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Troye Sivan - Blue Neighborhood (3/3)


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This young man has some really amazing talent and I look forward to watching him develop in the coming years. But like many great pieces of art this final part of his trilogy is filled with emotion and yet leaves me dumbfounded. I just don't get the image he left us holding...what happened?

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I love this trilogy!

This young man has some really amazing talent and I look forward to watching him develop in the coming years. But like many great pieces of art this final part of his trilogy is filled with emotion and yet leaves me dumbfounded. I just don't get the image he left us holding...what happened?

Hello Chris, nice to meet ya! As for your question... The ending had "Troye's guy" kinda moving/stepping-forward then changing scene to the two boys jumping from the dock. So personally, I think the guy committed suicide.

Of course, I could be totally wrong.

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Yeah... I got the impression that 'Troye's guy' (played by Troye, himself) jumped.

It is a sad commentary on what happens all too often in real life.

A controversial video, but like many controversial stories here at AD, very well executed.

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Sorry, Dude, but I have to disagree on one point. The boyfriend was not played by Troye. But then, I can't prove it beyond a shadow of a doubt because I've searched and searched and can't find a listing of the cast. I wonder why all the secrecy? LOL.

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I am not in favor of the suicide leap off the cliff since I don't think that would be the kind of message Troye would send to his viewers. Of course I have nothing specific to base that on. Perhaps he will enlighten us at some point.

Matthew Eriksson is the boyfriend, and what a wonderful acting job he does, they both do. I am in favor of non-verbal images in the telling of this story. The raves Troye is getting online include pleas for a Part 4 since many of the viewers are like us and unsure how to take the ending. Quite the artistic endeavor, I look forward to the future films Troye makes.

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Yes, I think it is the father of the character played by Matthew that has died. Considering what Matthew's character has given up in order to remain true to his father's requirements, the bond with that drunken bastard must have been incredibly powerful.

I vote for jumped.

Aren't these production values incredible? The photography, the lighting, the color control, the pacing. I am absolutely agog, and cannot wait for more.

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Hello Mr. Pi (Drew), welcome to the forum.

I suppose my thoughts on this ending are based upon the way we seem to think here on AD. Our objective seems to be the encouragement of gay youth to see life as a series of possibilities. I would like to think Troye feels the same way. That would mean nothing in life is worth killing yourself even if it causes pain. Optimistically: there is always a tomorrow and things change.

Relationships of every kind are hard, and those born during adolescence seem to be the most difficult. This is why we write positive and affirming stories about gay relationships. Any other approach is counterproductive in a world where the bonds between people should mean more than the negative.

As a gay man I see so much negative coming from those who ought to know better. I will not make this a religious rant. It is not just the Christian Right, it is all the negative religious ideals in our society. I give you with this line from the Quran:

"If God should punish men according to what they deserve...he would not leave so much as a beast on the back of the Earth."

I am convinced that the God ideal is the most destructive force on the planet. If God would have us all destroyed then who will be around to kiss his ass? (snark)

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Hi Pi,

First, despite what Cole said you are definitely not square.

Second, I agree with those who say that Troy jumped off the cliff. Who says that a story, or a music vid, or a film, has to have a happy ending?

Colin :icon_geek:

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He jumped because his boyfriend decided to follow his father's wishes, even after he had died, and walked with his girlfriend away from his former boyfriend.

Colin :icon_geek:

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Hello Mr. Pi (Drew), welcome to the forum.

I suppose my thoughts on this ending are based upon the way we seem to think here on AD. Our objective seems to be the encouragement of gay youth to see life as a series of possibilities. I would like to think Troye feels the same way. That would mean nothing in life is worth killing yourself even if it causes pain. Optimistically: there is always a tomorrow and things change.

Relationships of every kind are hard, and those born during adolescence seem to be the most difficult. This is why we write positive and affirming stories about gay relationships. Any other approach is counterproductive in a world where the bonds between people should mean more than the negative.

As a gay man I see so much negative coming from those who ought to know better. I will not make this a religious rant. It is not just the Christian Right, it is all the negative religious ideals in our society. I give you with this line from the Quran:

"If God should punish men according to what they deserve...he would not leave so much as a beast on the back of the Earth."

I am convinced that the God ideal is the most destructive force on the planet. If God would have us all destroyed then who will be around to kiss his ass? (snark)

Chris, I love stories that have their happily ever after :icon1: but the reality isn't always so. I believe Troye was showing that not everything can have a HEA.

He jumped because his boyfriend decided to follow his father's wishes, even after he had died, and walked with his girlfriend away from his former boyfriend.

Colin :icon_geek:

I'm confused, I thought Matthew's character was the one to jump and not Troye's.

Hm... I need to re-watch it to figure it out... and not to watch it for the thousandth time because I love it... :angel2[1]:

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And since everyone is weighing in, I suppose I should add my guilded copper's worth.

As I watched the final moments of the film, like everyone else, I saw the little boys jump into the lake and made the obvious connection...the boyfriend jumped. But then we flashed back to the cliff, not quite having made that decision yet and we panned out to the mighty ocean and the implied message that there was still so much of life to live for.

I choose to refrain from deciding one way or the other. I prefer to believe the ending was meant to be completely ambiguous, sending us the message that even at the brink of desperation and hopelessness, there is hope. Yes, some will jump, but others will turn away and choose to embrace the vast possibilities that wide open ocean implies. Even in hopelessness, there can be that glimmer of hope. Some will choose to embrace that small glimmer, others will not.

And one final note. You know, it really doesn't matter if he jumped or not, the series of movies were meant to get people thinking and talking.

Seems to be working.

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