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Tragic Rabbit

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Posts posted by Tragic Rabbit

  1. Sweet Picnic

    I want to lay you down in fields of grasses

    Spread you out beneath a succulent sun;

    Pluck your sweet flower and nibble your berries

    Picnic upon you while the day never ends.

    You are my ripe blossom and I?ll be your bee

    Suck out your sugar to hide in my hive,

    I?ll eat you till Sunday and savor the cream

    Eat every portion and lick the plate clean.

    You whisper dear somethings and murmur my name,

    Closing eyes against both passion and sun;

    Tip back your head and bare your throat to the beast

    Who growls and beseeches, craven with love.

    With Sun as my witness, prostrate before you

    I beg, I demand, I insist and I adore;

    I eat all your sweets and lick up your honey,

    Your food is too filling but I must have more.

    Oh, you need say nothing, but say it again

    Tell me and plead me and offer your treats,

    For I want your Always, your beauty, your meats;

    Greedy, I am hungry, craving your sweets.


  2. Well, I agree with Der Pec. This view hasn't won me any new friends, btw, how're you doing with this viewpoint Your Pecness? I've learned to, when asked, say it was a 'fine film and a beautiful short story'.

    I've seen it once, will probably get the DVD at some point, but the way you are pissed on by saying anything that isn't rave reviewing is downright scary. Gay or straight, people don't want to hear anything except how brave, noble, magnificent and stunning the film was. And what an unforgettable romance. What's so sad in the story is how powerfully effected Jack is by one hug he can't forget for twenty years, yet somehow can't get the two of them together in a way that makes him happy. The film lacks a lot of the nuance of the short story's writing, that's one big drawback and possibly voice-over narration (like in A River Runs Through It) could have preserved some of that. Still depressing as hell, though, not uplifting, etc.

    If you try to list HAPPY gay romances, you get your head pummelled metaphorically. I was removed from two gay listservs for reprinting a more realistic review (LA WEEKLY, posted above) and saying I agreed with it, that plus real life reactions have made me stop talking about what I really think. Doesn't seem worth it.

    But yeah, it's depressing, says more about hets than gays, and is a long, long way from the most romantic relationship I've ever seen on film, gay or otherwise. I've seen Making Love, it's very romantic, so is Torchsong Trilogy and dozens of others. Matthew Broderick's meeting and romance in TT is something you'll never forget, so achingly sweet and lovely. The Way We Were makes me cry, but Brokeback Mountain didn't.

    I was also, like Der Pec, disturbed by the abrupt and unlovely way they went after the first sex scene, the story wasn't quite so abrupt or one-sided and it did have a sort of rape feel to it in the film. Yet...hundreds of thousands of gay men and straight women are, apparently, going to see this over and over and over, all while singing its praises to the skies and stocking up on Kleenex. They're singing off-key, if you ask me.

    But, as I say, I generally keep this unpopular opinion to myself.

    Tragic Rabbit

  3. Men In Blue

    Men in starched Blue

    Chock of righteous anger

    Stop the boys with

    Long hair, dark skin, strange eyes

    They swagger, strut

    Slapping pale skin on steel

    Hey, Boy, you, boy

    Hey, boy, hold it right there

    Got your ticket

    Know just what you are worth

    Sit here, back here

    Gimme a good reason

    Gimme somethin?

    Not like you ain?t done it

    Before, boy, not

    Like you?re one of our kind

    Put your head down

    Give it to me good and

    You can go home

    Gimme sweet and sugar

    And you can walk

    Don?t tell me you?re sixteen

    You look older

    We know you been around

    We know your kind:

    Kinda easy, kinda

    Fast, kinda old

    Boy, for just sweet sixteen

    You?re just a boy

    And we?re wearin? the Blue

    So suck it up

    And suck it sweetly down

    ?Cuz Blue?s on top

    And you?re the low, sweet low

    Sixteen don?t mean

    You get a break from Blue


  4. Breakfast

    Over bacon and eggs,

    Toast lightly brown

    I look in your brown eyes

    Sunny-side up

    And wish for tomorrows

    Bright like sunshine

    Shining through orange juice

    Your hand on mine

    Bread-warm from the oven

    Light across us

    Yellow shades of loving

    You look at me

    As if I?m your morning

    But you are my

    Forever tomorrows

    Sunny-side up

    Sated, full, satisfied

    My eyes eat you

    As if you are my last

    Meal, ground gold grain

    I break my fast with you


  5. Hey, James, I know Aussies and Border Collies VERY well. Most of what you say is very true of them, they are almost scarily smart and can be destructive if left alone without chores to do. I've been dogless now for three years and still dream CONSTANTLY of Reba Rose, my last Border Collie. She was almost all black and rather small, she was my dog soul-mate, we thought together and I can hardly stand living without her. Aussies and Border Collies are virtually the same breed and neither are bred for looks the way many dogs are, they are bred for BRAINS and it shows, they're incredibly smart and fun to live with. I keep thinking I can get another puppy but haven't been flush enough to afford a one...plus, I dunno, I'm still sad. When my other Border Collie died, I had Reba five days later and maybe that's the best way to go, you sort of abort your grieving and focus on the new dog.

    Anyway, cheers for meeting up with the best kind of dog in the world...



    P.S. If you want to steal Nipper and bring him to me, he won't be sorry!

  6. I think readers get too wrapped up in artists' work. It's a book. A story. I can't count how many people actually believe my boyfriend was hit by a drunk driver.


    I'm with Gabe on this one, I think people get too wrapped up in 'truth' versus 'fiction' when, 99% percent of the time, they can't define either one. And get it all mixed up anyhow, assuming EVERYTHING we write is autobiographical/true/gospel. People confuse me with characters I MADE UP, people assume a poem's events happened to me (some have, dont' get me wrong but usually when people think it, it's isn't so), or assume every protagonist in every story is ME. Now, bits of me are in most, maybe all, of my characters but are ANY of them me? No. So this guy wrote a memoir, so he used a broad brush to paint the picture, so that means he gets pilloried when each and every fact isn't 100% confirmable? I mean, what's the point? Is it a GOOD story? If not, who cares, if yes, then, again, who cares whether stuff happened or didn't happen as written. Hell, even our memories work that way sometimes, the way we remember our eighth birthday isn't the same as how our Moms remember it, not to mention how differently everyone sees a relationship (esp after it's broken up) or a car accident (often not unlike a bad breakup). I just don't think there's such an absolute distinction between 'Truth' and other stuff, maybe because I'm a storyteller, maybe because I'm an inveterate liar (aren't they the same thing?), maybe because I'm paying attention. Truth? The line between fiction and nonfiction is pretty blurred, just like the line between 'news' and 'entertainment' is on television. Give the guy a break, if it's a good story, then let it 'lie'. If it sucks, just don't buy the thing.


  7. In the beginning, God created the Heavens and the Earth and populated the Earth with broccoli, cauliflower and spinach, green and yellow and red vegetables of all kinds, so Man and Woman would live long and healthy lives.

    Then using God's great gifts, Satan created Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream and Krispy Cr?me Donuts. And Satan said, "You want chocolate with that?? And Man said, "Yes!" and Woman said, "and as long as you're at it, add some sprinkles.? And they gained 10 pounds. And Satan smiled.

    And God created the healthful yogurt that Woman might keep the figure that Man found so fair. And Satan brought forth white flour from the wheat and sugar from the cane and combined them. And Woman went from size 6 to size 14.

    So God said, "Try my fresh green salad.? And Satan presented Thousand-Island Dressing, buttery croutons and garlic toast on the side. And Man and Woman unfastened their belts following the repast.

    God then said, "I have sent you heart healthy vegetables and olive oil in which to cook them.? And Satan brought forth deep fried fish and chicken-fried steak so big it needed its own platter. And Man gained more weight and his cholesterol went through the roof.

    God then created a light, fluffy white cake, named it "Angel Food Cake," and said, "It is good" Satan then created chocolate cake and named it "Devil's Food Cake."

    God then brought forth running shoes so that His children might lose those extra pounds. And Satan gave cable TV with a remote control so Man would not have to toil changing the channels. And Man and Woman laughed and cried before the flickering blue light and gained pounds.

    Then God brought forth the potato, naturally low in fat and brimming with nutrition. And Satan peeled off the healthful skin and sliced the starchy center into chips and deep-fried them. And Man gained pounds.

    God then gave lean beef so that Man might consume fewer calories and still satisfy his appetite. And Satan created McDonald's and its 99-cent double cheeseburger and then said, "You want fries with that?" And Man replied, "Yes! And super size them!? And Satan said, "It is good.? And Man went into cardiac arrest.

    God sighed and created quadruple bypass surgery.

    Then Satan created HMOs.


  8. I liked the imagery of sunshine at night -- that bright person who seems so brilliant when those around them seem dark. The fact that the brightness can conceal a dark side is also painfully true.


    She's bipolar, I was attempting to hit on that, the combinations of impressions that creates (bipolar people can be 'fun', seem compelling company at times, at others can seem frightening or dangerous), as well as touching on the sort of deadly female archetype. Thanks for commenting, Graeme.


  9. Yes... and so nice to have wibby back from his hiatus!

    Thanks, but I am not back from my Hiatus. I just took a hiatus from my Hiatus. So THERE.



    We'll see. I liked this story, too, Wibster. A hiatus from a hiatus, huh? Sounds like the inverse of my problem...



  10. Witched

    With spells, I ward you off

    Close my eyes; look away

    Sacrifice pristine doves

    Chanting the words aloud:

    No, I do not want you

    Each day I see you there

    Just taking my order

    Your skin a burnished brown

    Eyes of jewel; ripe-red mouth

    Ordinary work of art

    At my lonely altar

    I cry to those old gods:

    Save me, hide me, keep me

    Safe; unensnared by your

    Accidental beauty


  11. Pink Slip

    Your note on my doorstep

    Nothing ambiguous

    About your tidy hand

    Cool phrases, warm anger

    White paper unsullied

    By love of any kind

    Reading it, my head bows

    A tearful, chastised child

    Arrow piercing my heart

    Wounded, bleeding, bereft

    Wondering if I am

    Destined to live alone


  12. http://www.borowitzreport.com/archive_rpt.asp?rec=1298


    Golden Globes Win for ?Brokeback Mountain? Irks Pennsylvania Senator

    Three days after the critically acclaimed film ?Brokeback Mountain? won Golden Globe awards in four major categories, Sen. Rick Santorum (R-Penn) called for a constitutional amendment banning gay westerns.

    ?We cannot sit idly by and watch ?Brokeback Mountain? sashay into the mainstream of American culture,? Mr. Santorum said on the Senate floor today. ?If allowed to flourish, gay westerns will destroy the sanctity of traditional westerns.?

    He added that if the film continued to gain acceptance in the heartland, several western states might soon legalize marriage between gay cowboys.

    The Pennsylvania senator explained that his proposal of a constitutional amendment banning gay westerns was not a rash decision on his part: ?I only reached this decision after watching ?Brokeback Mountain? ten, maybe twelve times.?

    Mr. Santorum added that it was ?unconscionable? that the producers of the film had cast an actor as ?hot and sexy? as Heath Ledger as one of the gay cowboys, since ?he only makes the gay cowboy lifestyle seem more enticing.?

    In a sign that Mr. Santorum may have more constitutional amendments to propose, he said that he was also ?very concerned? that Hollywood might someday produce a remake of the film ?Benji? featuring ?man on dog sex.?

    ?I am going to be extra vigilant on this issue,? Mr. Santorum said. ?If there is a remake of ?Benji? featuring man on dog sex, I will be waiting in line for a ticket on the very first day.?

    Elsewhere, the Supreme Court voiced support for assisted suicide, and model Kate Moss voiced support for career suicide.

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