

    The Jerking

    Very cool, Cole. Brilliant, actually. Mind you, I'd suggest changing "Stomach heaving, rolling, working" to "Stomach heaving, roiling, working", unless of course you really ARE referring to the rolling around of excess flab.
  2. Trab

    The Jerking

    Peter could feel the tension build up as he was battered around. Smack, smack, smack; a momentary reprieve, then he was thrust to the right, the left, up, and then down, in a violent flurry. Nearly nauseous from the jerking, he got smacked hard on the head again and finally just started heaving violently. Once, twice, an amazing five times, at which time all movement stopped and he finally lost his tension, to relax once again. 4x4ing rough terrain was such a come-on.
  3. Unlike Des, I think you are looking through rose colored glasses, Cole. One really bad aspect of seeing through a red filter is that you cannot see blood, or maybe that's a good thing. If I remember correctly, only polio has been eradicated. Instead, we have nice new diseases cropping up all over the place. Political catastrophes are happening all over the place, although I admit the USA is a bit more stable right now. Religious interference is reaching new heights of fervor, and China is only too happy to continue with its increasing human rights extremes. Nuclear holocaust, while not imminent, remains an ever increasing concern with Pakistan and India trading threats, Iran building up their own capabilities, and North Korea playing 'chicken' with us all. My problem (besides an obvious slant to the negative right now) is that I don't think people are actively INTERESTED in solving the problems. I think there is a core of manipulators who are actively seeking to continue and even increase the troubles, all for their own gains. In the past, many of our problems were with misguided people, or unfortunate natural challenges, but currently I think we are dealing with soulless institutions, which we've allowed to gain the upper hand. We bow down to systems and organizations and follow them, without thinking about the long term at all, and those organizations don't care about us in the short term, but only about their own survival in the long term. To ensure that survival they are actively working to dumb down humanity. All our improvements in technology have not educated us, but rather have made us fact mongers. We have at our fingertips (literally, via computer keyboards) all the facts and more, but we have no UNDERSTANDING. While youth may be able to recite facts about just about anything, finding one who actually understands how it all fits together and what it means is next to impossible. I am not optimistic.
  4. I suppose the problem is that I didn't express myself well enough. I meant that while masturbation is fun, some can be dangerous, but it is probably not the route that anyone in a vigorously healthy sexual relationship will be taking. The sad part is not being able to find someone to have that relationship with. (Oh oh. The editor in me is making me spank myself for that last sentence.)
  5. The one big concern I have with this is that it still encompasses the concept of growth. Profit is effectively growth, and usually by reducing something else. That something else is often other workers or industries, but in virtually all cases it is achieved at the expense of Mother Earth. Whatever it is that is being done, energy is being expended, resources are being used, and waste, usually pollution, is being created. Reducing the gap will help people in the interim, but the long term effect may be to even more effectively destroy what is left of our planet. What is really needed is a reduction of human population.
  6. I had never heard of him before this. It is sad. However, it seems to me to be even sadder in context; nobody there to love and have sex with, so doing things solo, and it goes just a bit too far, with no chance for recovery. How much of this type of thing is actually due to our inability to connect on a personal level with someone for love and partnership? How much of it is due to the ongoing and nearly unrelenting condemnation of same sex relationships, even in 'enlightened' areas?
  7. Very nice. I really liked the 'interview' or whatever you call it. The insights are more revealing than the lack of clothing, which is as it should be.
  8. Darn, you can barely see anything.
  9. It would be better to have the laptop continually pointed at and sending out a preacher expounding on the sins of lust and deceit, telling of falsehoods, etc. Or best yet, a view of the vice principal's house, obviously taken with a long distance lens, with cross hairs.
  10. Trab

    Image Assistance

    I misunderstood, obviously. I thought you were talking about photos within stories. You mean buttons or icons like WBMS said, right?
  11. Ron's newest story has commenced. Door Number Three Chapter 1
  12. I guess I meant to add that you are vexed, but that's nothing new.
  13. I am boggled, but that's nothing new.
  14. Trab

    Image Assistance

    I have always wondered where the images come from that are inserted into stories.
  15. I agree completely about the cross purposes or misunderstanding or presuppositions inherent in the current usage of homosexual. I certainly consider it to refer to the attraction, not the act. If it were the act, I'm not exactly what I'd be. A monk, and not a Catholic one?
  16. I have to be honest here, I don't believe your rights to free speech are actually helping.
  17. I agree. Very interesting article. It should be reprinted in Virginia, and become forced reading in their legislature.
  18. Trab


    Don't know. Don't Care. If someone needs to be a saint to be a politician, there would be no politicians at all. On the other hand, if he's acting like that he's probably got a blood sugar problem and should be checked out medically. An amazing amount of random violent acts are from people who would do well to cut out sugars from their diets.
  19. Trab

    30 30 41

    That is one of the dangers of the democratic system; majority misunderstanding creating unfair laws. On the other hand, at least it requires a lot of people to be misinformed, and not just the ruling dictator or monarch.
  20. Trab

    30 30 41

    And know you know why we don't have a chance of enlightened thinking. Flintstone mentality
  21. No link so we can easily find it?
  22. Just try even proving it was marijuana.
  23. TR, unless I'm much mistaken, you are saying that this is virtually identical to those people who take their work computers/laptops home, then do things with them there. Nothing they do on them is private, and all belongs to the employer. If this is the situation, it seems simple enough to just have everyone read, then sign, an acknowledgement of this reality before accepting delivery of the laptops. I don't know about others, but it is not the lack of privacy that distresses me about this story as much as the seeming lack of knowledge about the lack of privacy.
  24. Shocking. Who would have ever suspected school officials of doing inappropriate things? The sad thing is, this isn't a 'oops' type of thing, it was thought out and implemented as a policy. This is far deeper and more sinister than just the vice principal.
  25. Do I even dare to say that it is "pining"?
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