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Tragic Rabbit

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Posts posted by Tragic Rabbit

  1. bugs

    circle of eyes, centered

    gleaming gold


    my young cats watch, await

    a movement

    a twitch

    tiny terrified prey



    feline silence is like

    nothing else

    time stops

    a still life in soft browns



    and suddenly, movement

    alert, pounce


    bugs who are about

    to die, I

    salute you


  2. From The Garden, by Nevius:

    In the last four years I had been working hard to make my life simple and clean especially amongst the confusion and grit of New York City. Before that, I was just trying to figure out who the hell I was.

    I knew by the time I was seven years old I was gay...

    Peter Langer lives alone but has transformed an unused 300 square feet behind his NYC apartment into his own private oasis, the Garden, and just before Halloween, he's sick and tired of the city's 90-plus heat. He wants a change and is about to get it, above and beyond his expectations. When the temperature drops more than forty degrees one evening, he fusses over his ailanthus tree...and finds something new growing in his Garden.

    What I found was a boy. From his face he looked to be about sixteen. His lips were deep blue. ?Hey, you Ok??

    He made no response, not even retreating from my approach. His eyes were slits. As I reached under the stoop and scooped him up in my arms, I realized he was dressed only in a T-shirt, shorts and sneakers with a dirty white knapsack clutched to his chest.

    He must have weighed only 125 pounds soaked as he was, and he was cold! I pulled his head up next to mine as I ran up the stairs and listened for his breath. I couldn?t hear any as I hurried through the kitchen, turned down the hall and into the bathroom.

    Grabbing a large towel, I wrapped it around him and laid him in the tub, spinning the hot water tap as I moved his feet aside. The hot water came up quickly and I cranked on the cold to temper the hottest water that I thought he could stand.

    ?What do I know about any of this,? I thought.


    Read THE GARDEN by new net author Nevius, exclusive to AD!

    30 chapters, each delivered to you weekly, by the AWESOME DUDE.

    STORY LINK: http://awesomedude.com/stories/The_Garden/...n/garden_01.htm

  3. I Know Why The Mounted Fish Sings

    May 3, 2006 | Issue 42?18

    Consider, gentles, the marvel which Fate and father-in-law have seen fit to provide us: wonder of wonders, miracle of miracles, a 14-inch bass fish, large of the mouth, fixed and fitted to a rough-hewn board. Yet no fish of mere mortal flesh is this, but a largemouth bass whose heart (larger still!) is cunningly and fearfully in far-away Taiwan of solder and silicon made. A faux-finned freshwater Figaro is he, who though his earthly body remain firmly to its mount affixed, looses such soaring song to prod one's very soul to climb ever upwards. So why, at the merest whim of thee or me, is this die-cast dweller in the murky depths transformed into befinned baritone?

    And well may you ask me why, against all sense, a fish imprisoned upon a board may sing. And what's more, no true fish indeed, but a fish of plastic mounted on a board of the same cold synthetic made?how can it then give throat to song? To you incredulous questioners, I say you need but look within the very heart of the fish, and at the battery-operated marvel that is its prerecorded song chip and tiny piezoelectric speaker.

    For who's to say that a fish, though mounted, should not sing? Certainly not the oracles and near-divines at Mid-American Novelty, those brave worthies who know no bounds of vision nor of heart, who have such wonders made as Mr. Big-Mouth Bass?not so much a mockery of piscine flash and Pagan revelry as a marriage of the same. And through the judicious, ingenious use of transistor and diode, of mechanical actuator and alkaline battery, have they given their fever-dreams of singing fish a blessed life?a life which, while apart from ours, should in our little lives play its part. And for but a penny less than a score of dollars, who could, by right, say no?

    Not I. For even absent a glance into the heart of this noble if simulated scion of wave and water, my own heart leaps up?much as the scaly thing itself feigns to leap from its very board while its electric gills blow to life the Oak Ridge Boys' bumptious ballad "Elvira." For indeed, when this mounted fish sees fit to sing it, my heart is, indeed, afire. Not for the lovely lady in the lyrics, but for the brushless dipole motor which motivates the mounted fish to turn its head and bend its gaze to look right at me.

    No?to look right inside me. To look into my soul. And to tell me that, in a world where a fish can sing, there is nothing that I myself could not do, were I only fitted with the proper printed circuit boards, the exact right lengths of pure copper wires, the correct voltage and wattage of battery. The mounted fish stands in joyously less-than-mute testimony that, though there be nothing new under the sun, engineering clever and true may provide us with wondrous novelties.

    So ask not for whom the mounted fish sings?it sings for the one who pushes the little red button.

  4. http://tragicrabbit.org/poems/incubus.htm


    he walks my dreams in beauty

    and supple summer grace

    as fair as grecian statues

    hides heartbreak on his face

    he looks at me from moonbeams

    with smiles of falling stars

    he shines upon my shipwreck

    and soothes my sullen scars

    he curls up in my seashell

    and sleeps inside my skin

    like lilies does he toil not

    yet neither does he spin

    he is my only idol

    my gilden jeweled lord

    though he is formed of dreamstuff

    he is no less adored

    I walk my days full blinded

    but bright-eyed in the night

    then watch inside my eyelids

    and writhe as I ignite

    I long to lay my head down

    upon my cotton sheets

    and give myself to visions

    that morning e?er defeats

    I live inside a story

    that blooms best in the night

    wherein he is my glory

    and moon of my delight


  5. To live in the heart of a horse

    Is to feel sunshine on shoulders

    Brush the winds from your hair

    As you fly through the green.

    To know him is to know fancy

    And fear and faithful surrender

    He bows to the bridle

    With purity and pride.

    The horse is a fine, noble beast

    His dignity becomes your own

    He is the wind made flesh

    He is your gift from God.

    It is a fine thing, to love a horse.


  6. I Am

    I am the choctaw with his hand out, entreating

    I am the old chinaman, head bowed, shuffling

    I am the black boy watching you with narrowed eyes

    I am the hard-faced latina in skirts much too tight

    I am the city, I stare at you

    I touch you at every turn

    Feel me

    See me

    Hear me

    For I speak to you, in multi colors, many languages

    I reach out to take your time, your smile, your wallet

    I eat your bread and ask for more, then step aside

    Mindful of my place, your space, our misplaced selves

    I am your people, moving masses

    Shoving, loving, living, leaving

    Feel me

    See me

    Speak to me

    I am lonely, alone in common crowds, on huddled corners

    I have no time, no time at all, my sands rush out, run out

    I am empty; in my belly, my heart, within my aching soul

    I cast down my eyes, yet long to look, to touch, to feel

    I am your shadow, your silent self

    I am your brother, your sister

    See me

    Know me

    Hear my cry

    Hand out, I beg of you, you have so much and I so little

    Take the time, take words, my heart, my coins, my flesh

    Swallow me whole like a bitter pill, a dose of humankind

    I am your brother, your other, your mirror self, your breed

    I am your children, your mother, your father

    I am your future, your past, mistakes and all

    Feel me

    Know me

    And then walk on


  7. anabiosis(an-uh-bi-O-sis) noun

    A return to life after death or apparent death.

    Many animals and plants can survive periods of

    extreme drought or cold. They reach a state of

    suspended animation and can come back to life

    even after being dormant for years. One such plant

    is the Rose of Jericho, also known as Anastatica or

    Resurrection plant. In dry conditions, its stems curl

    into a ball. When blown by the wind, it spreads its

    seeds along the way. When moistened, it turns into

    a green plant again, even after years of dryness.[/color]


    verdant, glowing

    and growing green

    alive again

    I thrive again

    I lie, in love

    and lay beside

    stay beside

    my love, it?s you

    you ring me up

    you sing me up

    bring me in

    and fling me up

    my heart awoke

    it rose like smoke

    mighty oak

    each beat, each stroke

    your song contrives

    a thriving drive

    striving jive

    I?ve come alive

    my rhyme revived

    your love arrived

    long deprived

    but will survive

    so long morose

    you keep me close

    touch my bloom

    with love, it grows

    so long alone

    those days have flown

    I should?ve known

    my love, my own

    my heart was stone

    as bare as bone

    love, it shone

    and life was sown

    my heart?s alive

    this love will thrive

    your kiss drives

    me to survive

    I am your rose

    the one you chose

    thus repose

    comes to a close


  8. I also proof from a print out, though I also use the screen. The change in format helps bring the eye to what is actually written, rather than what you expect to be written. A change of font or size can do the same thing. This is also why people will sometimes spot mistakes on the final webpage that they didn't spot earlier.

    Hmm, I may have to try that, changing the font prior to self-editing. I can see that it might work.


  9. That's what I actually like about first person, the way you can tell things to the reader without the speaker even knowing them, which seems to contradict what some are saying about first person storytelling. I like for the reader to know things that the characters do not, and first person is a great way to do that.

    I'm confused. In re-reading this statement, I get the feeling that we have different opinions about what 1st person POV and 3rd person POV are.

    In 1st person POV fiction, a story is being told completely by one character, totally through his or her eyes. Everything that happens, every event, is filtered through that person's brain. Just one person, like an autobiographical tale: "This is what happened to me." The only thoughts the reader can hear are those of this one character. Everything that happens in the story has to be seen or heard by this one character; otherwise, they have to find out about it second-hand.

    Not when TR is writing the story! No, it could be more than one character, switching off perspectives, but also, and more what I think I meant back then, you can let readers see things by hearing the one guy's view because he doesn't fully understand what the reader does about the situation. I like to use that, actually, and have in a number of stories. What is evident to the reader is not necessarily the same as what's evident to the narrator/first person speaker. That's what I meant...I think.

    Old thread...I'll read on, see what's up.



  10. I'm not a big fan of outlines or rough drafts. I make notes and lists, then think about it a bit, then dive in (and try to finish as much as I can that first sitting...else it ends up in my enormous As Yet Unfinished Folder). I also agree that you can't really get much useful from asking this question; we'd all be writing a different story in our heads as we answered. For instance, me, I'd write it very tongue in cheek and probably have the Thing turn out to be the guy's exboyfriend. Or wicked stepmother. Morphed into a monster by sheer bad personality and/or at full moons.

    One thing I do sort of consciously do is try to steer clear of the expected, whether in characterization, plot device or ending. I think it was Der Pec who made that option list, if yes, the one I'd recommend if you put a gun to my head is either start midstory, as he first sees it or whatever, OR at the penultimate moment, then backtrack, keeping readers in suspense regarding the very last moment until, well, the very last word.

    I agree that 'plopping thuds' is a tad dreadful...and not in the way you need. I won't say what 'plopping' makes me think of but you might want to find more powerful adjectives for 'thuds', esp in your first paragraph. The initial paragraphs of the story will determine whether many readers will continue to read; you don't want to put them off, you want to intrigue them, catch them up in your net.

    Best of luck,


  11. candy kiss

    lazy, I lie back

    to look at you

    upon my pillow

    like a chocolate

    at a fine hotel

    unwrapped, tempting

    a taste on my tongue

    you lift your eyelids

    as if to say

    why are you waiting

    I gather you

    armful of candy

    grinning, greedy

    I savor my sweet

    your brown eyes laughing

    hershey kisses

    amaretto skin

    you pull me close

    near enough to eat

    slowly, sweetly

    enjoying this treat

    sated, I lie back

    to look at you

    upon my pillow

    as if that is where

    you now belong

    breathing, softly

    a smile on your face


  12. cinque ? sept

    breath fresh as lilacs

    into my open ear

    you whisper

    Love, I love, I love you

    soft words tumbling

    on my heart

    like falling petals

    or summer rain

    sweet, so sweet, my darling

    and yet I

    cannot help but realize

    cannot help but see

    our beginning and our

    ending, our

    days flash brightly past

    behind my eyes

    within my breast

    I feel you leaving me

    even as we kiss

    our lips touching

    pulse leaping

    chests heaving, sighing

    scent of sweat and silence

    eyes bright as starlight

    I gaze up at you

    and murmur

    my Love, I loved, goodbye


  13. Queer Prayer

    O God, hear our cry

    Out of the depths

    And darkness

    We lift up our voice

    And call to Thee

    Hear, O God

    We are your people

    Each is your child

    Every one

    You patterned our selves

    In your image

    Each is good

    O Lord, hear our cry

    Your queer children

    Call to you

    Hear, O God, our song

    We sing your praise

    We are yours

    Church full of outcasts

    We look to you

    Trust in you

    O God, hear our cry

    Lift queer prayers

    To thine ear

    Out of the darkness

    Despite the world

    We are yours


  14. http://tragicrabbit.org/poems/touche.htm

    Touch? by TR



    raise your weapon, salute

    on guard, en pointe; you lunge?

    I parry

    light as cats

    engage, riposte, withdraw

    your blue eyes like diamonds.

    I wonder

    watch, wary

    how sweet, how sharp your steel

    could I survive your score?

    a touch


    I sweat, extend, engage

    masque down, you shield your soul.

    mesh glitter

    metal gleam

    how hard and spare you seem

    how cold, how quick you move.

    once, you claimed

    to Love me

    game, set and match; I win

    yet somehow lost again.


  15. There was a hilarious sketch on the old late-1980s Kids in the Hall TV series from the 1980s, where aliens were kidnapping humans and probing them. One alien turns to the other and says, "you know, we've been abducting these Earth creatures for years and anally probing them, but so far, all we've discovered is that 10% of the male humans seem to enjoy it."

    Brought down the house, especially when they cut to the smiling face of one of the (unconcious) humans in the background. :lol:

    Oh, Kids in the Hall ROCKED, I love those guys!! And I think they were all gay, they did a lot of gay-themed jokes, it always seemed to me.


  16. Downtown Dallas #3

    gray sky, like morning: sweaty, surreal

    sun in mothballs, waiting for

    a time to shine, to beat with heat

    down on concrete and conquered faces

    heaven?s heavy hammer

    hear the rhythms of negro voices

    sweet song of the south, arpeggios

    in chocolate and warm honey

    smooth as sugared velvet, dark as dreams

    lulling to sleep like sheep

    billboards woven cunning, spiderlike

    they bewitch the eye and stain the brain

    sticky webs, luscious color

    decorate downtown with blank receipts

    sign on the X today

    riffs of spanish, like mariachis

    scatter among the crush of bodies

    soothing sounds of sundrenched lands

    girls in smiles and bright patterned dresses

    and boys with eyes like does

    phallic towers: brick bones, glossy glass

    rear up in silent menace

    great blank gaze: sooty, smutty, serene

    pointy digits, fingering the winds

    they poke up at god?s eye


  17. Absolution

    I notice you enter

    Slender, suited, urbane

    Your grey temple arches

    Weighty above blue eyes

    You stand at the altar

    And bring forth the serpent

    I watch you meet my eyes

    Look away, then turn back

    Smoky gaze like incense

    Still as sacred statues

    I move first, you follow

    To make your confessions

    Staring, silent; you smile

    And I take you in hand

    I tell my rosary

    Into your trembling lips

    At last, you genuflect

    Cross your heart, hope to die

    Wafer, flesh on your tongue

    Swallowed like old sins

    You watch me departing

    Renewed, relieved, redeemed

    I pause at the doorway

    To look up at heaven


  18. http://freeweb.siol.net/danej/riverIQGame.swf

    Click on link then click on blue circle .

    Use the rules below .

    The rules are:

    1. Everybody has to cross the river .

    2. Only 2 persons on the raft at a time .

    3. The father can not stay with any of

    the daughters without their mother's

    presence .

    4. The mother can not stay with

    any of the sons without their

    father's presence .

    5. The thief (striped shirt) can not

    stay with any family member if

    the Policeman is not there .

    6. Only the Father, the Mother

    and the Policeman know how

    to operate the raft .

    To start click on the big blue circle on the right . To move the people click on them . To move the raft click on the pole on the opposite side of the river . Apparently this is an IQ test given to job applicants in Japan .

    How long did it take you?


  19. I Eat Roses

    Taste of cupid

    Tart on the tongue

    Boys in tight jeans

    And me with none

    Cigarette smoke

    Gin in the glass

    Traffic music

    Moving on past

    My ghost boyfriends

    Love in the park

    Lone memory

    Lost in the dark

    Alone in crowds

    I eat roses

    And memories

    Under your noses

    No kiss for me


  20. What Valentine?s Day Means To Me

    By TR

    Candy cuddled in brown crinkle paper

    Sugared poison and careless calories

    Chocolates so sweet that they eat you alive;

    Heart shaped boxes like cute little coffins.

    Death and Love, so intimately entwined,

    Stupid Cupid and his round little ass;

    Red bunting everywhere like sloppy blood

    Gilt and crimson swath those candy caskets.


    Beat heart

    Love dart

    Eat heart:

    You bit my love muscle

    Though you hardly noticed.

    Valentine?s Day has killed me twice, and yet

    I stand here still breathing, seeming alive;

    That once, I was sure I had succeeded

    You, oh, you, I cannot ever forgive.

    Yes, I know why you broke down my window

    But you?ll never know what you yanked me from:

    I died happy that day in the sunshine

    The pain was worth it; the light was perfect.

    Damn you

    Fuck you

    Blame you

    Hate you:

    I woke up in ER

    And your guilt was my wound.

    And now, we never speak, your eyes are glass

    I am your cold burden; you are my debt

    Double damn you for thinking I owe you

    For pulling me back, for dousing that light.

    Of all the men, I have loved you the most

    The longest, the hardest and the deepest;

    You are my brother and my heart?s desire,

    Is that the sin for which you snatched me back?

    Sugar hearts

    Candy kiss

    Arrow shot

    Lucky miss:

    Delicious Valentine,

    For once, my heart is mine.


  21. Oaklawn Valentine

    Valentine?s night on the Strip:

    Men holding hands, lights on the vine

    Red, green, walk; lover beside you

    Girls with baskets of roses

    Red, pink, white; all cellophane snug

    Drink in my hand, I watch them pass

    Promenade, hearts on display

    Darkness descending, moon on high

    Laughing men, smile pretty boys

    Pair of dykes with eyes for no one

    Paper hearts, moonbeams and roses:

    Oaklawn for Lovers, for loveless,

    For shame; all I am thinking

    As, distant, I watch the loving,

    Is how long since I had flowers

    Take me to bed, O gibbous Moon

    And sing me those songs, like I?m a child

    I look and I listen but Things are beyond me

    So I down my drink, pay the tab

    Buy a white rose for my pillow

    And wend my wild way home, Alone.


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