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Writing by Nicholas Hall

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I've recently come across a series of novels and stories by Nichollas Hall on Nifty after a recommendation from a friend. Some of his work is not suitable for AD but there is some good story telling and he addresses some challenging issues, so, in my opinion is a writer worth reading. I would recommend "Gif's Island", "Parkers Love", "Heart of a Dancer" and "West Otter Lake" in particular.

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Nicholas Hall was one of the first authors I came across when searching for gay (short) stories on the internet, and have enjoyed all that I have read so far although inevitably some more than others. I would like to add the short ' Railroad Bridges' to Nigel's recommendations.

Through searching for Nick's stories I found the IOMFATS, Nifty & CRVboy sites and following another author from there lead me to find AD and all the goodies herein!

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