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Lesson learned by Andrew Todd

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I was surprised that this forum topic has not been created yet. Lessons learned is an excellent sequel to riding lessons. Riding lessons was a very optimistic story, about boys coming out of their shells, and making friends through houseriding. Lessons learned is a much darker story, which I really like, I like stories that make me afraid for the characters, or interested in their pasts. During the latest chapter - Dylan - I actually felt tearful (don't judge me). It is sad because that stuff does happen in real life.

I like characters. Characters make a story, and in this story - while it is overly optimistic at times - does have believable characters, in my opinion.

I have never been interested in horseriding, and I don't think I will take it up, but these stories does make it interesting. The technical language isn't so advanced that it makes it hard for those who don't ride.

Sorry if parts of this post is unclear, I don't mean any offense.

See you around. :)

Nathan Green

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Guest RBartlett

Andrew must work with horses his knowledge and the level of detail he puts in his stories is impressive. I haven't started Lessons Learned yet but I'm looking forward to it. Ridding Lessons was excellent.

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These stories are too perfect, they're not true to life. The story line is unrealistic because of this. I will still read it, as I like the characters, and overall it is still a good story. At the beginning of the latest chapter, I thought, if they find Dodger, I am not going to be happy. Call me a sadist, but I like characters to have a little adversity. The coincidences add up to give unrealism.

Sorry for any offence, I don't mean to offend, just my honest opinion.

Nathan Green

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Nathan, I have the advantage of having read this series elsewhere and can assure you there is a little adversity in them. Carry on reading and I think you will find that they have enough grit in them.

With respect to Dylan finding Dodger, it may sound like a co-incidence too far but fifty odd years ago almost the exact same scenario took place for a friend of mine. He had lost his horse when he was taken into care after the death of his parents, then found it three years later whilst doing voluntary work with the RSPCA, Fortunately by that time he was out of care and had the resources to look after the horse. They went on to become quite well known personalities on the international equestrian scene.

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  • 1 month later...

I read the whole series (as far as I know) elsewhere and really enjoyed it. I happen to live very close to an area with a lot of horses and riding, although I've never taken advantage of it myself. It's very cool to read about horses and horsemanship.

My only regret is that I wish Andrew would resume working on his unfinished story "The Chosen."


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  • 3 weeks later...

Riding Lessons (and both sequels) happened to be the first proper on-line gay story I ever came across. Not a bad way to start and I especially like the beautifully tender love scenes in first few chapters of Riding Lessons which, having read nearly everything else going, still rate pretty highly IMHO. What I wouldn't have given for a summer like that in my teenage years! Probably because Andrew Todd was the first author I read I did a little light digging online and found a couple of his previous blogs in which he explains his passion for horses - try this blog page and this one too - if you're interested. I always wondered how Andrew was going to conclude the saga as I neared the final chapter of Second Chances - much to my relief I think he pulls it off rather well.

In another of Andrew's blogs he mentions that his own favourite story is Brew Maxwell's epic "Foley-Mashburn Saga" (Maxwell, Brew if you're perusing the CRVBoy list - the F-M saga starts with "Tim's Story" - but I'm sure you've all read this classic yonks ago - why this has never made it onto AD has always puzzled me?) - so the huge F-M Saga was the second story I read. I suppose you could accuse both of these stories of being overly optimistic - but what the hell - entertaining stories don't all have to be full of doom and gloom - there's more than enough of that to go round in this world.

BTW - If you haven't read Andrew Todd's fun and unusual ménage à trois story "Three Hearts" (Nifty) then I would happily recommend it - only 7 chapters so it won't take you all week to read like Riding Lessons + Lessons Learned + Second Chances! Hopefully this story will make it onto AD idc too?

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