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Tragic Rabbit

AD Author
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Posts posted by Tragic Rabbit

  1. Song My 1968

    I sing my song,

    soft and dreadful song

    my song, my song, Song My

    O, hear her pain

    drums within my heart

    my song, sad song, Song My

    in truth, My Lai

    met Company C

    and Death raised his baton

    My Lai, her lie

    finally came to light

    all heard her symphony

    Song My, My Lai

    bodies soaked in blood

    five hundreds left to lie

    left to slowly die

    sad song, My Lai

    sing loud, My Lai

    sing inside my soul

    chant innocents shot down

    My Lai, her truth

    must not silent be

    must chorus down through time

    soft hum, a hymn

    paean for the dead

    sing her sad song, Song My

    no lie, the truth

    it was babies, too

    never forget Song My


  2. Oh man, I was so glad to see this!  I've been waiting for more DC for...well, since the last one.

    Awesome, TR!

    Thank you, love. I should have 21 and 22 done in August, I'll be writing them at the same time and won't release 21 until 22 is done and both are proofed and possibly edited. That will conclude the main storyline but I'll later write some DC short stories, in between other stuff.

    I took time out this week to write an unrelated story and may write some more before those last two DC chapters appear. When they do, however, Drama Club will, at last, be complete online, if not edited or tidy. I'd like to clean it up and improve it but am more likely to just write something else...including DC short stories.

    Later on, I may want to start a full length sequel but won't be doing that any time soon. I have a couple other long projects I need to work on first.

    I'm glad you enjoyed DC20 and hope 21 and 22 meet your expectations for the conclusion of Drama Club's main storyline. The many characters and situations will allow plenty of fodder for other, shorter, tales set at Northside, as not all of them will be resolved by the end of 22. I hope that's a good thing, to readers, and not a defect.

    I have the idea that books shouldn't tie everything up with a bow, as that's not how RL works...there are always loose ends and new problems tend to arise from what appear to be solutions. Still, tthe primary problems will be drawn to what is, at least, a temporary close by the end of DC22.

    Again, thanks to all for the kind words, on and off these Forums. Those constituted my primary reasons for returning to DC and concluding it.



  3. Everyone can now see I AM AN IDIOT!

    Yes, to my mind, that's always been one of the advantages of posting on forums. :razz:

    I've begun the concluding chapters of Drama Club for some of the reasons you've cited, one being that its unfinished state was a constant nibble in the back of what passes for my mind. Another was the relentless emailing of TR by DC readers...

    Dude's threat to take away my blankie had nothing to do with it. :violent1:



  4. Oh, hey, found the old Drama Club thread in a back room, covered in cobwebs.

    DC20 "Endgame' is up at AD, though not yet at TR.org.

    DC21 'Intermezzo' (an offside exploration of personal relationships, like DC15) and DC22 'Check & Mate' (conclusion of main DC plot) will follow closely and conclude this DC storyline.

    It's unproofed, so if you find errors, please email them to me.


    TR :albino:

  5. Does anybody now wether or not TR gonna continue Drama Club? I really like the story.....

    Cheers & be well,


    I suspect someone knows...

    DC20 'Endgame' is up, 21 ('Intermezzo') and 22 ('Check & Mate') to follow closely and complete the Drama Club main story.

    How did this miracle occur, you ask? Well, I got lots and lots of lovely reader letters (most of which went without response, for which I apologize, but they mattered!), and The Dude stood over me with a whip for 12 hours. We both lost sleep and probably enjoyed the whip more than was necessary, but Part 20 is posted, though wholly and entirely unproofed.

    If you find any mistakes, blame The Dude. (j/k)



    PS. I love you, Rad, and all the other loyal DC readers who kept the faith, against time and all odds. I hope the quality of the chapter is up to par and that you enjoy it. I apologize for the dearth of sex scenes in DC20 but promise to make it up in DC21 'Intermezzo' which will be something like DC15 'Interlude with an Angel', an offside plunge into personal relationships before returning to the main plotline with DC22. DC22 will be the last installment of this particular DC storyline. Again, I humbly beg forgiveness for the all the delays and lousy poetry I've foisted upon DC fans in lieu of the next DC chapter. Shame on me.

  6. Depends upon what you mean by 'science fiction-y'. Scrolls of Icaria, The Angel (by Josiah J-P) and Dark Prince are all pretty science fiction-y, or at least in the sci-fi/fantasy vein.

    If you include supernatural type tales, I could (modestly) mention my own Some Enchanted Evening, Der Cowboy, Midnight Chime, Queer City and Lucky Strike Hit Parade 1941. Ahem, cough. Something in my throat. Possibly my ego...

    (Hurrah for self promotion! Hey, if nobody will blow your horn, you gotta do the job yerself, Elf!)



  7. http://tragicrabbit.org/poems/SPAM.htm

    SPAM: delicious and nutritious!

    I open up my email box

    And find my daily treat;

    A thousand wondrous offers

    And deals you just can?t beat!

    You can escape your credit debt

    By mortgaging your son;

    You can enlarge your penis

    Into a ten-pound gun.

    With patches pills and potions

    Your willie will expand,

    Until it?s like a third leg

    You can use as a kick-stand.

    And if you?re feeling lonely

    At home with that new dick,

    You can pay fifty a month

    To meet the perfect chick.

    She?s blonde, she?s young, she?s horny,

    She?s guaranteed to please:

    Just send your credit numbers,

    Address and front door keys.

    And if you?re low on money

    After all this is done,

    There are investment offers

    And contests to be won!

    I find it so amazing

    That I can hardly choose

    Among these awesome offers

    That I just can?t refuse!

    I?m so awed and overwhelmed

    That I delete the bunch,

    But there?ll be more tomorrow

    Let?s just call it a hunch.


  8. News & Views July 2, 2006

    Hey, Guys and Dolls!

    It?s Tragic Rabbit again, AD Story Editor, here to update you on AD News and my quirky Views for the first week of July, 2006. [Opinions expressed here are mine alone, and do not necessarily reflect those of Awesome Dude Admin as a whole.] Pride Month is over but that doesn?t mean you have to stop being Proud of who you are and who you love. Keep loving yourself and you?ll be that much more lovable to folks around you!

    As you may or may not know, the Awesome Dude website has moved to a different domain, much like His Dudeness himself, and it?s one we hope will allow quicker loads and happier AD campers. Please let us know if you experience any problems, have any questions?or if you just want to give us kisses and candy now that your pages load faster.

    Onward and upward?

    This week, alas, we have no new short fiction. Authors, really, if you have something short and sweet lying about that you?d like us to take a look at, please send it to story-editor@awesomedude.com. However, we do have a double carload of great chapter updates for your enjoyment!

    Born To Be A Missionary by Jerry Miller, the new and semi-auto-biographical work by our new and exclusive AD author (Behind the Silver Screen, Love and Death in Venice) Jerry has another great chapter for you this week. Now, these chapters are not small and if you?ve been reading this sexy romance about gay Mormon missionaries, you won?t want to miss this brand new Part Three! Sure, we all think those cute LDS boys on bikes are hot, but Jerry writes from experience as well as the heart, he?s been a lifelong gay Mormon. If you?ve left this one so far, now is a great time to start reading Born To Be A Missionary by Jerry Miller. If you?re enjoying the story, please take a moment to email Jerry and let him know!


    From BTBM, Part Three:

    The door was closed and a note was taped to it. I put down my bag, reached for the envelope and opened it. A nicely typed letter was inside:

    "Jamie, my one true love, you have entered into my house and if I know you, you were expecting me to jump your bones when you walked in. Surprise. I didn't.

    I am waiting for you, but you will have to find my tool somewhere in the house. There is only one thing you have to do first before you look for me.... take off all your clothes, you must be naked?

    Professional Courtesy by Jack Scribe concludes this week with Chapter 11, IT AIN?T THE CLEAVERS! Jack, author of Other Avenues here at AD, has finished up his latest story with fantastic final chapter full of sexy fireworks and a new romantic development between Brian and Eric. How will it all end? Find out this week in Chapter 11 of Professional Courtesy by Jack Scribe! Don?t forget to post in the Forums or email Jack to let him know what you think!


    From PC, Ch 11:

    ?From everything you hear about teenagers and the cruelty that some junior homophobes inflict when confronting gay boys, I?d say Billy is lucky to have Mike for a friend,? Brian added, nodding his head.

    ?Yeah, Mike?s solid. The way Billy is developing his body and karate skills, I?d say that he could kick the shit out of most guys if they gave him any grief. The kid has become very proficient in karate, I?m told.?

    ?There you go: a gay jock and a shit-kicker,? Brian added with a chuckle.

    Someday Out Of The Blue by LittleBuddhaTW, Chapter 10 is up at AD! What have Conner and the boys been up to since Chapter 9? Find out this week and then let LittleBuddha know that you're reading his story.


    From SOOTB, Ch 10:

    "Do you wanna come over today and maybe spend the night?" I asked.

    "Yeah, I guess so ... if it's alright," he replied.

    "I bet you'd really like Ryan's younger brother, Toby. He's really sweet ... and cute," I said, trying to imitate one of Ryan's patented winks.

    Cody giggled. "What makes you think I care if he's cute?"

    I shrugged my shoulders. "I dunno. Just a hunch, I guess."

    Love and Death in Venice by Jerry Miller, Chapter 8 is online! Yes, Jerry is working on more than one serial story and this one?s a whole different experience. In the dull environs of Venice (Florida, USA, not Italy!), Dan ponders what to write?and why, then figures it out with a little help from his friends. Read Chapter 8 of Love and Death in Venice at AD! Don?t forget to email Jerry to let him know you?re reading, he ain?t psychic, guys!


    From L&DiV Ch 8:

    ?You should write about it,? Brady said.

    ?I finished my second story. I really have no idea what the next one would be.?

    ?Do this one.?

    ?I don?t know if I can.?

    ?You need closure,? he said.

    ?Write about Chase and me?? I asked. ?Yeah? I know I still ramble on about him with you.?

    ?Dan, you need to move on.?

    The Garden by Nevius, Chapter 9 is up and waiting for you at AD! What have our lusty Dan and Pete been up to? No guesses, no hints, you?ve gotta read Chapter 9 to find out!


    From Garden Ch 9:

    I almost?almost kissed you then. Then when you were in that La-Z-Boy and I came back from takin? a piss and you slapped the seat to come sit with you I thought I was going to cream in my pants right then and there! So I slid down and put my arm around you! Oh man, it was so fuckin? tough to sit there for ten minutes and not molest you?Then you said you loved VW Beetles and loved anyone who loved them too as you were lookin? directly at me. Bingo! I kissed you. Then that chill came back and terror struck me. I thought I was going to die!

    Sealing Our Fate by Josh, Chapter 8 is here! Yes, that author we all love, Josh, creator of The Least of These and past master of passionate prose, has brought us the next installment on his current sexy serial, Sealing Our Fate.

    Baseball, fishing, boyhood friendship and a two-way three-way?and that?s just the start of this redhot chapter!

    Find out what Kipper and Stick are ?up? to with Jason-read Chapter 8 right now!

    Read Chapter 8 of Sealing Our Fate and drop a line to Josh, letting him know how much you appreciate his efforts.


    From SOF Ch 8:

    ?Look, Jase,? I said, leaning forward. ?I don?t know what you might think about guys doing stuff together and all. I don?t know what you think about Kipper and me, but??

    ?I like you,? he interrupted, leaning forward like I had. He reeled slowly in.

    ?Oh? well that?s good, because we really like you.?

    He flashed me a smile and then cast again. ?But you guys aren?t like gay, right? I mean, you like girls, right? I mean, you like Colleen and my sister.?

    I nodded. ?Yeah. We like girls; at least Colleen and your sister. Truth is, we like you more.?

    LAIKA by Elecivil, Chapter 10 ?The Importance of Being Alex? is ready for you here at Awesome Dude.

    Our local poet and maestro of perfect prose, Elecivil, has served up yet another delicious dish of LAIKA and we know you?re hungry for it! Find out what a tangled web Alex has been weaving, and just what the boys think of it, in Chapter 10 of LAIKA!


    From LAIKA Ch 10:

    He was trying to play me, but I wasn?t having it. Not after that night in the basement. Not after this.

    I shook my head and started to walk away, but he grabbed my shoulder and spun me around, forcefully. Then, before I knew it, his lips were on mine.

    Now, I understand that how the body reacts to physical stimuli revolves around chemicals and nerve endings and all kinds of stuff that I was supposed to have learned, had I paid better attention in Biology. I understand that my hormone-riddled self couldn?t be blamed if it started stirring, since chemicals and nerve endings, while being very good at what they do, have little consideration for interpersonal relationship-politics. Had I started to kiss him back, I think I probably could have forgiven myself.

    Thankfully, I never had to find out, because instead of kissing him back, I shoved him. I put both hands against his chest and pushed, propelling him back a few feet. Not hard enough to do any damage, but hard enough to send a message.

    By The Way by Mark Logan, Chapter 24 is online and Chapter 25?s in the wings, waiting, so be sure to catch up with Paul and the guys right away with Chapter 24! Musical sets, major attitude, song creation and a little soul-searching are waiting for you in Chapter 24 of By The Way by Mark Logan!


    From BTW Ch 24:

    I felt a bit like I was in the twilight zone. We'd really worked hard on all of the material that I'd be singing for the first weekend or so, especially on this particular song. It wasn't the easiest to sing, with a total of three key changes in it, and the last note held for four to five bars. The partners were sounding odd, and yet they still wouldn't tell me what the problem was.

    "Can y'all throw me a bone or somethin'? I'm still not understanding... Look, I-I've spent a lot of time...working on this."

    Heart Of The Tree by Graeme, Chapter 4 is ready and waiting for you at AD! A barnyard birth scene, a horny girl trying to get into your pants and one seriously confusing campout?just how much can a guy take, especially when he?s hiding who he is? Find out in Chapter 4 of our own Graeme?s highly unusual Aussie tale, Heart of the Tree.


    From HOTT Ch 4:

    At that point, Matt eased himself out of the group of girls and headed over to join the guys.

    ?I don?t believe it,? he said, looking dazed. ?What?s with the girls in this town? They?re crawling all over me. Are all the guys here gay or something??

    Vince laughed. ?Nah. They?re just being friendly because you?re new, good looking and single. We?re all old news as far as they?re concerned.?

    ?Yeah, there aren?t any poofs around here,? Rhys said. ?If there were, they?d get run out of town quick, anyway.?


    Don?t miss the current Dude?s Picks, either! Novel Pick is Through Different Eyes by Drake Hunter, Short Story Pick is Climbing Bear by Sequoyah.

    That?s it for this week?s stories; don?t forget to visit our Forums, post if the mood strikes, and always, always email authors whose work you enjoy!

    Enjoy your Fourth of July, if you?re in the States, and if you?re not in the States?be grateful you aren?t in Bush Country. Homeland Security just jacked up ?alert? levels for the holidays and has been busy setting up stings to arrest any and all ?terrorists? on our soil?real or imagined. Anyone with a brain is likely on a list and may soon get a midnight knock on the door?never to be heard from again.

    Songster and Willie Nelson pal Kinky Friedman is running for Dubya?s old job, Texas Governor, on the slogan ?How hard can it be??

    With Our Leader taking the Japanese PM on a pilgrimage to Graceland, Tennessee?s tacky-glitzy shrine to Elvis Presley, and Veep Cheney making his dramatic entrance at a Nascar race in Air Force II(despite that new pacemaker), you really have to wonder how those two ever got elected.

    Oh wait, I know?money talks. And so does the Rabbit?wonder when his politically unsound opinions will get him detained at Guantanamo Bay? Funny how that US Naval Base is by far the scariest and least humane place in Cuba these days, ain?t it?

    Well, no matter what Israel and Palestine are up to, or how sane O. bin Laden is starting to sound, and even if the shuttle Discovery never does solve its buzzard and rainstorm glitches, you can always find something wonderful to read and take you away from the world, right here at Awesome Dude!

    Read, read and read some more?and don?t forget to email the authors to show your appreciation.

    Be Proud, Be Kind, Be Happy?and have a wonderful week!


    Tragic Rabbit

    Email me at tr@tragicrabbit.org

    Contact Awesome Dude Admin for questions or submissions at:

    Story Editor - Tragic Rabbit ? story-editor@awesomedude.com

    Poetry Editor ? RusticMonk86 ? poetry-editor@awesomedude.com

    The Great and Awesome Dude ? dude@awesomedude.com


  9. News and Views-June 25, 2006

    Hey, Guys and Dolls!

    Yes, it?s Tragic Rabbit, here to update you on the Awesome Dude News and deliver my ?eccentric? Views for this next-to-last last week of Pride Month, June 2006. First off, I must apologize publicly and abjectly for failing The Dude, and all of you, last week in my new assignment, and not delivering N&V in time. Trust me, my punishment was harsh but well deserved. (?and if I enjoyed it, that?s my business.)

    RusticMonk86 will have the Poetry N&V soon, he?s out recruiting a poet and awaiting some new material. That update will be appended to this thread here in N&V.


    This week we have two new short stories, one linked to MailCrew, many great new chapters and a couple of things I?d like to make sure you?ve not overlooked.


    send your short story submissions to story-editor@awesomedude.com

    Short Fiction:

    Gay Prom ?06 by Gabriel Duncan is a semi-autobiographical story about a documentary filming of an American Gay Prom by a British film crew. As usual, from Gabe, we have memorable characters in realistic situations that aren?t always flattering, yet smack of Life. Read this story at http://www.themailcrew.com/gayprom.html

    I Don?t Care by Josiah Jacobus-Parker is another of his recent brief prose pieces that read something like poetry. This story has striking imagery, poignant thoughts and, again, that dreamy feel. It?s linked on the front page of Awesome Dude, don?t miss it!


    Novel Chapters:

    Scrolls of Icaria by Jamie Book 2, Part 1, Chapter 7 is ONLINE! Wow! This epic tale of winged boys, love and war between opposing forces, chock-full of mysteries and magic is still going strong. Catch up on the fantastic and fabulous doings in Icaria with this new chapter!

    From Scrolls Book 2, Part 1, Chapter 7:

    As soon as I stepped through the mirror, I found myself falling through a long tunnel filled with brightly flashing lights, and suddenly the origin of one of my dreams was clear. The fall was swift, and before I knew it, I found myself hovering before a shimmering wall. Looking through it, I could see Brotus, L?dowik, and Seth standing on the other side. It appeared that they couldn?t see me. They were rubbing their heads, and seemed a bit dazed and disoriented. Stepping through the wall of light, I found myself standing next to them, although I didn?t seem to be feeling the same disorienting effects they?d experienced. L?dowik jumped when he saw me, but Brotus and Seth were quiet.

    For a few seconds, I stood silently surveying my surroundings.

    Heart of The Tree by Graeme is in Chapter 3 of its serialization. Now, I know this was up last week but this is a great project from Graeme and definitely a new flavor for him, so if you haven?t checked it out yet, click that link and give it a whirl. I think you?ll be glad you did! Heart of the Tree isn?t what you?d expect and is a wonderful read. Graeme is a dear friend and a talented author, don?t let this story slip by you!

    From Heart #3:

    ?Dearly beloved, we are gathered here to celebrate the coming together of these two young people...?

    Peter and Joanna were facing each other, with Peter slipping a ring onto Joanna?s finger, when things went horribly wrong.

    With a sudden crack like a clap of thunder, a large branch fell off The Tree and smashed down onto the table?

    ?screams echoed through the park as the crowd erupted.

    ?Aunt Cynthia, are you okay??

    Still staring upward, she shook her head. ?I was afraid of this. It?s happening again.?

    Sealing Our Fate by Josh ? Chapter 7 has now been posted. This is another wonderful, completely new story from one of the best authors we know, Josh of The Least of These, and you just can?t miss this newest chapter. I love you, Josh, and your characters stay with me forever.

    From SOF #7: I wondered what it would be like to love a girl because I knew that even if I did, I loved Kipper, and I wouldn?t love him less. Standing there that night, Kipper holding me in his arms, there wasn?t a doubt in my mind that I would always love Kipper.

    Someday Out Of The Blue by LittleBuddhaTW now has Chapter 8 and 9 up! Please go post in the Forum for LittleBuddha, let him know that you?re enjoying his story! Authors thrive on feedback, questions and comments, please help all our starving artists by posting in the Forums and emailing them with your thoughts.

    From Someday #8: "I ... I really need to get to class ... please let me go," I muttered, my gaze lowered at the cold, hard linoleum floor of the bathroom.

    "Ha! You don't think I've noticed that you don't have your little boyfriend and his friends around to protect you anymore?" Trent Lomax laughed menacingly. "Now it's just you and me, white trash fag boy."

    Professional Courtesy by Jack Scribe ? Chapter 10 has now been posted. This story is complete and being released weekly, in hopes that you?ll comment in the Forums for Jack. He has another great story up next, so keep reading and letting him know what you think! Our authors don?t get paid with money, they get paid with love and attention?so please don?t be stingy with either.

    From Professional Courtesy#10: ?Is there anything better than waking up in the morning with a warm, sexy body snuggled next to you?? Eric thought as his body slowly moved in rhythm with Brian?s deep and steady breathing.

    Love and Death in Venice by Jerry Miller ? Chapter 7 is up! Now, look, Jerry is one of our exclusive authors and yet he?s not received a single email on Love and Death in Venice, which I just can?t understand. It?s a fantastic story, romantic and beautiful. He?s one of my favorite authors and just an all-round wonderful guy. If you haven?t read any of Love and Death in Venice, start this week; if you?re keeping up, you?ll enjoy Chapter 7, I promise. The title refers to a movie, in case any of you had the idea it was a depressing read. It?s not, but it is filled with human frailties and loves, and things like a beautiful boy who can?t value the gift of a heart.

    I, TR, will take it as a personal favor if readers of Jerry?s stories would take a moment to communicate their feelings to Jerry Miller; he?s a sweet guy, a great author and he?s working hard to entertain you. A moment of your time is such a small payment, for him and for all of our authors, that I think you can spare it. All authors? emails are linked on their story pages and also on a drop-down menu at AD?s front page.

    If in doubt, email to story-editor@awesomedude.com and request that I forward it to the author in question.

    From L&DiV#7: ?He doesn?t really know what he wants. He may never know. And you can?t have him.?

    ?Who said I wanted him like that??

    ?You did. When you told him you were in love with him.?

    The Garden by Nevius (rhymes with ?devious?)? Chapter 8 is now online. Nevius is another of our exclusive and new authors, and he is also active in our Forums, so please take the time to post about The Garden there or email him directly.

    From The Garden #8: When we were in the shower Jason saw the outline of Dan?s hand on my ass and said, ?Oh, I thought I heard something.?

    Dan stared at Jason and said sarcastically, ?Yeah, and if you get out of line little boy they?ll be some for you too!?

    ?Oooooh, Daddy, I?ve been a bad boy,? Jason cooed back at Dan as he stuck his ass at him. We all started to laugh. The Three Musketeers were back together again ready to take on New Orleans on Mardi Gras Day!

    If you haven?t yet read any of the three short stories by Josiah Jacobus-Parker on the front page, please do so, he?s a great author and a real cutie, too! Ecstasy is like a poem, for instance, lovely and somewhat sad. Faith is an interesting musing on what faith might mean to a gay man. A Study of Features is like a life-study from art class but in words rather than charcoal, a dreamy, lovely meditation on the face of a lover. All are quite short and won?t take you long to enjoy! Josiah is a fantastic writer and we?re proud to have him here with us at Awesome Dude. Did I mention that he?s cute, too?

    That?s it for this week; do check out all the new chapters, new poems and Dude?s Picks on our front page at Awesome Dude. Current Story Picks are Falls Creek Lessons by Graeme (novel Pick) and King of Shreds and Patches by Tragic Rabbit (short story Pick). Visit our Forums and let authors know what you think of their work, or just enter into discussions with Editors, Authors, Poets and your fellow Readers.

    Have a great week of reading and don?t forget to celebrate Pride in some way before June is over. Wear your rainbow boxers or donate money to Lambda Legal?whatever makes you remember to be proud of who and what you are. God does love you, he made you the way you are and don?t let any pseudo-Christians tell you otherwise! It?s sometimes tough to feel proud but this is the month in which to try, to let the world, your family, or maybe just you inside your own head, know that YOU are a good, worthy and beautiful human being. Who or how one loves can never diminish that absolute truth.

    The two huge Pride flags waving in the wind outside my front door aren?t just there to tell the world that I?m not a heterosexual, they?re there to remind me that I?m a good person no matter whom I love or desire. Do something this week to remind yourself of the same.

    Here at Awesome Dude, we know how hard that can be, but we also know that being different, being gay or bisexual in a world that devalues or demeans that orientation, can be a furnace that tempers our steel, makes us stronger and better people than we might have been. Overcoming adversity isn?t just a goal in itself but also a test that can result in a new and truer, more fantastic you blossoming into the world.


    Be Proud, Be Kind, Be Happy?and have a wonderful week.


    Tragic Rabbit tr@tragicrabbit.org

    Contact Awesome Dude Admin for questions or submissions at:

    Story Editor - Tragic Rabbit ? story-editor@awesomedude.com

    Poetry Editor ? RusticMonk86 ? poetry-editor@awesomedude.com

    The Great and Awesome Dude ? dude@awesomedude.comimg][img][/size]

  10. Two aliens landed in the Arizona desert near a gas station that was closed for the night. They approached one of the gas pumps and the younger alien addressed it saying, "Greetings, Earthling. We come in peace. Take us to your leader."

    The gas pump, of course, didn't respond. The younger alien became angry at the lack of response and the older alien said, "I'd calm down if I were you. The younger alien ignored the warning and repeated his greeting. Again, there was no response.

    Annoyed by what he perceived to be the pump's haughty attitude, he drew his ray gun and said impatiently, "Greetings, Earthling. We come in peace. Do not ignore us this way! Take us to your leader or I will fire!"

    The older alien warned his comrade saying, "You don't want to do that! I don't think you should make him mad." "Rubbish," replied the cocky, young alien. He aimed his weapon at the pump and opened fire. There was a huge explosion.

    A massive fireball roared towards them and blew the younger alien off his feet and deposited him a burnt, crumpling mess about 200 yards away in a cactus patch. About a half hour passed.

    When he finally regained consciousness, he refocused his three eyes and straightened his bent antenna and looked dazedly at the older, wiser alien who was standing over him shaking his big, green head. "What a ferocious creature!" exclaimed the young, fried alien. "He damn near killed me! How did you know he was so dangerous?"

    The older alien leaned over, placed a friendly feeler on his crispy friend and replied, "If there's one thing I've learned during my intergalactic travels, when a guy has a penis he can wrap around himself twice and then stick it in his ear, you don't want to mess with him!"


  11. cutting class

    by TR

    lit cigarettes

    cupped in hands grown large

    five awkward bodies

    crouching in grass

    behind the gym

    jean knees in dirt

    all black shirts and boots

    shoulders touch, eyes dart

    seek enemy

    teenage radar

    you take a drag

    then pass it along

    in lifelike quiet

    angry beyond words

    there?s no language

    random rebel

    no cause and no clue

    why hate?s so easy

    stupid teachers

    and boring girls

    better than home

    to sit in silence

    sweeter than weed smoke

    inhale and hold

    onto this day

    years will change you

    dimming memories

    stifling loves and aches

    what draws you close

    pulls you apart

    moment captured

    in kodak colors

    forever sixteen

    time on your side

    nothing to lose

    except your self


  12. I tend to just fold down the corner of the page if it's a paperback, but then girls around me are all "AGH! ohmigod, how can you do that to a book? ABUSE!" and I'm just like "wtf mate?"

    But with a hardback, I'll use the dustjacket. Hey, if it's there, use it! Also those pages are made of tougher stock and don't fold/unfold as nicely.

    I definitely have a habit of writing in my books, and not just books for classes. I just leave myself little notes or underline bits that I think are really great. Of course, none of the comments make ANY sense to anyone else who picks it up.

    OKay, mate, I DO 'dogear' the pages of paperbacks, if nothing else is handy AND if it belongs to me. Not often, though I did as a kid and had to be scolded by MANY librarians (and Mother) before I was broken of the habit. It really is a nasty habit, I do admit, and serious book abuse. ](*,)

    Hardbacks, hard-to-find books, some authors, even in PB, I'd never dogear. The thing with that is the corner does fall off at some point...maybe by then, it's drifted off to a new owner but, hey, would you like to get a book with little corners missing? :pukeleft:

    I do ALSO underline (I used highlighters a lot in college and use them still for my 'study' type books...a hard category for me to define, but so what?) IN PENCIL, and if it's a book that I don't consider intrinsically valuable, and then ONLY if I don't have those little post-it flags handy....I really do need to grab a couple packs asap. Right now, I have one set in my 'carry' Bible (I have two, one from each parent, that I use right now) but that's it.

    Now, our ArchAngel :angel8: writing in his textbooks, that's something I understand, though didn't do, I used highlighters. He's still in college and that's a lot of textbooks, well, maybe depending on his areas of study. I remember that bookstores that bought back classbooks took off $ for written-in ones but not for highlighted ones, and I can see the distinction myself. You can far more easily ignore someone else's highlighting than someone's scrawlings...esp in unerasable PEN (boo, hiss!).

    I think if you're older and going back to college, maybe you'd be less likely to write, maybe even highlight, in textbooks? I do sometimes highlight, again, in what I call study books, though I'm not taking any college courses ( I do sometimes take 'classes' at church or the local GLBT Ctr, etc).

    If it's a line or passage I want to look back at, I prefer either writing it down elsewhere (aka 'taking notes', lol) or using those post-it flags. I used index cards some when I was competitively debating (that's high school and college) but no longer keep them about, tho yeah, they make fine bookmarks.

    And Blue :brilsmurf: , I choose to sometimes purchase bookmarks BUT many places just hand them out free or have them in stacks. I grab a batch whenever I see those, so have all sorts of slogans on them. I just have that thing I mentioned for cute little tassled bookmarks with quotes or photos on them that I like, though Heidi Ho! actively seeks them out and destroys the tassle. Guess we both have a thing for tassles.

    I have a fair number of 'older' books, anything from pop or sci-fi paperbacks printed in the 50s and 60s to hardbacks from the very early 20th century, and a few from the late 19th. So, people do get books after you, unless you're some kind of nutter and just throw books in the trash! You should always pass on books (and wearable clothes/working household items) to others who might want them after you. [-X

    I'm a big believer in the mobility of things and getting the most use from a thing that's possible. Thrift shops, charity sales, all types of places take them, or you can sell them on via Ebay. Whatever, just that one person's junk is someone else's useful item or even treasure...and that is most true of BOOKS. Be good to them!



    TR :albino:

  13. B-Boy Blues, Wicked and Farenheit 451 (which I still haven't finished.)

    All good books. Bradbury's 451 is a classic, of course, and Truffaut made a film in 1966 from the book that's pretty cool. I really fell in love with Bradbury's prose at a very young age, maybe first or second grade. That book's actually nowhere near my favorite of his stories. (and Truffaut is one of the best filmmakers who ever lived. )http://www.prairienet.org/ejahiel/fahrenheit_451.htm

    Wicked was a fun book but wasn't much like the show at all, and I don't much like any of his other books that I've read. I was turned on to the B-Boy Blues stuff by a bisexual female friend of mine, as a matter of fact.

    Pencil is okay, you're exonerated. :p

    It's not mixing up the books, it's mixing up the numbers for the books. I just hate skimming pages to find where I was, I prefer to just open the thing. Maybe I'm just lazy?



  14. Uh, you can only choose one. So I didn't vote. I use three of these listed: 'store bought' bookmarks, anything-handy bookmarks and folding back the dustjacket.

    I never use rubber bands, rulers, pens/pencils or memory though am guilty of the occasional dog-eared corner but never on borrowed books or anything other than an inexpensive paperback...and only in a pinch these days. I buy or pick up free bookmarks constantly, almost always fold in the dustjacket if the book has one that's long enough, OR use the book's own receipt, random coupons, notes, envelope, cat toy, post-it, etc. I esp like tassled bookmarks of laminated paper, leather or other but one of my cats has a tassle fetish and always grabs them (even out of the book) and runs off to hide them and chew up the tassle so...I'm currently out of tassled bookmarks. :?

    I don't see how memory would work if you read a lot of books at once, which I and I think a lot of people do. I mean, you'd get the pages mixed up between books, surely? Not that I'm sure it's not possible for some people to do. Just seems...more for the one book at a time person and even then, maybe not so easy.

    Gabe, you will go to HELL for folding back the actual pages!! Bad, bad boy.

    And don't write in books either, have some respect, guys.

    Paul, no you are not and they in fact make a specific post-it FOR marking places, you buy a pack of varied colors, little slim post-its that stick, and are FABULOUS for using in a book you're studying or refering to regularly. They not only stay and stick but you can jot this or that small note on them, too. REALLY handy for many, many things. I use them in my Bibles and several reference books, poetry books and others. Great little invention, that, esp that version of post-its. I need to get a new pack of those, actually. And a couple new tassled bookmarks...



  15. Let it go, Blue. I am not angry, I am not unhappy, I am...fine. All will be well soon, I was just wishing folk would read my poems and, since they don't, I have been removing them from the Forum and not posting all of them. Which is maybe for the best, who the hell knows. I need to get back to the prose and am waiting to hear from my lovely new Editor. Also reorganizing the Rabbithole so that I can better work and live in it.

    I am now leash training my Maine Coon cat, btw. :oops:



  16. Hey, Rabbit!

    I really wish you wouldn't pull stuff and get discouraged at lack of feedback.

    I wasn't being a total asshole, I was talking about 'hits' or number of reads for poems I put up, not the lack of feedback, which is also not fun, btw. In other words, just what I said, that 'no one' was reading my poems. Well, not many ones. And okay, yes, I was ranting, gimme a break.

    I am working on getting back to work. Really.



  17. [i wrote this for the Dude, on the day Squeakie died. I'd put it up here, then taken it down, but he asked me to return it to the Forum. So...here it is, with my love and sympathy. ~TR]

    calico angels

    calico angels, wings in the sky

    no one had told you, felines don?t fly

    Smoochie and Jiji and my little Squeaks

    all gone aloft in only six weeks

    patches of orange, palest dove white

    sail there in your ethereal flight

    little girls, sweet ones, smile down on me

    come to my dreams, help set my hurt free

    for my heart?s breaking, I am alone

    and what hurts the worst is the unknown

    if I know you?re watching o'er me

    I might stop weeping, filling the sea

    salt of my sorrow raining on down

    flooding the oceans till my heart drowns

    speak to me, tell me, show me you?re there

    give me some surcease from this despair

    for you?re my darlings, my little girls

    heart of my heart, more precious than pearls

    but if I know that you?re watching me

    I?ll try to be strong and let you fly free


  18. Not only does no one like most of my poems, or any, no one even reads them. This is why I've started removing some from the Forum...and, naturally, no one noticed. Are they all that bad or too weird or too varied or...what? Is this my punishment for the last months of depression and prose hiatus? Do I just suck, poetically speaking? Clue, please!

    If it makes a difference, I am about to descend from the Hiatus, courtesy of several people, including vwl who has asked to be my Editor...or maybe he asked to be my houseboy, I get the two mixed up. And, as always, the peerless El Duderino himself is an inspiration and a joy to know. Plus lots of lovely letters from Drama Club readers and, gasp, even readers of Murder on the Oscar Wilde...that other thing no one was reading.

    Sometimes TR just needs a hug, I guess. Or a slap. Writing will start appearing this month, including on DC and Oscar Wilde. Really. I'm reorganizing my home, my head and my workspace, top to bottom for maximum happiness, efficiency and harmony. Health might be on the upswing, too, not sure. Going to update the Rabbithole this weekend, I think, with the Dude's assistance.

    Bleh. I do suck.


  19. throw me a bone

    is that a bone in your pants, sailor boy

    maybe you think i?m a dog

    i don?t have time for this dance, pretty boy

    i can see clear through the fog

    i don?t mind waiting my turn for a man

    but don?t keep me on a string

    tie myself to a new kite if i can

    then you?d sure look a Fool King

    hon, is that a gleam in your eye for me

    or do you just have an itch

    are you hopping because you?ve got a flea

    or just wanna hit my switch

    sometimes i don?t mind playing those games

    right now i don?t want Hoyle rules

    and tonight i?m not only taking names

    i need to meet after school

    so if you?re a prince, you can have my kiss

    you?d better not be a frog

    be ready to jump, but try not to miss

    you?ve got one chance at this log

    so come on, knock at my party time door

    you?re sure a trick and a treat

    ready to play and got prizes galore

    been shopping for the right sweet

    ?nearly? just counts for horseshoes and grenades

    so better make up your mind

    we all know how fast dance-floor glamour fades

    let me be your lucky find

    let?s go on home and play fetch with your bone

    or maybe just hide and seek

    for tonight i don?t want to sleep alone

    i wanna hear bodies speak


  20. a boy like that

    i know you know

    a boy like that:

    sweet in the pants

    soft in the heart

    you can?t ignore

    a boy like that;

    doesn?t belong

    doesn?t behave

    you don?t deny

    a boy like that;

    strange fairy child

    flame in the dark

    you won?t look at

    a boy like that;

    funny, fey boy

    light on his feet

    but when you meet

    a boy like that,

    what do you think

    why do you blink

    why do you care

    if an odd boy

    walks by your side

    talks in your ear

    something in you

    knows the gay boy;

    something in him

    suspects the truth

    so he knows why

    a boy like that

    makes you feel queer

    makes you feel fear

    maybe some day

    a boy like that

    will be your friend

    and fears can end


  21. yes, i know it?s been years (for Mark)

    yes, i know it?s been years

    but i wanted to tell you

    that i?m grateful for you and me

    i know then, way back when

    i didn?t know what it was that you gave me;

    saw you, had no clue, took it all as my due

    but i know now what it was worth

    you followed me, loved me, you were mine

    you gave everything that you had;

    i didn?t know, didn?t see

    i didn?t understand it all, baby

    you were scared, i was cool, you were crazy

    in those long-ago high school halls;

    i said yes, you felt blessed, i couldn?t care less

    oh, i see now that i was a child

    but the gift that you gave

    may have managed to save

    and open this heart for the rest of my life

    i learned love, i learned trust

    we tasted diamonds and dust

    and it all helped make me the man that i am;

    i wish you could see what it means to me

    and how i look back on it all with a smile

    you know, i?d give anything

    to be wearing your ring

    walking to class, side by side

    one more time

    for a moment

    like a dream

    to reach back and give you my thanks


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