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Everything posted by TalonRider

  1. A frog goes into a bank and approaches the teller. He can see from her nameplate that her name is Patricia Whack. "Miss Whack, I'd like to get a $15,000 loan to take a holiday." Patty looks at the frog in disbelief and asks his name. The frog says his name is Kermit Jagger, his dad is Mick Jagger, and that it's okay, he knows the bank manager. Patty explains that he will need to secure the loan with some collateral. The frog says, "Sure, I have this", and produces a tiny porcelain elephant, about half an inch, bright pink and perfectly formed. Very confused, Patty explains that she'll have to consult with the bank manager and disappears into a back office. She finds the manager and says, "There's a frog called Kermit Jagger out there who claims to know you and wants to borrow $15,000, and he wants to use this as collateral". She holds up the tiny pink elephant. "I mean, what in the world is this?" (you're gonna love this) (It's a real treat) (masterpiece) (wait for it) The bank manager looks back at her and says...... "It's knickknack, Patty Whack. Give the frog a loan. His old man's a Rolling Stone". ((You're singing it, aren't you???!!!) :D
  2. The following is a true story about a recent weddding that took place at Clemson University. There was huge weddding for about 300 guests. After the wedding at the rectption, the groom got up on stage at the microphone to talk to the crowd. He said that he wanted to thank everyone for coming, many long distances, to support them at their wedding. he especially wanted to thank the bride and groom's families for coming and to thank his new father-in-law for providing such a fabulous reception. To thank everyone for coming and bringing gifts, he said he wanted to give everyone a special gift from just him. So taped to the bottom of everyone's chair, including the wedding party, was a manila envelope. He said that this was his gift to everyone, and told everyone to open the envelopes. Inside the manilia envelope was an 8x10 picture of his best man having sex with the bride. (He'd gotten suspicious of the two and hired a private detective to trail them weeks prior to the wedding). After he stood there and watched people's reactions for a couple of minutes, he turned to the best man and said, "F--- you," he turned to the bride and said "F--- you," and then he turned to the dumb founded crowed and said"I'm out of here!" He had the marriage annulled the first thing that Monday morning. While most of us would have broken off the engagement immediately after finding out about the affair, this guy goes through with it anyway as if anything was wrong. His revenge: 1) Making the bride's parents pay over $32,000 for a 300 guest weddding and reception. 2) Letting everyone know exactly what did happen. 3) And best of all, trashing the bride's and best man's reputaions in front of their friends, parents, brothers, sisters, grandparents, nieces and nephews, etc. This guy has gonads the size of church bells. It's his world, we just live in it.
  3. Picture yourself near a stream. Birds are singing in the crisp, cool mountain air. Nothing can bother you here. No one knows this secret place. You are in total seclusion from that place called the world. The soothing sound of a gentle waterfall fills the air with a cascade of serenity. The water is clear. You can easily make out the face of the person whose head you're holding under the water. There now, feeling better?
  4. Talk about a huge breast. Tying the legs together keeps the inside moist. It Cool Whip time If I don't undo my pants, I'll bust. Whew, that's one terrific spread. I'm in the mood for a little dark meat. Are you ready for seconds yet? It's a little dry, do you stil want to eat it? Just wait your turn, you'll get some. Don't play witth your meat. Just spread the legs open and stuff in in. Do you really think you'll be able to handle all those people at once? You still have a little bit on your chin. Use a nice smooth stroke when you whip it. I didn't expect everyone to come at once. How long will it take after you stick it in? You'll know it's ready when it pops up! How many are coming? That's the biggest one I've ever seen! How long do I beat it before it's ready? Just lay back and take it easy...I'll do the rest.
  5. Morning Sex John woke up one morning immensely aroused so he turned over to his wife's side of the bed. His wife, Heather, had already awakened though, and she was downstairs preparing breakfast in the kitchen. Afraid that he might spoil things by getting up, John called his little boy into he room and asked him to "take this note to your beautiful Mommy." The note read: The Tent Pole Is Up, The Canvas Is Spread, The Hell With Breakfast, Come Back To Bed. Heather, grinning, answered the note and then asked her son to "take this to your silly Daddy. The note read: Take The Tent Pole Down, Put The Canvas Away, The Monkey Had A Hemorrhage, No Circus Today. John read the note and quickly scribbled a reply. Then, he asked his son to take it back to "the lady in the kitchen." The note read: The Tent Pole's Still Up, And The Canvas Still Spread, So Drop What You're Doing, And Come Give Me Some Head. Laughing, Heather answered the note and then asked her son to "take this to the poor dude upstairs." The note read: I'm Sure That Your Pole's The Best In The Land. But I'm Busy Right Now, Do It By Hand!
  6. Trab, Mmy apologies if I've offended you, that wasn't my intention. I've been reading TSOI myself, I'm even on my second time thru, picking up things I missed the first time. As an Editor, of sorts, I've noticed probably the same things you have. After each new chapter, I take the time to email Jamie my thoughts on the chapter, good and bad. Sometimes it's a short one and sometimes it's a long one and he replies back to me. We've had some nice discussions. He takes the time to answer any questions I have without revealing anything, which I never expect an author to that. Out of all the Authors I've written to, he gets back to me the quickest. Just recently, I offered my services to Jamie as a proofreader to catch those words that don't fit or slipped past AJ. My offer was accepted by Jamie and I'm just waiting to be sent a chapter to do. I've even talked to AJ about this. Dude, It wasn't my intention to start something. Call it a BAD joke on my part. And your right, Jamie and AJ do make a good team. And they both will tell you things will slip by them. I know, they've both told just that. Talon
  7. Sorry Trab, you'll have to wait your turn. I've already gotten the job of proofreading, not that I've been sent anything to proof yet. Talon
  8. Well done, and congratulations, Blue.
  9. Actually, I was referring to the orginal posting which was done on May 5, 2005. I wasn't a member until recently. Jan
  10. I don't know how I could have missed this post. If I had seen this sometime ago, I wouldn't have had to send Jamie an email question on languages. But then again, if I hadn't, I don't think we would have the same friendship that we have today. After each new chapter comes out and I've read it, Jamie gets an PM from me. Sometimes it's short. Sometimes it long. I'm on my second time reading thru the story and sometimes I find something I want to comment on that ties in with something in the newest chapter. I started my second time while on vacation this past August. I took the 3 inch note book with me and spend the cool part of the morning outside. Once I read the first chapter, I was hooked and this was only a few months ago. Here again, thanks goes out to Jamessavik for telling me about it. It is my favorite Sci/Fan story. I've said this privately to both Jamie and AJ. Thank you Jamie for a great story. And Thank You AJ for your contribution to the story. Jan
  11. Actually, I think I do. And if by chance I don't have, they are in their own little folder on my C Drive. :D And, unfortunately, here it is almost 8:30 Saturday night and I'm stuck at work. Been here since 8:45 this morning. :clock:
  12. I hate reading from the computer myself. So what I do is save the story to a word doc. I'll then open it, adjust the margins, add page number to keep them on order and then print the story on both sides to save paper. The stories I like, I keep on file and hard copy. I've got several note books in use now. I've got at least 3 note books dedicated to Dewey, Graeme in 1, and I'm about to start a second note book for Jamie. The 3 inch note book is just about full. The rest of the stories I don't keep, get shredded. I do find my laptop useful to read from time to time although it gets a little unconfortable at times. :roll: :D
  13. http://thetalon.ipbhost.com/index.php?act=...ype=post&id=144
  14. As for me, I haven't been that busy. Besides waiting on the next chapter of Collision, which has been running slow and at no fault of the authors, I've editted Broken Chapter 21 for James. I've been approached by one author I've done work for in the past, asked about doing some more for him. Nothing more from him in a few weeks now. I've had nothing new from another author for a few months now. But I understand why completely. Although, I'm not the only one he uses. I've also been approached by two young writers, Harrod200 and William both of DW, about doing work for them. It's been a week now with no further word from them on the stories.I might add that, William is a young man that has had parental restrictions placed upon him so contact is limited to chat mainly. He recently came out to his mom. Plus, add into the mix, that I've got a bf now who lives in Ukraine, which tends to make things interesting, to say the least.. So other than that, I haven't done much.
  15. Dude, That I don't know. I can check their forums to see if they have anything posted concerning phpBB. If I can't find out anything there, then I'll try contacting technical support with the question. One other option I have is, I have a member at the house, a writer, who is also a skinner for them. The skins I just added, I believe were made for them by staff and made available at another Invision site. Other skins that I have, I picked up through independant sites, which included a Mozillia Firefox skin.
  16. Hey Dude, tell Big Mac that he may find a few treats at The House. I've added the avatars and the skins are now viewable to the public. D's also doing a little tweeking for me.
  17. In that case, I'll have to see what I can do for Big Mac in the way of treats. I'm in the midst of putting some new skins together along with some new emoticons. Maybe I'll have some of the tastie snacks for him. Some of the features Invision has added to the latest version is a spell check, the only problem is, it doesn't work with Firefox, only IE. However, I did find that Mozilla Firefox has a Google tool bar that includes a spell check that will work. Another feature I like is the edit function for posts. There is now 2 options to choose from. One allows you to edit the way you normally would. The other opens the post for a quick edit. It does not show you a url if you have one posted. They've increased the size of the color pallet for fonts and increased the size of the font list. But I'll see what I can do for Big Mac.
  18. Not a problem. Actually, it looks better enlarged than button size. :D
  19. It would appear, since it's getting close to Halloween, that one of my Jack-o-Lanterns has found its way from The House to Awesomedudes.Must have been one of those pesky hobgoblins.
  20. http://thetalon.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=2285
  21. The first National Coming Out Day took place on October 11, 1988, a date chosen to mark the one year anniversary of the March on Washington for Gay and Lesbian Rights, but it?s appropriate that the day meant to encourage gays and lesbians to come out of the closet shares the month with Halloween. There are many similarities to life in the closet and the holiday in which we don masks, dress in costumes, knock on doors and squeal "trick or treat." For most gay people, everyday is Halloween. Our lives become a masquerade from the moment we realize our attraction to members of the same gender. It usually happens during puberty when sexual feelings begin to dominate our thoughts. Some teens accept and publicly admit their feelings even in the face of ridicule and other forms of ostracism, but most of us struggle with our desires. Before long, we quietly accept that we are homosexual, but deny it in public while attempting to pass as a member of the heterosexual majority. Pretending to be straight is a trick we play on ourselves and others, but rarely is our deception rewarded with a treat. Masks are uncomfortable and flimsy, kept in place by nothing but a thin piece of elastic string. Those who wear them live in fear that the mask will slip off. National Coming Out Day is the day when thousands of gays and lesbians give up the trick of pretending to be straight, and claim the treat of finally being themselves. Your life is yours. It does not belong to society, your family, your employer, or your pastor. It belongs to you, so come out and claim your life. Coming out has never been easier. In 1969, the year of the Stonewall riots, there were few gay rights organizations, and none succeeded in attracting the attention of mainstream society. Now, there are hundreds. The Human Rights Campaign, the National Lesbian and Gay Task Force, P-Flag, Lambda Legal and other organizations all work to help gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people claim their rightful place as equal members of society. There are even partisan political groups like Stonewall Democrats and Log Cabin Republicans. The phrase "coming out" is now so widely known that only the most isolated heterosexual is unaware that it refers to a public admission of homosexuality. And coming out has never been more important. Our visibility has made our opponents more visible, too, and they?re as outspoken as ever. They condemn us from the pulpit, and perpetuate the fiction that our "issues," notably same-sex marriage, determined the outcome of the 2004 presidential election in their favor. We can still be fired because we?re gay, and if we never get hired, we can always wonder if our sexuality was a factor. Even when we?re not out, we know the score and probably suspect others do, too, whether we tell them or not. We still have a long way to go, but we?ve come too far to return to the closet. The only way to claim our equality is to openly fight for it. The theme for the Human Rights Campaign?s Coming Out Project for 2005 is "Talk About It." In the words of HRC president Joe Solmonese, "Every single time we talk about our lives as GLBT Americans, we are another step closer to equality." This year, talk about being gay with someone you trust. If you are not comfortable initiating such a conversation, make a resolution to be honest whenever an opportunity to share the news presents itself. If a co-worker asks you why you?re not married, be brave and admit that the institution is still legally closed to you. If someone is blunt enough to ask if you?re gay, you?ll probably blush, but since your reddened face will contradict a denial, drop the mask and say it: "Yes, I?m gay." Publicly acknowledging such an important part of your life is one of the most liberating and exciting moments you?ll ever experience. It?s a treat you can only give to yourself, and it will keep on giving as you embark on a life free of that stuffy mask. You?ll feel better about yourself, and most of the people you meet will feel better about you, too. They?ll feel flattered that you trust them enough to be honest. The good will you establish will benefit gays and lesbians everywhere. Many useful tools for coming out are available on the Human Rights Campaign?s web site at hrc.org. There is also a vast library of coming out stories on the internet, most notably at comingoutstories.com. Read them, compare the experiences of other gays and lesbians with your own, and add your own story to the collection if you wish. If you?re not prepared to take that step, reading the experiences of other gays and lesbians can give you the strength you need to become ready. If you?re ready now, let me be the first to say it: Congratulations! by Brian W. Fairbanks Writer for Date.com Newsletter
  22. I have to agree, Trab. Back in those days, sex was a taboo issue. I'm 52 myself and sex was never talked about in my family.
  23. The Talon House is back and as promised, it is decorated for Halloween. http://www.thetalonhouse.com
  24. My cow's dead, so I don't need your bull.
  25. Yeah, whatever. We all played with our swords as kids.... }:> Didn't we though. :whdat:
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