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Tragic Rabbit

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Posts posted by Tragic Rabbit

  1. http://www.awesomedude.com/stories/short_s...ories/outed.htm

    Rick, author of Castaways, that fabulous story of boys on the high seas and naked on desert islands, has written a sweet and utterly charming story about being unwillingly outed to his father.

    Caught in bed one afternoon with his high school boyfriend, Dan's not surprised when his Dad wants to have a little talk with him. But what he finds out is anything but what he expected.

    Read OUTED and post here about what you think.



  2. Another one of TR's 'true' stories. Like Truman Capote, I subscribe to the idea of 'non-fiction novels' and storytelling.

    This one was inspired by a link sent to me Wednesday night by a friend. The photo collection and commentary therein first upset me, then haunted me, and finally motivated me to write a small story about one of the photos. Doesn't seem like enough, really. Maybe there'll be more.

    San Jose, 1933. Join Robert on his first hunt with the Dog Boys, as he tries to be the man his father wants him to be.

    Let me know what you think, okay?



  3. Thanks for sharing your knowledge with us. And you are?

    Interesting first AD post...

    I did not realise that you had to be known to have an opinion on stories hosted on this site. I apologise for giving my honest opinion.

    When you first enter a house, is your first instinct to criticize or be rude? Mother always said that first impressions are the most important and lasting so, since you are not known, this is the first and only impression you've left us with.

    Honesty is, they say, a dying art but one more often appreciated in the breach than in the observance.


  4. Josiah, he could have said it a LOT better. He's not a writer and that's not a nice way to phrase your first AD post.

    My serialized story started out that way, too, with me not sure what was expected or required from a Nifty story, and then later realizing I could have less sex, more plot, characterization and romance. Anyone who's tried writing one, for their first attempt and from the Nifty perspective, would likely have the same transformation as they learn what is appreciated by readers. Moving over to Awesome Dude also helps, you get feedback on things that have little or no sex, feedback on your writing itself and the skills you're acquiring while doing so. I started writing a year ago, with the first chapter of Drama Club, and when I finally do a rewrite of the whole thing, it's those first chapters that probably need to most overhaul. You learn a lot but you learn by doing, not by critiquing someone else's efforts from the sidelines. That's not learning and that's not helpful for anyone, in my opinion.

    Don't take this guy too much to heart, Josiah. I love your story...and I've read a lot more than he has.



  5. *

    tawny skin, lion eyes

    glowing, knowing eyes

    you lie serene,

    secure, demure

    against the pillows of my bed

    bemused, enthused, amused,

    those bewitching,

    lightly twitching

    silken, satin lips, ah,

    such an struggle not to smile

    my love, my threaded heart,

    ringed round with golden strings

    so tight, and yet so light

    the silver smithied jewel cage

    where lives my beating blood

    heated fire, heart?s desire

    runs throbbing through

    thrilling, filling me with fire

    its rhythm true-

    the flame is you


  6. Daisy Game by TR

    I touch the flower with my hand

    Trembling petals and tender shoots;

    I think of you, your loving voice,

    Then yank it out by living roots.

    You love me, yes, a petal falls,

    And that explains the hang-up calls,

    Why you?re talking to all my friends,

    And what you write on restroom walls.

    You love me not, and off it comes,

    Another petal of pure white,

    But that?s why I have burglar bars

    For when you visit in the night.

    You love me, yes, a petal chucked

    As this poor weed is slowly plucked;

    Like me, this battered blossom feels

    Just utterly, completely fucked.

    You love me not, and I?m relieved,

    For I?ve grown tired of screening calls

    And jumping each and every time

    A nighttime step behind me falls.

    You love me, yes, and that fact, alors,

    Will take me down to clinic doors

    To ensure you?ve not left a gift

    That might well end up causing sores.

    You love me not, so I take the mail

    To the postman for X-ray screens;

    I think of you along the way

    And wonder what that ticking means.

    Love is rancid, love is sweet

    Love is wrangling ways to meet,

    Love is catches in your breath,

    Love is apt to cause my death.

  7. http://www.tragicrabbit.org/poems/Daisy-Game.htm

    Kind of curious if this rhyme scheme works or not, I wonder if changes, differing patterns, distract and whether identical rhymes, at least for end of lines, are better for that reason. Other rhyme/assonance/resonance/etc aside.

    Yeah, just ended (finally) yet another inexplicable entanglement. Makes me a little nervous, if past experience is any guide. Ain't love grand?



  8. Dave :smt089 you left out the poets!

    Just kidding and yes you're right. I think awesomedude has the most talented bunch of writers on the net.

    Oh and long posts and TR? He could care less how long they are as long as you say his name in every other paragraph. :-D


    Thanks, Tristian, and I agree with Codey that we have some of the most talented Net writers here at AD. He's wrong, though, in that my minimum for allowing a post through is mentioning me in EACH paragraph...



  9. I think if you want to write something, you should go write it and THEN ask what people think. Discussing a bit of fiction that doesn't exist seems...well, putting the cart before the horse. First see if you can write something, and then see how it looks because it may not be what you think it'll be, and then ask what people think. And something having been done before shouldn't stop you either, you just write what's in your head. You can't tailor what is in your head to what you think or are told is what people want...that doesn't work. Like sitting around trying to figure out what kind of books are selling most..that's not a way to finish a book, or even to begin it. You can't fit your writing into what other people think you should be writing, you just have to write what's in your head. And probably the less you talk about it, the better, and that's according to writers with far more experience than I have. I've only been writing as long as Graeme has, a year, but I do know that if you talk about it beforehand, it won't get written. Have you written anything yet?



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