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Sex and the Church

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A new series has started on BBC Two Television entitled Sex and the Church, it raises some interesting points about the Church's attitude to sex and why they arose. If you can access the BBC IPlayer you can find it here:


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The only thing available outside the UK is short clips but they sound interesting.

I sent the link to a friend in Canada and she has been able to view it. Not certain how she did it, might have used a VPN.

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I sent the link to a friend in Canada and she has been able to view it. Not certain how she did it, might have used a VPN.

Yes VPN works fine. Downloading it in iPlayer now for HD viewing tonight on the 'big screen!

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The latest episode has just been shown on BBC2 and it has some interesting facts in it. For the first thousand years of the Christian Church, marriage was a purely civil matter. It did not become a church matter till after 1072. Also the Catholic Church seems to have a long history of covering up child sex abuse by its members.

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Should be watched by everyone in my opinion. Shocking to some, no doubt, but in reality it is liberating in its exposé of religion's cruelty and manipulation of the people and their beliefs. Above all, it enables and empowers our ability to realise that sex is not a sin. The remnants of the horrors were still apparent when I was a young man, and still needlessly influence many today.

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Just heard a Catholic Theologian on the radio talking about the upcoming referendum on Gay Marriage in Eire, he stated that the core teaching of Jesus was that marriage was between an man and a woman. Clearly he should have seem episode 2!

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I've reached the point to where I really don't care what religious nuts think about anything.

They've got their imaginary friend. They can talk to him all they want.

Just leave me out of it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is an outstanding series. Too bad the morons who should watch it won't.

It's on the YouTube channel on Amazon TV. It's much better on a big screen.

Colin :icon_geek:

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This is an outstanding series. Too bad the morons who should watch it won't.

That's always the problem, those that need to see it would never even think of watching it.

The fact that it is produced by the BBC is enough to brand it the work of the devil for some groups.

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That's always the problem, those that need to see it would never even think of watching it.

The fact that it is produced by the BBC is enough to brand it the work of the devil for some groups.

Ah yes, the voice of reason is always the devil's work.

As the late Christopher Hitchens said, "Religion poisons everything."

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