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Things that make you got WTF!?

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Sometimes you see something that the only possible reaction to is WTF!?

This little gem was at a rummage sale held by a Catholic diocese. The Alter-boy candle holders came complete with creepy candles.


I mean... come on... WTF!?

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I went to Catholic school through the 5th grade. I was never an altar boy, thank God (though I was probably an alter boy :icon_geek:). There were always a lot of jokes about what went on under their vestments. Now I know! :wav:

Colin :wav:

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I went to Catholic school through the 5th grade. I was never an altar boy, thank God (though I was probably an alter boy :icon_geek:). There were always a lot of jokes about what went on under their vestments. Now I know! :wav:

Colin :wav:

That's a big relief. Here I was afraid the AD forums were corrupting the youth of our nation, and here I learn they were already corrupted.



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Why wait to get attached to your balls?


When an amateur just won't do.


You really can get everything you need at a country store.


Popular joint.


I'm wondering what is in the gift shop.

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When an amateur just won't do.

When I was in 7th grade a kid told us a joke that illustrates how the mind of a 7th grader works. I won't tell the entire joke, it would take way too long and it's late and time for me to hit the sack.

Anyway, it's the first week of school and this kid starts telling us what he did during summer vacation. He says he worked on a charter sport fishing boat his dad owns. They'd sail out of San Francisco Bay and go to the Farallon Islands where the fishing is really good. Because he was just a kid, he got the grunt jobs on the boat, including having to clean fish and bring bait to the fishermen.

OK, you can see where this is going, right?

So the kid goes through this long explanation of every job he did on the boat, and we're all listening because it's interesting. Hey, we were what, 11 years old? Anything new and different was interesting. Anyway, the kid goes on and on for maybe 5 minutes, telling us that after a couple of trips he was assigned to the bait station, filling the buckets with bait and bringing them to the men who were fishing. He described how he did such a great job that he was promoted so he wouldn't have to actually bring the buckets to the men, he had another kid working for him that did that. He was in charge of getting the bait into the buckets, a much more prestigious job. He did so well that his dad made him the head of the bait station and gave him a title: he became the Master Baiter. :wav:

Of course, once we caught on (because the kid stretched out the time between the words 'master' and 'baiter' it took a few seconds for the first kids to figure it out and start laughing, and others longer, and some not at all) we thought this was the funniest joke we'd ever heard. Really, ever! :wav: My only disappointment was when I realized that I couldn't tell it at home. :icon_geek:

Colin :wav:

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Believe it or not, it's true that we have a member (!) of our video store whose surname is, you guessed it, 'Bates.'

Mr. Bates came in to the store one Saturday with his 12 year old son, who he proudly announced as, "This is my son, young Master Bates." He then went into hysterical laughter whilst my partner and I stared dead ahead with deer in the spotlight expressions, :icon11: and Young Master Bates rolled his eyes in a "I've heard it all before," look on his face. :rolleyes:

I guess Father and son have had "The Talk."

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