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Everything posted by Rutabaga

  1. Thanks for posting another chapter. I had never heard of a pantoum. I thought the one Tony wrote in the story was quite clever, actually. Cheers, R
  2. That was a real kick in the pants. Wow. R
  3. When I was in college there was a lot of currency to a theory that a massive meteor impact years ago actually caused the earth to wobble in its orbit, altering the climate dramatically and killing off the dinosaurs. This same theory held that this impact altered the number of days in a year. R
  4. I did notice some present and past tense but wasn't going to say anything. ? R
  5. I can just hear Hawking's former colleague Roger Penrose laughing hysterically at Hawking's concerns. Penrose did a masterful job of calling into question whether artificial intelligence could ever actually come close to replacing (or even replicating) human intelligence, in his book "The Emperor's New Mind." R
  6. I probably found an outdated page -- it was linked from within one of the stories. I'll try to find it again. EDIT: The page I'm referring to is linked in a footnote at the bottom of "Don't Ask Alec." Several of the links load blank pages. I suspect this page is a remnant of past times. R
  7. I guess we should all be grateful that there errant more problems than there actually are. ? R
  8. What a lovely story, and how nice to tie together so many character threads. I'm not sure all the previous SS stories are still on working links. There is an old master list page and several of those links are broken. The stories are not accessible through the individual author pages. R
  9. Ah, the dastardly errant "-" strikes again. Glad it was easy to fix. Just thought you should know. R
  10. I note that it's 32 degrees and lightly snowing in Sanitaria Springs today, according to Weather Underground. My favorite line in the story: "I was going to say carcinogenic." R
  11. I didn't recognize the relevant name but should have been tipped off by the description. Nice bit of quasi-closure. R
  12. I've been wondering -- does the name "Sanitaria" mean there was more than one sanitarium in town? Charming story that I hope will inspire more. R
  13. What a lovely ending. Possible spoiler alert: The Edgertons deserve medals. Has anyone else here read the book, "What the Bible Really Says About Homosexuality" by Daniel A. Helminiak, Ph.D.? Very interesting stuff. R
  14. People elected to local office are supposed to be taking care of the genuine problems facing their communities. When they can't -- or if they discover they have no clue how to do so -- they find other things to latch onto as a distraction. This clearly falls in that category. I would tell these yo-yos to worry about genitals on children's book characters once they have assured that every child in their community is eating square meals every day, is in a household free of drugs and abusive behavior, and is receiving a good education. R
  15. Oh boy. Neil is clearly well down the road to perdition now. And what's this about the door not being closed all the way? R
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