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Tragic Rabbit

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Posts posted by Tragic Rabbit

  1. balloon

    convex exhilaration

    balloon in the wind

    higher than happy

    bright blood color of sin

    full-blown, i?ve expanded

    and learned how to fly

    yet years leave me winded

    and longing to cry

    the rising excitement

    is nothing but air

    i?m sky high with dying

    and god doesn?t care


  2. meat eater

    tacit carnivorous

    eyes of the beast

    dark watching from shadows

    ready to feast

    young boys in the station

    men in the park

    hard plastic predators

    hunting a mark

    prowl savage at rest stops

    blooding your kill

    rend out the soft bellies

    swallow your fill

    sink sharp fangs into flesh

    eat till you scream

    slick cock slayers take coin

    then stalk your dreams

    beasts snarling at back doors

    stark on the streets

    so many cold choices

    such sweet surfeit of meats


  3. quiet girl

    long and lean

    a catlike curl

    silent, serene

    a quiet girl

    black hair massed

    along white flesh

    a stark contrast

    onyx enmeshed

    glistening pearl

    swan neck, dark eyes

    a moody girl

    soft disguise

    ache to touch

    that creamy skin

    angel nonesuch

    let me in


  4. The Review

    Like angels in Byzantium

    Who never have been kissed;

    If I simply disappear

    Would I even be missed?

    Like hot pants and the midi

    And satin white as snow;

    Would anybody notice

    If I were just to go?

    Like insects caught in amber

    Or dinosaurs in dirt;

    Were I a thing remembered,

    What would my absence hurt?

    Like mushroom clouds from atoms

    Or locusts on the farm;

    Is presence beneficial?

    Have I done any harm?

    Like letters in the attic

    Like trash along the street;

    Would I be best forgotten

    When I?m beneath your feet?


  5. I Remember

    I remember swimming in summers


    as the waves broke white

    against sun-kissed sand

    I remember your green eyes like gemstones


    gazing at me with

    dark, drowsy passion

    I remember hot and humid nights


    dripping, drenched in sweat

    grappling in the dark

    I remember brisk days in the park


    love-struck, loving, careless of the eyes

    we two, just holding hands like children

    I remember winters wide and white

    curled up

    warmed up by the fires

    that licked hot inside

    I remember, oh yes

    I remember you

    but like a story

    that happened long ago

    dimly, darkly, do I remember


    faded photographs

    images of love


  6. Hmm...I'd personally rather you wrote poems in a speaking style that fit you better, Blue, no offense meant. Esp as this one is a sort of quasi-Black-urban thing and, well, you're pretty White. The various slang words come from different eras and locales, which I'm sure adds to the dissonance I'm experiencing. But I'm glad you've starting writing, or at least sharing what you write. The poem comes off kind of like an oldstyle blackface routine, the kind with white folks acting like fools aka 'Negroes'.

    Can you try writing more from Blue's own headspace?



  7. you stand there in your Italian suit

    wearing hate on your skin like perfume

    money gleams in those Aryan eyes

    virtue shiny as your tasseled shoes

    leather bible in hand like a whip

    glittering gems grace each fat finger

    calling on God like your errand boy

    wrath of the mighty, smite them all down

    cocooned in your own cold complaisance

    you name the sin and blame the sinner

    while at home you diddle your daughter

    and divorce a dozen desperate wives


  8. This might be obvious, but maybe a few people might not notice it at first:

    "Touch?" means "touched" in French. Its basic meaning is like in English: to have touched or to be touched. He touched me, I touched him, something he said touched me inside. All those, we have in common, with "touch?."

    "Touch?" means "touched" in French but the overall imagery is of a fencing match, love versus love, feints, lunges, parries and ripostes. One says 'touch?' in fencing when your opponent scores a hit, a touch.

    So 'touch' in this context means many things, the touch of lovers, the touch of steel on skin (or mesh mask or padded vest), the hit of a well-aimed insult during a lovers' fight. Touch can be dreadful; touch can be delightful.

    'Left handed' and 'sinister' are synonyms, based on the long-standing idea that left-handedness is a sign of evil. The first stanza is the 'salute', traditional in fencing but also indicates that the fight is about to begin when one raises one's 'weapon', again all of which can have more than one meaning when discussing lovers. And aren't we often, too often, 'on guard' when in love?

    Third stanza, 'how sweet, how sharp your steel' means more than a foil or saber, just as surviving is also of the heart. When the last stanza claims the win, yet concedes the final loss, it's definitely of the heart. Sometimes relationships are sparring matches...of all kinds.

    I did mix the metaphor on the last stanza, using 'Love' and 'game, set and match' which are from tennis, but I wanted them anyhow to, maybe, add depth to the idea of one-on-one competition within a relationship. A few other images of coldness and hardness: diamonds, mesh, steel, metal, 'how hard and spare you seem'. And of course, the feared 'score' here is not the act of drawing literal blood but the metaphorical blood we draw when we fight with those we love.

    So, yes, "Touch?".

    Thanks for the compliments, they are few and far between for TR these days.



  9. Guys, I have to agree with you. It's not encouraging when a writer spends a huge amount of time and thought writing and doesn't get much response. That has nothing to do with how good the story or the writer is, either.

    So why don't readers respond? Let's look at the audience and the medium.

    Many readers (of any genre) have the idea that a writer is some hallowed, wise being on a pedestal

    Yeah, lack of response (like nearly zero) to Murder on the Oscar Wilde is one reason it's on Hold. While I may be wise, I'm not hollow and I do need strokes (ahem) to help me complete the act.

    It's very discouraging, worse than being turned down for a date, when your story/poem is ignored entirely. Esp stories that you work on, research or slave over, then get zip...well, you just feel downright unworthy and rejected. You also begin to question the worth of the story itself, in addition to your writing skills. So...you maybe don't finish or don't write another soon or...something. Sulk maybe, or gorge on chocolate.

    Pity the busy monster, authorkind.


  10. Read Heart of the Tree , the new novel by Graeme. Meet Rhys, Mia and Vince, then please let Graeme know how much you like the story. Chapter One online.


    The Tree was old. It had watched over many generations of local inhabitants. Settlers moving west from Sydney, recognising that the area was suitable for farming, had formed the small township of Mourton around The Tree. Even then, the residents recognised something special in The Tree and preserved the land around it as a park. Their discovery of land nearby that was suitable for grapes assured the prosperity of the town.

    The children enjoyed clambering through the gnarled roots, up between the multiple, twisted trunks, and along the huge, curving branches. The middle of The Tree, between those trunks, was a safe haven, a fort, the room at the top of an enchanted tower, the meeting place of a secret society, the cabin of a sailing ship, or the centre of a wild forest ? whatever the children imagined. Without knowing it, The Tree became a part-time babysitter, as it entertained the youngsters while their parents performed their strange adult rituals.

    An educated man once declared The Tree to be a magnificent specimen of Ficus Macrophylla ? a Moreton Bay Fig Tree. That name said so much about The Tree, but left so much more unstated.

    Young lovers enjoyed the cool shade the spreading canopy provided. Many a tryst took place under the protection of The Tree.

    Slowly, a legend grew.

    Vows of love taken within the cover of The Tree were true and binding. The Tree was given the appellation ?The Lovers? Tree?, though most locals would shorten that to ?The Tree?. Many a wedding was held under those leaves, and the district enjoyed the lowest divorce rate in the country.

    The story is still told of a young man, hormones running wild, professing his love to the latest target of his lust, only for the purpose of gaining the momentary pleasure he sought. He?d done that before, but never under The Tree. It was the last conquest he ever made; no other girl would have him from that time on.

    The townsfolk loved their tree and protected it to the best of their ability.

    Three times, though, that protection wasn?t enough.

    Three times, The Tree started to die.

    Three times, a young maiden, despairing of ever finding love, found her beau in a stranger to the town.

    Three times, a wedding was held under the canopy of the dying Tree.

    Three times, The Tree recovered.

    Three times, a young maiden was given the sobriquet of Heart of The Tree.

    The last time had been just after World War II. Since then, The Tree had faithfully cared for the children, protected the young lovers, and comforted the older couples.

    One night in late November, a drifter came into town. Filled with a sickness in his heart, he lay down beneath the tree and fell asleep.

    He never woke up.

    The sickness in his heart, though, spread to the tree.

    The fourth time had arrived.

    Read Heart of the Tree , the new novel by Graeme. Meet Rhys, Mia and Vince, then please let Graeme know how much you like the story. Chapter One online.



  11. http://www.awesomedude.com/stories/SOF/sea..._fate_title.htm

    'I remember my first gay thought. It came to me during a sleepover when I was twelve years old, and I woke in the middle of the night draped over Benjamin?s backside.'

    If you're starved, as I am, for more of Josh's sexy scenarios, unforgettable characters and the flavor of teenage Texas, try Sealing Our Fate, his new coming of age novel, set again in Josh's native southern Texas. Fall in love with Ben and Kipper right along with Aaron, SOF's charming and self-conscious narrator. Is it ever easy for a young boy to discover how much he wants, and maybe even loves, his best friends? And what if he doesn't want to be gay?

    From Sealing Our Fate by Josh:

    'I?d been dreaming about Linda Parks and that we were snuggling naked. But I woke up and? it was Ben!

    I didn?t realize it right away, though. I woke with my heart racing and with my chest and belly pressed to the warm, soft skin of his back. I woke to the smell of his curly brown hair and the feel of my hard cock, resting against his firm butt, ? I?d never pressed my hard cock against someone before, even through briefs.

    I almost pulled him closer. I almost ground my cock against his butt before I was fully awake. But then I was awake, and I quickly rolled away.

    As I lay there in the darkened room, my breathing ragged, I hoped that Ben hadn?t been awake. I strained to listen. His breathing remained regular, and I slowly started to relax. I reached into my briefs to close my hand around a rock hard and demanding cock. I?d only been masturbating a few weeks; maybe that?s what had me horny that night. And I was horny. My cock had never felt so hard.'


    Two boys, a fishing shack on the bay, and a summer to change their lives. READ Josh's Sealing Our Fate here at Awesome Dude! Chapter One and Two online now!




  12. monk?s hymn

    angry injun music

    and wylde electroclash

    i?m looking for a target

    someone i can smash

    filled with rage & hormones

    1 hand stuck in my fly

    i say u can lick my ass

    tell me who am i?

    lonely roads and darkness

    and death by suicide

    i write my words so putrid

    mainly coz i?m fried

    peeple say i?m hateful

    but i don?t give a dam

    i hand out psychic wedgies

    tell me who i am

    love to read ur poems

    tho mainly coz they suck

    i live to make u squares cry

    just don?t give a fuck

    who posts the most insults?

    who lays the truth on thick?

    if u guess my secret name

    u can suck my dick


  13. We?ll go no more a-shagging

    (with apologies to Lord Byron 1788-1824: http://www.bartleby.com/101/599.html)

    So, we?ll go no more a-shagging

    So late and through the night,

    Though my lust it be not flagging,

    And your baldrick be as tight.

    For the sword outwears its sheath,

    Weary dicks they doth protest,

    And a guy must pause to breathe,

    Desire itself have rest.

    Though the night be made for screwing,

    And the day returns too soon,

    Overuse was our undoing-

    Give me a call in June.


  14. Reindeer Games

    Waiting at the doorway

    Just after English class

    Only one quick question

    Maybe a hallway pass

    Boy without direction

    Young thing with something more

    Glowing with affection

    Leaning against the door

    Focused on the teacher

    The object of his heart

    Legendary creature

    That years would keep apart

    Waylay him at lunchtime

    Wait patient past the bell

    Sweet cinderella chime

    Just pray no one will tell

    Hope no one will notice

    Elated secretly

    Ripe and ready lotus

    Your lock awaits his key

    What risk you for his sake

    What do you hope he?ll do

    Martyred for this mistake

    Too obvious a clue

    He?s frantic and fearful

    He?s trying to ignore

    Sighs and smiles so tearful

    Impassioned eyes implore

    At his side like shadows

    And at his desk each day

    Will your rain bring rainbows

    This blatant teen display

    On his desk leave love-notes

    A flower on his car

    Presents in his book totes

    Your heart in a bell jar

    Yes, he?s only human

    And you are youthful fair

    He?s lost his acumen

    Forgotten to beware

    Each time your head leans close

    Each hand upon his knee

    That much further he goes

    Though he?s too gone to see

    Breathless at your nearness

    And aching with desire

    Hoping you grow careless

    He?s helpless under fire

    The bell rings too loudly

    To him it is a blow

    Watching him so proudly

    You see his face aglow

    He?s forgotten rulebooks

    Forgotten social law

    He?s felled by your love looks

    Unable to withdraw

    At the teachers? workroom

    You?re waiting at the door

    This far do you presume

    This deep do you adore

    This picture has problems

    And gossip has begun

    Love and all its emblems

    Light up his face like sun

    Follows you like flowers

    Unable to resist

    Secret teenage powers

    Though you are yet unkissed

    Hoping for redemption

    You?re sure he is the cure

    Asking for exemption

    You?ve caught him with your lure

    Going off to study

    But you fool no one there

    Morals have grown muddy

    But you no longer care

    What price for his passion

    Is he prepared to pay

    Your seductive fashion

    Has made him easy prey

    You?ve caught him in your toils

    Finally have him alone

    He?s yearning for the spoils

    And faint from your cologne

    Whisper ?do not worry?

    And wrap him in your arms

    He wants you to hurry

    Is weakened by your charms

    Finally lets you touch him

    And when you draw him near

    He?s bubbling at the brim

    And shivering with fear

    Not blind to the danger

    His body trumps his brain

    Better than some stranger

    He can no more abstain

    Gives you what you?re craving

    He?s finally called your bluff

    No more cold behaving

    But will it be enough

    Is it what you wanted

    Will you be happy now

    Will you be undaunted

    Have you forgotten how

    Did you really want him

    Was love your true first cause

    Was it only a whim

    And did you never pause

    Finished and you fly off

    Him spent, content, confused

    Stunned by your parting scoff

    His confidence is bruised

    Hard to think of daytime

    Instead of fantasy

    Imaginings sublime

    Shift to apostasy

    Now when you see teacher

    You look right past his eyes

    Love?s a fickle creature

    And romance often dies

    But always more certain

    When young hearts try their wings

    Scenes end with a curtain

    That blots out all sweet things

    Beware the springtime heart

    And youthful handsome face

    That which keeps you apart

    May be your saving grace


  15. Using myself as an example, I consider myself to be gay, not bi. However, I'm in a monogamous heterosexual relationship, which many people would think makes me straight....

    Sleeping in a garage doesn't make you a car, Graeme. :lol:


  16. Excerpt from Love and Death in Venice:

    ?Death in Venice? is one of those movies you can?t forget. I saw it for the first time when I was twenty. I had just moved to Indianapolis in 1972. I took my only day off and went to the Woodlands Theatre to see the movie...I was only one of about twelve in the audience. I knew it was a gay themed movie, but I watched anyway. Even with the thoughts that were circulating in my own head, I didn?t get the subtext to the movie itself. Not until now.

    Love and Death in Venice, by Jerry Miller, is an exclusive to Awesome Dude, a very personal story by one of our best new authors. Jerry has already given us Behind the Silver Screen and Born to be a Missionary, both of which touch on his experiences as a gay Mormon.

    You can contact Jerry at gaymormonwriter@yahoo.com and you can read Love and Death in Venice only at AD.

    After sixteen months in Waco, I was offered a new theatre in Orlando, Florida. I accepted, a decision I regret to this day. I didn?t let Chase know I was leaving Texas. He found me though. I figured he would. We agreed to stay in contact. Chase amazed me that he wanted to continue our friendship. One Sunday morning, after being in Florida for seven months, he called me. It was a conversation I would never forget either.

    ?Hello,? I said, answering the phone from a deep sleep.

    ?Hey there,? he said. I recognized his voice.

    I glanced at the clock radio and said, ?Hey, why aren?t you in church??

    ?My father won?t let me come right now.?

    ?Why not??

    ?I got into trouble with him.?

    ?I can?t imagine your ever being in trouble with your Dad,? I said.

    I heard him breathing softly for a few moments before he said, ?I got into some personal integrity trouble.?

    ?Well, that would only have to be drugs or sex,? I said, jokingly.

    ?It wasn?t drugs.?

    Sex! A healthy eighteen-year-old boy with hormones found his own discoveries, I thought.

    ?Wow! Chase. Some girl had her way with you,? I said, with a chuckle.

    The next few words were ones I never expected to hear, at least not from Chase.

    ?It wasn?t with a girl.?

    Chapter One online at: http://www.awesomedude.com/stories/LDiV/lo...enice_title.htm

  17. I'm not clear on why Ex Gay doesn't fall into those categories, JS. And I'd love to be a high-brow fag but figure I'm too pedestrian to pass.

    Falling into the 'By' category is easier than the 'Bi' category, and that might be what Gabe's talking about. Either way, I liked it, as I've told him. I found it interesting and slightly creepy. :lol:



  18. Well, yes, a tad corny. More of a feelgood story than anything, Cinderella in the Little Woods.

    I haven't read much by Grasshopper. Is the brevity and, well, sort of sparse form the norm for his stories? I liked it and it did make me cry but it was a bit more like a detailed synopsis than a whole story. It was very sweet, truly, I'm just curious.

    It seemed to move fast and the point be to have that, admittedly corny, happy ending despite death. The blink of an eye is the title, so maybe the speed and sparseness were specific to this story, a sort of LD view of a life and a love. Are they?



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