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Looking for a specific story...


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The story starts off at a nudist party near Berkeley University. The protagonist and his roommate are attending for the first time since they became legal adults, though they had gone several times before they were legal. While they're there, the protagonist ends up getting in the pool and meeting a highschool boy that he falls in love with. They're only a few years apart, but the story focuses a lot around how the protagonist is worried about their age difference and how he is dating someone below the legal age...

Anyone know what I'm talking about? I know that my boyfriend would really enjoy it, and I wanted to give him the link but I can't seem to find it anywhere.

Thank you in advance to anyone who can help.

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THANK YOU!!! Yes, this is definitely it. I knew it was on AwesomeDude, but I couldn't for the life of me find it...

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