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Everything posted by ChrisR

  1. The BBC published some rather amazing statistics on the subject today as well. http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-nottinghamshire-35532491
  2. I believe that both Marmite and its biological cousin Vegemite are specifically banned under auspices of the Geneva Protocol of 1925 and subsequent Chemical Weapons Convention. Poached eggs on anything other than toast are mentioned but apparently that section remains to be hashed out.
  3. Let us eschew obfuscation and revel in the manifestation of Cole's neoteric beneficence.
  4. I know a few gyreens who'll take kindly to this one. Thanks.
  5. Sometimes words like that are almost placeholders when our brain is a sentence or two behind our keyboard. It's much like when we speak. The old standard "you know" has been replaced in recent years by "I mean" but it's the same phenomenon; it gives us time to catch up. And words do stick in our brain as we go blithely though the writing action. A word that feels fresh and unique right now might be even more so a line or two down. It's all part of the process of having new eyeballs check our work for us when we think we're done. And Cole, the next time you pull into a Scandinavian McDonalds and get the lutefisk Danish Egg McMuffin with stillwasser aus Flint, what the hell do you think YOUR facial expression will be?!
  6. What is it about kids from Wales anyway!? Wow.
  7. What makes things somewhat daunting is the plethora of style guides: AP, Chicago, Strunk & White, etc. Microsoft Word has (I believe) 8 different ways to footnote a paper, depending on what style your particular group is suppsed to use. And of course the apostrope also being used as a possessive mark adds to the charm of the whole issue. Easiest thing to do for me is find the style that's right for me and my audience and damn the torpedoes!
  8. Lest anybody be worried, Spud the Movie I. II. and III are all available through Amazon, at least in USA. You'll get your John Cleese and some young kid named Troye Sivan too.
  9. In fact, Cole, I'm not familiar with coed wrestling programs at the high school level. And I find that fact neither surprising nor inappropriate. I don't think girls are considered second class but I suspect many schools would prefer to leave coed wrestling matches to off-campus venues outside of school hours. When you state that Catholics were the first complainers, the implication is that that has changed. Do you know which districts now host coed teams with boy/girl wrestling organizations? In college I engaged in fencing (club level, not NCAA) and we would occasionally practice against the women but all meets were divided by gender.
  10. What a great opening! The language and storytelling is wonderfully Mark Twainish. I do look forward to much more.
  11. Made more complicated in the past few years with the whole trans-gender issue. If a physical male who self-identifies as female can use the womens' bathrooms, how long will it be before courts rule that the same individual can join the girls' volleyball team? Perhaps even the boys' basketball team at the same time?
  12. I shall never again be able to listen to Bob Dylan quite the same way!
  13. Personally, I think this is the right moment for GI Joe to roll up with a TOW missile and take out the first house. "Any questions, boys?"
  14. Apparently available no charge on Amazon Prime
  15. Don't the modern 'humane' super glue traps work pretty much the same way? Unless you run your trap line a few times a day I'd guess they're just stuck until they're dead? And even if you find one...?
  16. The one what drives me crazy is the British use of "different than" whilst we revolutionaries use "different from". Than is a comparative, as in bigger than or longer than but that's it. Definitely not a distinguisher. Harumph. Or walk into an American school, ask if everybody speaks English, and upon their affirmative reply ask what's found between the boot and the bonnet. And whilst they stare at you, make it simpler: Does a ute have a boot? Of course if there's a Lou in the classroom, the fun has just begun,
  17. Thanks so much for posting this one, Bruin. Not often I find myself laughing out loud to utter silliness but this one did it! Great stuff! (I wonder how many tries it took, especially on the last verse.)
  18. Remember - this is Texas Tech you're talking about; not a real college. Any real Texan would tell you we won our independence from Mexico in 1836, so there! (Remember the Alamo, y'all?)
  19. Thanks for the link! Marvelous show even though I'm not certain which language some of them are speaking. Reminds me of "Pardon me, I'll read that again"<?> from many years ago. In true American gun-loving fashion, it seems that your sweet, genteel "close" is the equivalent to our "Dead End".
  20. If I may be so provincial as to borrow from The Bard, "Ay: there's the rub."
  21. Such as his statistic during the State of the Onion address that there are 28 million more Americans with health insurance today than when he took office? Wunderbar. Except if you check the gov statistics on population, there are 28 million more Americans today than when he took office, so there are exactly the same number of uninsured today as when he came in. I'm not blaming everything on Mr. O any more than I am on Messrs. Bush or Clinton or Bush or Carter or Ford or Nixon...or Geo.Wash. (I could be persuaded it was Cheney.) But NONE of the clowns currently running has impressed me with any ideas to get us out of the perpetual mess. Trump is an absolute jerk and wholly unqualified. Clinton is a felon who would be subject to impeachment. (And take all of the other clowns with her who've been "outed" in her "he did it too" defense.) As for the rest of the "also running" I see nothing of interest. Do I have a solution? No. But neither do I subscribe to putting anybody forward just because somebody else sucks even more pond water.
  22. That's not completely fair. He still has nearly a full year toi go.
  23. Best description I've seen yet is that he threw a "Trumpertantrum".
  24. Cmon Colin - Sooner or later you know he'll conflate those two positions and exile the mosquitos to the middle east and solve all of our problems. It's creative solutions that make him what he is today. Whatever that is.
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