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Everything posted by RMiller

  1. Yeah, that's pretty gay, and pretty funny. Good find, Colin.
  2. Damn right it's a ninja curse. Not any schmuck with a black t-shirt on his head can just evoke the power of the ninja. I?m surprised the spirit of Hatori Hanzo didn?t sneak up behind you and eviscerate you with one of your own clubs, just for mocking his disciples.Go back to raping and pillaging, you clean-shaven, well-spoken corsair.
  3. ... That took me a second to catch on. I kept looking back at the post and thinking, "Where did it talk about easter?" and trying to visualize girls in easter dresses.
  4. I just ripped if off of Mark Twain?s description of the field in A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court. (He didn?t have a very happy outlook on Sundays.) I am not all poetic myself in my descriptions, being of the minimalist persuasion. If Colin wanted to try an alternative style of narration to see what it looks like, the poetic-y one would be good.
  5. Socks to your paradox, socks to your closet and socks to your ass-mar!
  6. Ribs are one of my favorites. I was raised in Atlanta on such delicacies. And they are usually pork, for my dad would always stack the used ribs on a plate and say he was building a monument to a dead hog. And there are different varieties, too. Carolina ribs are boiled then grilled and seasoned with a rub of herbs and spices with a sweet sauce on the side, where as Texas ribs are just grilled and smothered in a smokey flavored tomato based sauce with liberal molasses content. *wipes drool off keyboard* Dang, I shouldn?t be writing about ribs when I?m this hungry. And barbeque sauce is very easy to screw up. If you accidentally but Craft or Heinz you will end up with spiced vinegar or ketchup, respectively. My personal favorite is KC Masterpiece. I can?t think of an animal I wouldn?t eat it with.
  7. There are a many international members on this site and, with internationality, we get many different condiments to go with them. I can?t recall the last time I willingly ate something with vinegar poured all over it, but not everyone shares my passion for BBQ sauce. That being said, what do you guys eat fries with? I use ketchup, BBQ sauce and the occasional Wendy?s Chocolate Frosty.
  8. Uh, for those who frequent the story, should a different thread be posted for Opportunity Cost, since it is a different story? I just figure, in light of the author's page they gave me, should the thread be divided as well?
  9. You?re just going to make us wait a whole month before the next part? And after such an entertaining and seemingly-pivotal chapter? I hope you know this means more cameos. xXOneWingAngelXx
  10. I thought the end of the story was really sweet (the adorable kind, not ?Dude, sweet!?), and you did a good job of hiding the twist at the end. I caught on right before I read it and was all, ?No way! That?s brilliant!? Then, of course, you said you already wrote a story like that and ruined my excitement. Hackneyed or not, it was still a cool story.
  11. For a first-timer, not bad. The dialogue was natural and flowed well. I like the first paragraph. It doesn?t say much, but makes you want to know what is behind it all. Your narrative dialogue gets a little lyrical, but your descriptions are bland and abstract, like describing your life as sad or hopeless or miserable. Those things can mean different things to different people. Remember that Eskimos have many different names for snow because they are around it all the time and can tell the slightest differences. There are many different kinds of sadness and hopelessness and misery, and a dramatic writer would be wise to learn the distinctions. And the discussion about similarities seemed to drag on a bit. I got the point that they were exactly the same early on, so that no longer needed to be established. But it would be more interesting if you did something like have them race from one end of the cafeteria and back to see which one was faster or something to keep the story active instead of having 2 characters discourse over a pre-established fact. And your descriptions of setting and character history were detail-rich but bordered on being too verbose. Props for including only the relevant stuff, but it is presented in a very straightforward manner where something more poetic could be use. It is the difference between, ?The empty field was green and full of bright flowers,? and ?The field he looked out upon was a vibrant dreamscape and lonely as a Sunday.? It has potential and has me intrigued. The doppelganger ploy is a fun one and hard to go wrong with. And I also like you non-linear plot line. Very un-western-conventional.
  12. RMiller


    I need motivation to do a lot of writing and a pseudo-hokey monthly celebration just might do it. Count me in.
  13. So did French fries. Or, ?Freedom Fries? for the patriotically-inclined. Goodness knows I?m not. Freakin? Americans.
  14. If it were anyone else, I'd swear you were making it up. But you have the social inhibitions of a monkey whose had too much vodka.The only thing I have to complain about is that you didn't have someone call the parents and leave them a message saying criminal charges were being pressed. Not for real, but just to let them squirm until the car got stolen back.
  15. ... *carefully chooses words* One who has not seen Akira or any other of the more refined anime would certainly not understand the POV of an anime geek. There is bad anime out there just like there's bad live-action movies (case in point, X-Men: III, a movie I'd rather gouge my eyes with a spork than ever see again) and Akira is considered by most to be the best anime ever. It is, in fact, a movie that helped inspire The Matrix, and has close ties with Blade Runner. It is supreme sci-fi noir and is definitely worth a recommendation.
  16. You don't even know who that is? It's Spike Spiegel, the badass bounty hunter from Coybow Beebop. Your avatar is one of the coolest anime characters ever and you don't even know it. I was going to give you props for taste, but you don't get props for random chance.
  17. From old, beaten trucks to horny cats, we all have unique avatars that have been carefully chosen (hopefully) to identify us in personality and M.O. But what is up with them? What does Cartman?s cat have to do with out intrepid leader? Why do the Ausies always have the cool ones? Well, here is a place for everyone to let their fellow dude know what their avatar is all about. Mine is simple: I?m a ninja aficionado. Not to be confused with a ninja geek who sits in his mom?s basement and watches Naruto all day, I actually read Naruto.
  18. It makes me sick every time I see that picture. I know people who are really that hateful and I can?t stand being around them. I know a guy who, in high school, would take his buddies and gang up on a boy with an earring and rip it out of his ear because that was too close to being gay. They never bothered taking the back off the earring, either. Some people need fire and brimstone more than others, but who are we to call it down upon them?
  19. Too true. I lived in a suburb of Atlanta when I was a kid and had a very thick accent. I had a truck that was supposed to follow verbal commands that you told it, but my accent was so think it wouln't do what I said. But on recent trips to the heart of the city, I wouldn't be able to tell I was in the south if there wasn't a Waffle House on every corner.
  20. Oops. I didn?t know I was starting a communal diatribe on English accents. While we?re at it, Charlie Hunnam, bless his hot soul, can?t speak cockneyed to save his life. That performance in Hooligans was awful. I?m not British, and I could tell he was faking it. You drop the ?H?s, not throw them on the ground with extreem prejudice.
  21. A couple named Eric and Kelly Would walk around back-stuck-to-belly Because in their haste They used library paste Instead of petroleum jelly And one for my favorite AD author. A boy from Ohio named Bruno Said, "Sex is one thing I DO know. "Boys are just fine, "And sheep are divine, "But mules are numero uno!"
  22. Yanks have more of an accent than anybody. I mean, the British invented the darn language. Well...William the Conqueror did after he invaded in 1066. English was Germanic, but Will's French influence changed it to the language we know today. Modern English is the bastard child of Old English and Norman. So?that was?pointless. Um, I guess I was saying something about accents. Americans have them more than Britains. But I?ve been told that Oregonians have the subtlest accents in the English-speaking community and it is hard to distinguish their nuances.
  23. I think the second one was better, or at least it got me laughing harder. Have you played the urinal game on newgrounds? It tests your knowlege of etiquette.
  24. So, what do all the disgruntled readers think of this follow-up chapter? I hope you all feel better after the cliffhanger and know I wrote it with a purpose and didn't do it just to piss you off. You're my readers and I love you all and hope you can be more patient with my unconventional storytelling. (At least it defies western conventions. Freakin' Americans.)
  25. Nix that. I just wrote Chapter 10 from what I remembered and sent it to The Dude. He hasn't posted it yet, but I sent you a copy. I hope I don't get vehement e-mails this time.
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