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Everything posted by Trab

  1. I'm not sure that a case by case situation is okay. As people move around it might suddenly become 'not acceptable' when it was only weeks before. That just doesn't seem right to me, although I suppose it is better than an outright ban. I just can't get around the sheer ignorance of the discrimination in the first place. Interpreting part of the Bible in a way that other parts are not is just so stupid, and obviously NOT the word of God but the word of humans with foibles of their own.
  2. Netherlands: licensed, and training schools and appreciation classes to be started soon.
  3. Success! http://www.ifaw.org/ifaw_canada_english/me...mp;auid=6532749
  4. Thank-you, Des. I find I can type about it okay, but when I try to talk nothing much but weepy sounds comes out. I guess this too will pass, but it's one of those sad realities of life that death awaits us all. At least he was happy and full of zest.
  5. Sadly, an online friend of many years passed away yesterday. I never knew him in person, but he was a stalwart support to both me and others on the Asperger's Syndrome forum I moderate. George helped countless kids and adults with AS, not to mention parents of kids with it, learn about what can be achieved, and how to avoid pitfalls. He drove some members there into wanting to rip their hair out, but it was because he wouldn't stop calling a spade a spade. Ever one for being truthfully accurate and not obscuring fact with fanciful fluff, he could drive those who tried to do so to the point of panic. Regardless of all that, he was probably the best support that any moderator could wish for, pointing out logic flaws in just about any topic. Frankly, the man was brilliant. Not only was he a recording engineer without match, he was conversant on just about any legal possibility in the USA, having worked in law for some years as well. Just last weekend he finished a sound recording project with world class crew and talent, and was at the peak of happiness. Sadly, he had lost his service dog some time ago, and had not yet received a new one, which was to prove fatal to him. It seems he died of hypoglycaemia, a diabetic condition that is not detectable to the person but can be sensed by a service dog. I have a heavy heart, which is strange when you consider that I also have a hole in it today.
  6. ROFLMAO. Yes, but just unplugging it is cheaper.
  7. You're welcome. Actually, I had a similar problem with The Mustard Jar some time back. No matter how often I returned there, no new pages showed up. Turned out that I needed to Refresh the page, although technically coming to the site from 'nowhere' should have automatically given me the latest version. I should have just tried doing a page refresh.
  8. Now I'm REALLY confused. The original post, the one that seemed to have disappeared, is now again visible to me. I have no idea what is going on. Anyway, I have the Chapter and will email it to Mountain Dude. Thanks, and I don't feel disrespected anymore, just puzzled as heck.l
  9. Trab

    AD Radio Show

    And that thread is where???
  10. Interesting. Mountain Dude posted that he wanted Part 20, I PM'd him that I could send it if I got his email address, and then took a lot of time to get it ready to email (as I was in a rush to do some personal things) and then his post is gone, and I never got a reply to my PM either. I've effectively wasted over 30 minutes for nothing. I'm not pleased...and feel rather disrespected.
  11. Cole, you are a wicked, wicked man.
  12. Yes indeed. I think the farmers getting the affected pollen and whatnot should be suing for the endangerment of their crops by the invaders. All I can say is, don't eat corn from America, as it is ALL genetically modified, except maybe a few in obscure corners of the country. And those luscious looking (but nearly tasteless) strawberries from California were gene splices with SALMON. Eat too many of those and you'll be swimming upstream and then dying right after sex. (That's a joke)
  13. As far as I know, the development of tulips is pretty much a Dutch specialty, and they don't believe in genetic modifications. They have used NATURAL selection to get all the varieties we have today, and that is perfectly fine. It is the modern bombardment of the DNA structure to create new things that causes a serious problem.
  14. You will need to be a member of GA and to log in.
  15. If they could develop a multi-colored tulip it would be worth millions. I don't think it would be possible to do it in this way, but it MIGHT be possible to have each petal change color from its base to the outer edge. That type of gradation happens in nature already, but usually only with 2 or 3 colors, not the full spectrum.
  16. Some people are not going to be amused by this, but it really is pretty hilarious, despite the underlying disaster.
  17. Found it. "Upon the advice of a very wise gentleman" Sorry, E.J., I suppose that was rude of me.
  18. I clicked HERE but failed to see any reasoning for boycotting Brody's Blog. Am I missing something?
  19. Oh Tim. Can't you see it's just a cute thing to say, not an invitation to a discussion on the actual merits of cocoa? I used to do that all the time, but now I'm no longer anal retentive. HA. (If that were truly so, I'd see that you made a joke, not a serious comment.) On a similar, but only barely so, vein, I used to work with a lady who said that nutrition is all in the mind, and that if you wanted to, you could get all you need out of anything you eat, simply by thinking so. I told her she should try eating dirt then, as it is really cheap and abundant, and all natural. Strangely enough, she never took me up on my suggestion.
  20. It's not just scary, but sad. The people who like the REAL oldies now get crap. They'll have to make a new classification: ancients.
  21. It isn't the words so much as the cacophony blasting you with discordant notes. I can fully understand Cole's situation, being in a similar position. I have become much less frustrated by music that doesn't seem that way to me, but it truly is an aging thing. In my past I hated rock of all kinds, jazz of all kinds, big band of all kinds, and even lately I can't stand rap, and a lot of other so called music. Give me a nice violin piece, or simple piano, pan flute, or even in voice like Enya or Nana Mouskouri, and I'm happy.
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