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Everything posted by ChrisR

  1. My misinterpretation then. Sorry about that. I took the combination of descriptors -- intense, fierce exterior, nose ring, anarchism, height, spitting, language -- to be the markings of a bully, but one who the narrator sort of sees through. Perhaps now I have a better grasp of things. Thanks. [beaming out]
  2. Definitely worth it. If elected, Trump's first act will be to deport this guy. https://youtu.be/DnpO_RTSNmQ
  3. This sounds like an interesting opening to a wild ride! I like it and look forward to seeing where it takes us. Since you ask, I'll say that to me some of the speaker's comments seem out of sequence. Just as a thought, I'd probably lump features together differently, such as: * * I can't really figure out what first drew me to him. Maybe it was the rough-cut hair or the silver ring in his nose. Or perhaps it was just a sense of foreboding and an underlying intensity. Taller than me by a foot, he wore ravaged clothes printed with images and symbols of anarchy. He defiantly spat on the ground. But as I warily drew closer and examined his face I could see it in his glistening brown eyes: that fierce intensity on the exterior covered up a guarded sensitivity inside. I froze in place. I don't know how or why, but I was under his spell. * * Opinions here are just those of a whacked out gent who's spent a long time writing technical documents, so I hope your mileage varies!! :)
  4. I honestly don't see any comparison here. In a number of countries, 16 is the legal age of consent. There may be some where it is 14, but I'm not aware of any, particularly when the other "participant" is considerably over that age. The actor appears somewhat intimidating compared to a 14yo boy so I suspect it would be easy to establish a condition of intimidation. Add to that the actor's HIV status and reckless endangerment of a child would go as well. On the other hand, if our Russian winner is smart, he'll offer his slot (or should that be a "u"?) to Vlad Putin and see if that might be a wise career move.
  5. Why are they such a delight at age three? Because they're out of the Terrible Twos!!!
  6. ChrisR

    The Trial

    Mucho thanks for the comments. Figure we all have to start somewhere, be it in love, in drama, or in writing. I appreciate the positive feedback.
  7. Some kids seem to get all the luck, though moms seem universal: http://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/real-life/wtf/russian-schoolboy-wins-competition-to-live-with-porn-star-who-says-sex-is-a-possibility/news-story/8fa071a13d8da600d6b1627d92d4285c#itm=newscomau%7Chome%7Cnca-homepage-network-most-popular-newscomau%7C1%7Cschoolboy-wins-month-with-porn-star%7Chomepage%7Chomepage&itmt=1456433453665
  8. I confess to having reservations about specific anti-bullying campaigns in our schools. I have two admittedly vague reasons for those reservations. First of all, which anti-bullying targets are we to focus on this year? LGBTI? Fat kids? Redheads? Left handers? Hispanics? Muslims? Non-athletes? Uber-smarties? Physically disabled? Buck teeth? etc. etc. etc.? By the time each group has its say in the classroom, there will barely be enough time left in the school year for all the standardized tests, let alone actual learning. Secondly, why should we leave such teaching up to the schools? Are we really sure that the same teachers who've proven to be such failures in educating our kids should be the ones teaching them to respect others? Sure there are some good ones, but I'll bet that those are often the same ones who reinforce positive character in their students already. Don't get me wrong -- kids need to learn about treating people fairly. But from whom can they really learn it? I don't think political action groups are any better than other sources. It used to be the family.
  9. Wow. I had no idea. I've read all about New York but didn't realize the global reach of the demonstrations and repercussions thereof. For every step forward there is a price, and it seems that there are those willing - or called upon - to pay. It's just sad that it takes so long sometimes to begin putting things to rest.
  10. ChrisR

    The Trial

    The Trial Michael Jensen stood in deep darkness in front of the door. He could hear the voices on the other side, see an occasional shadow cross the light leaking out at the bottom. But there was no earthly way he could open that door right now. He moved over to the nearby chair, not making a sound, and sat down. He tried to find a way to be comfortable. Crossed his ankles. Set one ankle atop his knee, then reversed the position. Put his feet flat on the floor and set his head in his hands with his elbows on his knees. None of it worked. So he stood up again, tried once more to see through the blackness and let out a quiet sigh. It just plain wasn’t supposed to be like this. He had led a good life, all fifteen years of it, and he didn’t deserve this pain. This anxiety. This thing that he knew would be the shame of it all. He knew better than to have fallen for it. He had led his life quietly, trying hard to be a good son to his parents, a good brother to the two younger rug rats who’d followed in his wake. But after the prior two weeks, despite his better judgment, he’d once again fallen into temptation. This time a far more public infamy. Life, as he knew it was over. Satan himself could not have found a more compliant accomplice than Michael, and he kicked himself for it. He should have seen it coming a mile away. In fact, he told himself as he once again tried out the chair, he had seen it. And declined. Repeatedly. But it was to no avail. Bryan Tanner owned him. When Bryan Tanner talked, Michael Jensen listened. And when Michael Jensen said “No!” – Bryan Tanner went deaf. Michael stood and restarted his pacing. He paused only long enough to listen closely once more at the door. Still talking. No way could he go in. He took his three steps forward and three back. - - - It hadn’t seemed anywhere near so bad when Michael first met Bryan. He couldn’t really remember precisely when that was, but their parents had told them that they were in adjacent cribs in the maternity ward. So long as they got fed and the doctor didn’t slap their butts any more, they were happy. And they both remembered vividly their parents telling them that Bryan was nearly seven minutes older then Michael. If Michael had occasionally managed to forget, Bryan was always there to remind him. Bryan had maintained the leadership throughout the years. “C’mon. Me and you are going to the swings!” “Me and you are going to the pool!” “Me and you are going to baseball practice no matter how bad you suck!” It was relentless. Michael shook his head. It had never really seemed all that forced. It was just natural. Bryan knew what he wanted and Michael, less decisive, was always to be his accomplice. “Me and you.” The arrangement worked like clockwork for years. The Me and You Duo survived preschool playgrounds and games of freeze tag. As they made their way into real schools, they learned their letters and reading and numbers together. Whatever Bryan might not get in the classroom he would dig out of his friend that evening. “Me and you have some arithmetic homework tonight.” “Nope. Already finished mine.” “But me and you haven’t. So bring your book home.” Michael smiled at the thought. Sure enough, he’d always carried his book home and before the night was done, Bryan would be ready too. But now, things were changing. Middle school had been tough enough. And High school was a different challenge altogether. They only shared a few classes and Bryan, always sociable, seemed to have scads of friends while Michael had only a handful. Bryan had tried out for freshman football and done fairly well. Michael’s parents had bought him a clarinet and stuck him in the marching band. As second semester rolled around they both found themselves at loose ends. And that’s when Brian really began to put on the pressure. He was bound and determined that his longtime friend was going to follow his every whim once more despite serious pushback from Michael. “I’m not kidding. I think you’ll like it. Get you to loosen up some, okay? Meet new people and all that crap you always say we’re supposed to do but you never do.” “No way, Bryan. You want to? Go ahead. It’s not for me.” “So? Do it for me, okay? Me and you, like it always was.” Michael was stunned. He’d never heard Bryan be so downright bold and demanding about something before when it was something Michael honestly didn’t want to do. And it was Bryan’s turn to be even more stunned when Michael replied, “Sorry, but I’m not interested.” Neither of them knew quite what to say. Michael walked home with tears streaming down his cheeks that night. In one sense it was such a stupid little thing. In another way it was massive. He couldn’t even think straight as he threw himself into his bed and cried himself to sleep. His night was a torment of emotion-filled dreams. He remembered details of everything they had done together over the years and how much it all meant to him. From playing blocks in their playpens to playing far more fascinating – and secret – games over the past few years, Michael knew that his whole life was actually open only to one other person in the universe. That he didn’t merely like Bryan, but he loved him. Not merely loved, but was in love with him. And whatever Bryan thought was good for him, he was willing to try. It was third period before they shared a classroom. Michael was there first and waited anxiously for Bryan to make his appearance. When he did Bryan walked right past Michael without a greeting and took his place. He studiously avoided eye contact until Michael put his hand atop Bryan’s book and forced him to look up. “Sorry about last night. I’m in.” Bryan looked at him, took a deep breath, and said, “Never mind. You don’t have to.” Michael locked his eyes onto Bryan’s and said quickly and quietly, “You idiot! I said I’m in so I’m in and… and… and by the way I love you and I’m in love with you and don’t you fucking say a word, okay?” He turned around and the bell rang. - - That had been nearly three weeks ago. Nothing more had been said about Michael’s comment in the intervening days. A truce of sorts lay between them, but they did work furiously on Bryan’s scheme. Bryan was obviously working with others as well, but Michael was happy to be left on his own for the most part. It had, however, all led to this moment. Darkness and a chair. Michael stood up with a start. He was certain he had just heard a shout from Bryan through the door. It was time. He took one final moment and straightened himself, turned and opened the door. From the darkness in which he had been sitting, the sudden incredibly bright lights almost caused him to falter. But he managed to pass through the door, stiffen his trembling legs, look around at the five people standing there looking at him and say, “Ladies and gentlemen, dinner is served.” The five led the way out of the lights, through the doorway and into the darkness. As Michael closed the door firmly behind them all there came from beyond the door and those bright lights a roar of acclamation, cheering and applause. Michael even smiled. Four of the people with Michael were jumping up and down and hugging one another. Bryan turned to Michael and embraced him as he never had before. He leaned in close, kissed him gently on the cheek and said, “You did it! I’m sorry I haven’t said it before, but I’m in love with you too.” Then Bryan released Michael and shouted to all, “And now me and you…” He paused and looked directly at Michael. “I mean You and Me, need to haul ass downstage center and take our bows!”
  11. Geesh. Cole sets it up so nicely. Let's playfully pull our punts upon the pond and ponder how propelling the paddles prepares us for perfected posterities. Then... WHAM! Gotta love it.
  12. Sorry about that. My bad. This one should get you there: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/hitler-penis_us_56cb1beee4b0928f5a6c6ff9 The summary is that it's not just unknown "volk" who get penile hypospadias! As the Huffington Post cleverly stated it: Furor erupts over Nazi leader's private parts
  13. I find it interesting that the principal who was caught up in this issue apparently left the school and was replaced that Fall by his assistant. I don't find any reason for or information about his departure, but it seems he originally approved of the painting and was disappointed at having to cover it up. [http://globalnews.ca/news/1811551/covering-the-mural-was-a-misstep-principal-says-mural-will-stay-in-alberta-school/ ] He also chose to leave it uncovered after students took matters into their own hands. This could be a routine leadership change, but I find nothing about principal James Trodden retiring or leaving, only that his vice-principal was announced as the new principal that fall. [ http://www.ngps.ca/news/news/post/acting-principal-for-onoway-jr-sr-high-selected ]
  14. Having read trough several of the studies, they seem to be fairly in line that the average flaccid is 7-10 cm and erect 12-16 cm., as reported again in the latest study. [http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/271647.php] The average in online locker room stories, however, seems to replace "cm." with "in." at which point I close the story and go somewhere else. As a friend once asked me, "Where the hell are they measuring from? On the other hand, a story in today's news indicated one person whose size was most likely a personal disappointment, and perhaps had certain unforeseen side effects. [http://fttp://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/hitler-penis_us_56cb1beee4b0928f5a6c6ff9] Could Viagra have saved the world?
  15. OOOH! Loads o' LavishLy LoveLy aLLiteration there, coLinian!
  16. Ya' done it yet another time, Cole. Great reading once more. What I need is a Way-Back machine and a 3-D copier so I can transport me and a copy of Mr. O back to my high school PE class days. I really do like this guy. (I used to sail in Sea Scouts on SF Bay.) Not to mention you've given your character a great roommate. And I damn near fell out of my chair on 'eschew'. Thanks again.
  17. ChrisR

    Hidden Talents

    Thank you for posting the links, Cole. Although I've heard the seen the 5th in concert many times, never the piano solo. All I can imagine is how many synapses had to be regrown after that feat of memorization!
  18. Thanks Cole! Your directions took me right to it. A truly good tale.
  19. Unfortunately, these highly recommended stories appear to be conspicuous by their absence. Any idea where they might have gone?
  20. VERY good. And you, Oh Taloned One, should know! (or is that 'talonted'?)
  21. Sweetly done. Perfect for V-day.
  22. Just read this absolute gem of an alternate history. It's utterly amazing how Solsticeman has woven fact, fiction, and something in-between to arrive at this rewritten tale taking place during the Second World War. I'm long a fan of contributions to this genre, but they pale in comparison to this exceptional work. Absolute kudos to an extraordinary writer, Mr. Solsticeman!
  23. But continuing analysis reveals that that is NOT a quote by Scalia. You can read the decision in its entirety and make a more appropriate decision: http://news.lawreader.com/2008/08/30/barry-miller-widely-published-scalia-quote-re-innocense-is-inaccurate-we-have-to-agree/
  24. The death of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia is certainly unexpected. Although 79, he's been in pretty good health for a while and his death is certainly a surprise. President Obama will likely have a nominee to fill his spot on the court in fairly short order, butm coming during an election year, that should be fraught with political fireworks. Already the Senate Judiciary Committee has apparently said (according to CBS) they're rather over-booked, but in the absence of a rapid replacement the Court will be stuck with 4-4 decisions for quite a while, meaning that different parts of the country will be left with competing rulings. Hang on to your hats, folks. Election 2016 will likely be more brutal than even Donny and Burning Hills could have made it.
  25. Great stuff! Tom Swift and Bud Barclay for a new generation. It's fanciful, fun fiction that could just grab the right reader to ask, "Why not?" Granted, it's missing a few key details, but that's why it's called fiction. (That or you've already built one in your basement and this is a truly clever announcement!) Well done.
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