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Everything posted by dude

  1. Wow.... :roll: that's a tough act to follow! Bet that one makes it to 'prime time.' Codey... welcome back 'lil dude. Hope you're 1000% better!
  2. Yes... and so nice to have wibby back from his hiatus! :)
  3. Thanks, Armand. Got the email from Tim and will be adding a link to it on the AD homepage. :D
  4. How did I miss this one.... just read it and love it! :D Would love to know the background story!
  5. Let me add my Kudo's for a job well done. After the first couple of chapters I didn't think you could ever make me like David... but you did it! The story of young Tony, though, seems to beg a sequel! :)
  6. Hi Kivrin... Wow... sounds like a classical problem. When it comes to typical (heterosexual) relationships, it is hard for all parties... to feel the same. That is the lovers, the parents, the friends. It is the same for gay or bi relationships but increasingly so. My advice would be for the two of you to focus on one another. Since you emphasize that you are both 'bi-sexual' it is natural for others to believe it may not last.. and that you may 'fall' for a boy and get married... leaving your girlfriend alone... or vice-versa. You didn't say how old you are so it hard to judge a response. Age and experience in life plays an important part on how we react to these situations. Kivrin... we are primarily a literary site with stories by, for and/or about gay and bi-sexual youth and many of the problems you face are reflected in stories we publish. I am sad and sorry to say, we don't have any stories at the moment, written by or about lesbian or bi-sexual girls. I think the title of the site AwesomeDUDE.com doesn't really attract many gay or bi girls. Thanks for dropping by and I wish you the best with your problem. BTW for the record - we DO welcome posts from, for or about gay or bi or transgendered youth of any gender!
  7. Thanks for posting the link, Jan. It was a heartwarming story especially for an old choirboy like me. Merry Christmas
  8. A link to Grasshopper's has been on the AwesomeDude Home Page since December 20th. It takes you directly to IOMFATS's Grasshopper Story page. :D
  9. Wow... I have seldom read a story I could connect with more than Centennial Park by FreeThinker. I had planned to release this completed story in three installments, but it is just too great a read to hold back. It is now posted in it's entirety with a link from the AwesomeDude Home Page. Enjoy. And thank you FT, I can honestly say I haven't ready ANYTHING by you I didn't like. :)
  10. Thanks E.J. I've updated the links button on the home page. :)
  11. One of the funny things about Elton John making a musical of "Lestat" is that the vampire Lestat de Lioncourt bears down on Broadway just as his creator, Anne Rice, is finally done with vampires and witches and mummies. Her last book, 2003's "Blood Canticle," was definitively presented as her final word on both her Vampire Chronicles and the Mayfair Witches series. From here on out, she's just writing about Jesus. Though fans link her shift in focus to the death of her husband, Stan Rice, in 2002, she'd reconverted to the Roman Catholic Church four years earlier, and she says she'd already decided to put the final nail in Lestat's coffin before her husband's sudden death (which occasioned her move from New Orleans to La Jolla to be nearer her son, Christopher). After 10 vampire books and several interconnected others, the series had gotten pretty long in the tooth anyway, and last year Rice took the extraordinary step of responding to excoriating pans of "Blood Canticle" by posting a long screed among the customer reviews on Amazon.com. Her brand-new book, "Christ the Lord: Out of Egypt," is the first of her novels imagining the life of Christ, told in terse monosyllables by 7-year-old Jesus himself. Kicking off with his striking a bully dead and then reluctantly resurrecting him, the book takes a fantastical "Sword in the Stone" approach to the little Lord Jesus' early adventures with his pal Little Salome and his creepy cousin John, who keeps looking at him funny. Rice's newfound faith doesn't mean she's renounced her long walk on the dark side that began with 1976's "Interview With the Vampire," from which the new musical draws its lifeblood, along with 1985's "The Vampire Lestat" (which reimagined the villain of the first book as Rice's most enduring hero and, of all things, a rock star). She's simply turned her attention from gloomy gay vampires to another guy with super powers who rose from the dead after three days, and she says that what made her vampires so tortured in the first place were the questions of faith that are her focus now. "Those books were filled with a lot of curiosity about our relationship to God," Rice says, calling from the road between St. Louis and Kansas City on a book tour. "They were spiritual books, and I do see a continuity. In my return to Jesus Christ, I found what my characters were always looking for and talking about." Though she wasn't involved with the development of the musical, Rice says that the creators kept in touch with her throughout the process and that she couldn't be happier about the new afterlife of a series that has already spawned two movies, 1994's "Interview With the Vampire" and 2002's "Queen of the Damned." "They captured the tone perfectly," she says. "They got the spiritual essence of the Vampire Chronicles. I think they came infinitely closer to what it's all about than any other attempted adaptation." Sam Hurwitt is a freelance writer. Page 17 http://sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file...PKGMHG82CT1.DTL
  12. er... anybody think TR needs a 'Brokeback Mountain' intervention? :p
  13. There I have posted it in black and white... when all you ocatagenrerians have finished with the first two chapters... let me know so I can change it back for the general populace. :p
  14. I am diabetic. As such, I suffer from retinopathy. I have used my eye problems as a guide to creating the AwesomeDude pages... figuring if I could read the text, anyone can. I'm sorry... but part of the 'thing' about AwesomeDude is it's presentation. It was designed to be read online. It is also compatible with those who prefer to print out and read elsewhere. It is interesting that I have not received compaints from any of our younger readers, for whom -after all- this site is targeted. Note: The final design of the pages/presentation of Laika is not final. Frankly, I am waiting to see the story develop to see what the main thrust of it is. It is hard to select visuals based on what I have read in the first two chapters.
  15. dude


    Went back and re-read Hosanna to get myself into the holiday spirit. I was inspired to upgrade the visuals too. The 'look' now seems to suit the 'feel' of this great story. :D
  16. You are probably right Wibby. That bit with the boys' dad and the knives was priceless!
  17. Excellent! I hope Blue is reading this.... :) A ferry boat... I love 'em. It was nice to know we were organized, but to have our own NAVY! :thumbright: Seriously, happy for ya Trab!
  18. Blue, you know I always like to give you the bird!
  19. Naiil wrote: To remedy the first part: actually you could hardly have missed it as this pic of RM graces the home page of his site. :) The remedy to the second part is for Wibby to get off his hiatus and pour his creative er... juices back into his fine stories. Er... you might take the same advice, Naillo. When are we going to see your AD literary debut? :p
  20. I must admit to having encouraged TR to take on this project... but as Angel and Josiah wend their way through the forums 'north' towards my lair... I have to also admit to a bit of trepidation. What's going to happen when they arrive and find el jefe? Will they expose my terrible countenance to the world... a face worse than death? And why is the throne room the second place everybody looks for me? Where is the first? The stress is building up... that's for sure. :roll:
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