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  1. Windy City Times Fourth Annual GLBTQ Pride Literary Supplement, Edited by Kathie Bergquist and Owen Keehnen, is Now Accepting Submissions! This years theme: Transgressions Transgress 1. to violate a law, command, moral code 2. to pass over or go beyond (a limit, boundary, etc.); 3. To go beyond the limits imposed by a law or command. 4. To step across. Poetry: up to three poems, 500 words total max. Fiction: up to 500 words. Send submissions as a Microsoft Word attachment to WCTPride@gmail.com. Double spaced 12 pt. font, please! Deadline (strict): MAY 30th! Accepted submissions will be paid $10 for poetry, $25 for prose. Lit supplement will run June 20th in Windy City Times.
  2. (Pueblo, CO) -- A Pueblo teenager says he was attacked while walking home because he is gay. The 15-year-old Centennial High School student says a car load of guys drove by several times before people in the car started yelling insults and throwing things. Then one guy got out of the car and hit him in the face with a spray can. The victim was injured and will undergo facial surgery today. The student said he had received a threatening e-mail before the attack. Police are looking for suspects in a possible hate crime.
  3. For the Christian Right, Gay-Hating Is Just the Start By Chris Hedges, Truthdig Posted on March 19, 2007, Printed on March 19, 2007 http://www.alternet.org/story/49160/ On the morning of March 8 in Sioux Center, Iowa, two buses parked outside a hotel were found covered with anti-gay slurs, along with a hate-filled message on a piece of cardboard reading: "God does not love feary fags." The buses were transporting some 50 lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender students, along with supporters, on the start of a two-month trip to 32 Christian colleges with policies that discriminate against those who are not heterosexuals. The Equality Ride, as it is known, organized by Soulforce, had first traveled to Sioux Center to visit Dordt College, a school that counts "sexual activity with someone of the same gender" as possible grounds for "an employee's discharge or a student's dismissal." The harassment is not new. During a similar series of protests last year, someone in Cleveland, Tenn., scrawled "fags-mobile" on the side of the bus. Members of the Equality Ride have been arrested for trespassing, at the West Point military academy and elsewhere, and greeted at many of their stops with active hostility. The night before the buses were spray-painted with hateful slogans, three vehicles circled the hotel where the activists were staying to harass those inside. The website has more on the ride, including pictures of the bus graffiti. But what is important is not this specific incident, or any other recent examples of public intolerance, but the seismic shift in public mood in much of the United States, a shift largely engineered by the radical Christian right. The Christian right has begun to strip gays and lesbians of their constitutional rights and render them second-class citizens. The gay rights movement, which made many gains over the past couple of decades, is reeling backward. And the mounting persecution of gays and lesbians is ominous not only for them but for the rest of society. I spent two years reporting and writing "American Fascists: The Christian Right and the War on America." At the numerous gatherings I attended around the country, one of the driving forces and most effective mobilizing agents was the issue of sexuality. This mass movement, led by figures such as James Dobson, claims that tolerance of "alternative lifestyles" is eroding the American family. They describe "same-sex attraction" as a disease that can be cured. And they condemn all sexual love that is not heterosexual as an abomination in the eyes of God. Gays and lesbians still within the church, seeking desperately to deny their sexuality and remain in the Christian collective, often suffer severe depression and blows to their self-esteem. The U.S. surgeon general's office has published data indicating that those who are young and gay are two to three times more likely to commit suicide. Those who conform, no matter what the personal cost, will find acceptance. Those who remain militant, who stand up for another way of being, must be silenced. The methods that will finally sever them and their supporters from a Christian America are often left unmentioned, but the rhetoric makes clear that there will not be a place for them. Gays and lesbians, like other enemies of Christ, are not fully human. They are "unnatural." And preachers in the movement argue that if America does not act soon to eradicate homosexual behavior, God will punish the nation. These attacks mask a sinister agenda that has nothing to do with sexuality. It has to do with power. The radical Christian right -- the most dangerous mass movement in American history -- has built a binary worldview of command and submission wherein male leaders, who cannot be questioned and claim to speak for God, are in control and all others must follow. Any lifestyle outside the traditional model of male and female is a threat to this hierarchical male power structure. Women who do not depend on men for their identity and their sexuality, who live outside a male power relationship, challenge this pervasive cult of masculinity, as do men who find tenderness and love with other men as equals. The lifestyle of gays and lesbians is intolerable to the Christian right because its existence is a threat to the movement's chain of command, one they insist was ordained by God. This hypermasculinity, which crushes the independence and self-expression of women, is a way for men in the movement to compensate for the curtailing of their own independence, their blind obedience to church authorities and the calls for sexual restraint. The images of Jesus often show him with thick muscles, clutching a sword. Christian men are portrayed as powerful warriors. Jesus' stoic endurance of the brutal whippings in Mel Gibson's movie "The Passion of the Christ" presages the brutal, masculine world of this ideology, a world that knows little of tenderness, personal freedom, nurturing and even pleasure. Jerry Falwell, in a New Yorker interview, said Christ was not a gentle-looking, willowy man: "Christ was a man with muscles," he insisted. Falwell and Gibson see real men, godly men, as powerful, able to endure physical pain and suffering without complaint. Jesus, like God, has to be a real man, a man who dominates through force. The language of the movement is filled with metaphors about the use of excessive force and violence against God's enemies. The unspoken truth is that Christian men are required to have a personal, loving relationship with a male deity and surrender their will to a male-dominated authoritarian church. The submission to church authority is a potent form of emasculation. It entails a surrendering of conscience and personal control and deadens emotions and feelings. Glorified acts of force and violence against outsiders, against nonbelievers, compensate for this unquestioning submission. The domination that men are encouraged to practice in the home over women and children becomes a reflection of the domination they are taught to endure outside the home. This cult of masculinity keeps all ambiguity, especially sexual ambiguity, in check. It fosters this world of binary opposites: God and man, the saved and the unsaved, the church and the world, Christianity and secular humanism, and male and female. There runs through this radical belief system a dread of disorder and chaos. The belief in a binary universe helps believers avoid confronting the confusion of human existence. Reality, when it is defined in these absolutes, is made predictable and understandable. All configurations of human life that do not conform to the rigid Christian model, such as homosexuality, are forms of disorder and tools of Satan and must be abolished. A world that can be predicted and understood, a world that has clear markers, can be managed and controlled. This petrified world of fixed, immutable and established roles is a world where people, many of them damaged by bouts with failure and despair, can bury their chaotic and fragmented personalities. They can live with the illusion that they are strong, whole and protected. Those who do not fit into these rigid categories, who are not subservient to dominant Christian males, must be proselytized, converted and "cured" through quack therapy. The Christian right believes the decline of male prowess has caused the decline of America, which has led to weakness and moral decay. This decline has resulted in a bewildering human and social complexity that, often seen as feminine, is the work of Satan. By submitting to the Christian leader, and to a powerful male God who will destroy those who misbehave, followers avoid dealing with life. The movement seeks, above all, to banish mystery, the very essence of faith. Not only is the binary world knowable and predictable, but finally God is knowable and predictable. This parallel reality creates a world where unconscious motives, lusts, passions, sexual yearnings, deep longings and fears are buried and denied. The capacity we all have for evil is no longer something that torments the human soul, something that must be confronted and acknowledged, but instead evil is transformed into a purely external force that can be eradicated. The cut-and-dry absolute truth, the division of the world into us and them, allows followers to surrender their consciences and moral responsibility to male demagogues. It also makes them very dangerous. The Rev. Mel White, who founded Soulforce and is one of our country's most important if unacknowledged civil rights leaders, has spent most of his life, since coming out as a gay man, mounting nonviolent protests against these "Christian" bigots. But he and most gays and lesbians who resist usually resist alone. "They [the Christian right] want to end homosexuality in America," White told me, "and by doing that one step at a time, first the federal marriage amendment and then comes no adoption, no service in the military, the restatement of the sodomy laws and driving us back into our closets, or worse. They do not want to compromise, but they begin with compromise, after compromise, after compromise." The advance, White says, is demoralizing the gay community, which he warns "is losing the will to fight." "It's safer back in the closet anyway, and since we can pass, or the gay leaders can pass, the ones who wear suits and have good jobs and have plenty of money, they will go underground," he said. "It is the gay people out there in the hinterlands who have no options. They are being rejected by their families, discarded by their parents, kicked out of their jobs, harassed, 'outed' and killed. The gay leaders don't have a clue about this suffering." "There are no fountains or cafeterias or bus stations we can integrate," White continued. "There are no symbols that we can attack. Marriage, the one great act of defiance, in San Francisco and Massachusetts showed to the country gay couples lined up to get married. This is something they [right-wing Christians] didn't like. The faces looked normal. They had children. These pictures were killing the caricatures. That for me is one of the great things we've done, just go to get married no matter what." "What frightens me most are gay people who don't understand what's happening and who are unwilling to take a stand," he said. "Once they take away our rights they're going to start wanting to register us because we're the ones who have the most sexually transmitted diseases. They're going to say 'we want to register you so we can give you special medical attention.' Quarantine comes next, along with taking away our children, the children we've adopted. They will take away the partnership rights the corporations put in place, because they can put pressure on the corporations. My bleakest description is that we'll not only be driven back into our closets, but we'll have to leave the country. Right now, we have to leave the state of Virginia, because of the law that says we can't have any agreements, or any contracts, or any powers of attorney that represent marriage. So every gay person who has a business here lives in fear." My ethics professor at Harvard Divinity School, Dr. James Luther Adams, told us to watch closely what the Christian right did to homosexuals. He had seen the same tactic in Nazi Germany, where he spent 1935 and 1936 working with the underground anti-Nazi church known as the Confessing Church. The Nazis also used "values" to launch state repression of opponents. Hitler, days after he took power in 1933, imposed a ban on all homosexual organizations. He ordered raids on places where homosexuals gathered, culminating in the ransacking of the Institute for Sexual Science in Berlin and the permanent exile of its director, Magnus Hirschfeld. Thousands of volumes from the institute's library were tossed into a bonfire. The stripping of these Germans' civil rights was largely cheered by the public and the German churches. But it legitimated tactics, outside the law, that would soon be employed against others. Adams said homosexuals would also be the first "social deviants" singled out and disempowered by the Christian right, but not the last. Should another catastrophic attack such as 9/11 occur, should we enter into a period of prolonged instability and fear, what will prevent these preachers from calling for the punishment, detention and quarantining of gays and lesbians, as well as abortionists and Muslims and other nonbelievers to safeguard the nation? What will staunch hate crimes and physical attacks against those deemed immoral by fearful and angry Christians, against those whom these preachers have condemned as responsible for the nation's abandonment by God? How will the nation function rationally if homeland security depends on an elusive piety as it is interpreted by the Christian right? And most ominously, the fringe groups of the Christian right believe "Bible-believing Christians" have been mandated by God to carry out Christian terrorism, to murder doctors who perform abortions and godless Muslims. In a time of anxiety and chaos, of overwhelming fear and uncertainty, how many more will be prodded by this talk of terror and divine vengeance to join the ranks of these Christian extremists? Chris Hedges is the former Middle East bureau chief for The New York Times and the author of "American Fascists: The Christian Right and the War on America" and "War Is a Force That Gives Us Meaning."
  4. dude

    Windows Vista?

    Glad I'm not the only one to miss the point!
  5. I agree with Blue... Ryan was making a general statement of opinion - Nifty does, more or less, accept what it is sent.... good or bad... and was not dissing anybody there with the exception of those readers who wanted more sex in his stories. I've heard the same complaint from many authors. We're happy to have him here along with a number of other folks who feel the same way. Many of our authors and readers came to AwesomeDude after being scouted from Nifty or having found us from their link to us. We also link to them and pay them the highest compliment by operating a Best of Nifty Site AND a Best of Nifty Forum... right here along as part of the AD Forums. Nifty.org IS a valuable resource to the community which brings me to the next apparent questiion... why are we discussing this story/author in the Readers Rule page when we have a perfectly good forum for discussion of stories atNifty but not appearing on AD? Does anyone object if I move the entire thread to Best of Nifty where author/moderator 'vwl' presides?
  6. I have NO IDEA what -if anything- this thread is about...
  7. Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at an Elingsh uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht frist and lsat ltteer is at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae we do not raed ervey lteter by itslef but the wrod as a wlohe.
  8. Actually the volume is standard 0Db VU level... controlled by a software version of Optimod which is used in common broadcasting technology. It is designed to keep a high level of modulatiion without 'pumping' and includes a lot of sophistocated circuitry... all designed to make life miserable for mayhem causing racoons. Seriously folks.. the level here on my Winamp player is standard and compares with levels on other broadcast sites. (shrugs)
  9. OK.. I have changed the link on the Home Page to just /adboard/index.php which generates the link http://www.awesomedude.com/adboard/index.php in your browsers.
  10. The gay sports world is mourning the death of 19-year-old openly gay high school athlete Anthony Castro. Castro was killed in a car crash last weekend. Castro had been a member of his school's football and wrestling teams in Banning, a conservative town east of Los Angeles. Outsports' Jim Buzinski reported that football became his refuge after his mother rejected him and he ended up living with a legal guardian. Buzinski wrote that "It took guts to" come out in the most macho of high school team sports, but that "Anthony never thought too much about it - he was not ashamed of who he was and if you felt uncomfortable, that was your problem." Castro played in a tournament at the Gay Games in Chicago where he won the gold medal game alongside fellow out jock and former NFL lineman Esera Tuaolo.
  11. Yes and if you ever move to the States... you can be DesUpYonder!
  12. Thanks for having this forum Dude :d

  13. I still think that it is a cookes management thing... there is a button you can click at the bottom of the main AD Forums page.. to delete all cookies from this site... might be something to try. Start logging in all over again.
  14. I wish things were so simple as throwing a switch someplace to solve the problems some of you are having but this is commercial software and there are people being PAID to make it work properly so I pretty much believe if there is a real widespread problem it will be either resolved by a software change or at least a heads up to users on how to cure their own ills. Well, I MIGHT have found a switch. Perusing the back corridors of the AD Forums... I found a new control that attempts to keep people from hijacking others cookies... apparently if you log on from another location or another computer or (it didn't say) your IP even changes from last log on it will challenge you for password again. I guess it didn't kick in for me as all my computers use the same online ip address ALL the time... static one. I have disabled this.. just now... so let me have some feedback!
  15. I find this all kind of surreal.... I haven't noticed any kind of problems with logging on that others are complaining about... although I do believe some are having problems. I still maintain there must be something with the cookies here as that is common to all systems. I have tried all possibilities here.. I think. I even installed Linux on one of my computers and -using the supplied FireFox version- connected to the forums and -of course- had to log into the system. I just booted the Ubuntu Linux machine again and went to AD Forums and I was automatically logged in again. I have tried IE6, IE7, FireFox and Opera in Windows XP and even IE6 in Windows 2000 and after the initial log-in required by the new board version's software, stay logged in automatically when I return. I generaly go into AD Forums... however... FROM the link on the AD Home page when running everything except IE7 on my production computer. In this case, I added a second 'homepage' which was the direct www.awesomedude.com/adboard/index.php URL under the first www.awesomedude.com and they both open at the same time in different tabs. Again never a problem getting in. As an asside - I noticed some subtle differences in the new version 2.21 of the Invision Power Board software including the solving of the annoying repeat of initial topic post at the top of EACH page of a thread. That is apparently gone. In my experience, most cookie problems sort themselves out over repeated logins without having to clear the cookies... but sometimes they persist. As a number of people -like me- who are having NO problems it is hard to characterize the problem as a board problem or OS system or browser system. I will be scouring the IPB forums to see if any others are having these problems but since we have the very latest of the software and it was installed -in the end- by the IPB techs we should probably focus on getting individual members' problems solved one by one. I wish things were so simple as throwing a switch someplace to solve the problems some of you are having but this is commercial software and there are people being PAID to make it work properly so I pretty much believe if there is a real widespread problem it will be either resolved by a software change or at least a heads up to users on how to cure their own ills.
  16. Trab.... You are welcome to ask anything, anytime.. and considering the title of this thread.. I MAY know the answer.
  17. A passenger barred from a Qantas airlines flight for wearing a T-shirt depicting US President George Bush as a terrorist has threatened legal action. [/b] Allen Jasson said he was sticking up for the principle of free speech by challenging the decision by the Australian flag carrier. Mr Jasson was stopped as he was about to board the flight from Melbourne to London last Friday. Qantas said the T-shirt had potential to offend other passengers. The T-shift features an image of President George W Bush, along with the slogan "World's Number One Terrorist". 'Principle' The 55-year-old computer specialist, who lives in London, had encountered difficulties with the same T-shirt on an earlier Qantas flight in December. After clearing the international security checks at Melbourne Airport, he reportedly approached the gate manager to congratulate him on the company's new-found open-mindedness. At that point, Mr Jasson was ordered to remove the T-shirt after being told it was a security threat and an item which might cause offence to other passengers. He was offered the chance to board the flight wearing different clothing, but refused. "I am not prepared to go without the t-shirt. I might forfeit the fare, but I have made up my mind that I would rather stand up for the principle of free speech," he told Australian media. A Qantas spokesman defended the airline's decision, saying: "Whether made verbally or on a T-shirt, comments with the potential to offend other customers or threaten the security of a Qantas group aircraft will not be tolerated".
  18. I had to relog on again after we updated to Invision 2.21 yesterday. But since it's doing my logins as normal. That was a cookies question. I hate to say because I'm still using FrontPage to do the AwesomeDude Site... I am using the dreaded ugh... IE7 as my default browser. Just this morning, Blue updated to the new 2.2 version of the Midnight Orange skin and I further tweaked it while he was out... getting our Logo to show among other things. This upgrade is very much an ongoing thing... as lots of users with lots of browsers and operating systems and cookies all get used to it. Keep the feedback coming and we'll probably sort it all out. I'm going to run the new software through it's paces in FireFox in about an hours time and will let you know if I find any anomalies. So far.. I like the improved features I see
  19. Sorry for the loss of the forums for 24 hours as an attempt to upgrade the forum software went very wrong. With the help and advice of hero Graeme... we were able to figure out the problem and go back to our original version of AD Forums. With valuable lessons tucked safely in our belts... we will march forward and in the middle of next week try again. I'm sure you're all tired of those disgusting str8 porn ads that have popped on our forums lately... so hopefully this upgrade will also upgrade our security in preventing hit-and-run spam attacks. Thanks for bearing with us!
  20. What's going on here? I turn my back for five minutes and you are all hanging out manipulating your digits? (furtively looks around) I was 14 on a midnight summer hayride on my gramp's farm in rural Missouri with a bunch of friends. The older guys were making out in the hay in the back with their girls (four couples)... we younger guys (about a half dozen) up front were left to our own 'devices.' Never quite completed the act as I was holding the reins... (as well) sigh. (Ahem) Now let's have a little decorum in this room... Blue go over and stand at your usual place in the corner! And take your hands out of your pockets! Oh... and we weren't really caught as we all flagrante delicto!
  21. I don't think TR was chewing you out, Trab. First, because he was only stating a long-standing policy at AwesomeDude. We have bent over backwards to bring our readers the latest versions of all our authors' stories. And second, because we have a Forums policy against that. Josh is a good example of an author who took advantage of our willingness to cooperate and give feedback to completely rewrite his very popular novel, Sea Change. Everybody, including the author himself, his tireless editor Michael, not to mention Story Editor TR and myself are quite pleased with and proud of this effort. All during the time it was being serialized or 're-serialized' here at AwesomeDude... it remained posted in it's old form at Nifty - a period of several months. Only after it was completely rewritten, would Nifty consider replacing the old version (a proven seller) for the new version. As for the other comments... which sound like personal attacks to me... I won't address them other than to say if there are more, we'll have to apply another standing policy.
  22. Heh heh - what have we come to? Oh the stigma of being an offline author! You'd think they could afford to buy a computer and post some free stuff for their adoring fans or at least interact with them online! Wouldn't that be a great idea?
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