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Great story Des.

I had a similar dream, but in my dream, I was the abductor. I hijacked a straight redneck and then forced him to admit that he secretely had been reading the stories on Awesomedude.

Great minds do indeed think alike. :hug:

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Thanks Richard. I'm glad you liked the story.

What's really weird is that part of the story was indeed inspired by a dream I had. How did you know? :hehe:

Perhaps great dreamers, dream alike too. :hug:

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my dream, I was the abductor. I hijacked a straight redneck and then forced him to admit that he secretely had been reading the stories on Awesomedude.

I've slept with that redneck in tightie whities on a drunken Saturday night before church and his fantasies are far kinkier than most of the stuff here at awesomedude.

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A beautifully crafted story-with-a-message. Thank you Des!

It is easy to forget the sheer size of the internet and assume that the readers of our stories here at AD are the AD members - even just the visibly active members - a few dozen of us. In fact I have little doubt that there are many thousands of readers of our stuff and in most cases we will never know what effect our stories have had. I like to think that the import of most if not all of the work hosted here is positive and uplifting, ultimately, so we should not underestimate the force for good that AD represents.

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Thank you Cole, James and Bruin. Your comments have reassured me that I need not have worried about putting my 'persona' in the story, you have all made it obvious you got the message in the way it was intended. :icon1:

James, you don't know kinky until you have been bedded by a beer drinking, guilt-ridden, God-fearing Aussie redneck, who wants to talk about why his wife doesn't understand his love of football. Weird to say the least. :wink:

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