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Tragic Rabbit

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Posts posted by Tragic Rabbit

  1. Sounds like these two guys need to get together for a little mutual... er proofing?


    If your looking for volunteers to do the proofing, then let me be the first to volunteer.


    If you or anyone else is interested, I'm curious about the benefits of an Editor. If someone would like to proof/edit/comment on Der Cowboy (link on front page), I'd appreciate it. Not only do I have a lot of trouble catching some of the more glaring mistakes that occur in a bigger project, I'm fascinated by the idea that someone could help me to be a better writer by editing. I started writing last summer, in late July, and am still trying to find my voice, my TR self, and welcome assistance to that end. If you need the story in an rtf file, just let me know in PM.




  2. *

    Soldiers and Saturday afternoon cowboys combine when two homesick young men encounter each other in an unlikely time and place: a Belgian snowstorm in 1944. What makes a friend and what makes an enemy, and how to tell the difference when you're cold and tired and sick at heart?

    I strive mightily for accuracy but if you find mistakes in either historical fact or proof-reading, please let me know!




  3. what would make a gay guy buying gay literature worthy of discussion? sounds like a pretty mundane event to me. Besides, who cares what the clerk at the bookstore thinks?



    Possibly the locale. I'm only guessing but I know Rad. (and he's just such a ducky darling!)



  4. Being selfish, I'm starting with one that's dear to my heart, the differences between American and British (and Australian) English:


    The main difference is that Americans don't SPEAK English. But thanks for the link. Since I don't have editors, I have to muddle through on my own with research and such, and find my own mistakes. Which explains a lot, I know.



  5. *

    Dead Boyfriends

    The roses grow so beautifully

    Along the garden wall

    The daisies in the center

    Seem to need no care at all.

    White lilies grace the pathway

    Where I take my morning walk

    The tulips rise majestically

    And almost seem to talk.

    The beds are soft and fertile

    The water pure and sweet

    All the best of everything

    Down to the earth beneath my feet.

    My flowers are deserving

    And my garden, my delight

    I bring them their fertilizer

    In the middle of the night.

    The best and richest nutrient

    And as I bury it down deep

    I murmur softly to my flowers

    And sing you both to sleep.


  6. Graeme:  Finally, your honour, as a closing statement in my defense... I was still the first one to put up a post about this story which had been on the site for over a week.  

    Touche' :smt041

    A hit, a palpable hit!

    TR, chagrined

  7. Graeme:  It is definitely worth a look at.

    I totally agree, Graeme. Just finished reading it last night and it was delightful!

    I hope we hear more from Rick in the future! :D

    I don't agree, I think that post's underrating Rick! The guy is a really good writer and that plot's not hackneyed, its a classic...but a HETERO classic and I loved reading this version. The way it was written was exactly right for the genre, for the classics it harks intentionally back to. It was wonderfully researched and presented and his way with words is extraordinary. He's a 20 year old Brit, if I remember correctly, and I hope we can get him to write more for us here at AD.

    Welcome to AD, Rick! Btw, I can't find your email, can you contact me again at story-editor@awesomedude.com?



  8. Hey guys! What about House of Wax? Paris Hilton and Chad Murray. Is that movie suck?



    Paris Hilton? Say no more. Haven't seen it and hope I never do. Funny thing with sucky movies, you end up watching them sometimes, despite your best intentions. God willing, I have no friends who'd buy tickets to anything with Miss Hilton in it.

    Anybody else think the Austin Powers sequels were worth walking out during? I did laugh some at the first one, I admit it, but the second one just hit too many bad buttons waaay too early in. Mike Meyers is funny sometimes, in a really insipid way, but more often just annoying. Still, a hundred times less icky than Sandler, to me.



  9. I'm not a big Adam Sandler fan--his movies tend to take one joke and string it out to the very bitter end. However, i do like his Hannukah Song.



    The Chanuka Song Lyrics

    by Adam Sandler


    This is a song that uhh..

    There's a lot of Christmas songs out there and uhh..

    not too many Chanukah songs.

    So uhh..

    I wrote a song for all those nice little Jewish kids who don't get to hear

    any Chanukah songs.

    Here we go..."

    Put on your yarmulke

    Here comes Chanukah

    So much funukah

    To celebrate Chanukah

    Chanukah is the festival of lights

    Instead of one day of presents, we have eight crazy nights

    When you feel like the only kid in town without a Christmas tree

    Here's a list of people who are Jewish just like you and me

    David Lee Roth lights the menorah

    So do James Caan, Kirk Douglas, and the late Dinah Shore-ah

    Guess who eats together at the Carnegie Deli

    Bowser from Sha Na Na and Arthur Fonzerelli

    Paul Newman's half Jewish, Goldie Hawn's half too

    Put them together, what a fine lookin' Jew

    You don't need "Deck The Halls" or "Jingle Bell Rock"

    'Cause you can spin a dreidel with Captain Kirk and Mr. Spock- both Jewish

    Put on your yarmulke

    It's time for Chanukah

    The owner of the Seattle Supersonicahs

    Celebrates Chanukah

    O.J. Simpson, not a Jew

    But guess who is? Hall of famer Rod Carew- he converted

    We got Ann Landers and her sister Dear Abby

    Harrison Ford's a quarter Jewish- not too shabby

    Some people think that Ebenezer Scrooge is

    Well he's not, but guess who is

    All three Stooges

    So many Jews are in showbiz

    Tom Cruise isn't, but I heard his agent is

    Tell your friend Veronica

    It's time to celebrate Chanukah

    I hope I get a harmonicah

    Oh this lovely, lovely Chanukah

    So drink your gin and tonicah

    And smoke your marijuanikah

    If you really, really wannakah

    Have a happy, happy, happy, happy Chanukah

    Happy Chanukah

  10. the "de-coder ring" aspect of gay camp is indeed a hold over from the days when it was absolutely necessary to be covert. I like the example of asking someone "Are you a friend of Dorothy's?" if you wanted to know if that person was gay. Every persecuted subculture has examples of these kinds of phrases...the fact that these kinds of things are fading is indicative of the slow acceptance of gay culture into the mainstream.


    Come to think of it, gays in the military refur to themselves as family.

    If you hear someone saying that "sorry, this party is for family only", unless you KNOW what the deal is, most people probably wouldn't give it a second thought.

    I like the use of family as a code word and wish it would spread. :smt049

    Where do you live? Everywhere I've lived, 'family' IS code for gay/queer/GLBT. Seems like its been a while, too, I know that the We Are Family song has been kind of a gay anthem for quite some time. And family is nice, we make our own families, my (gay) pastor says, and make them better than biological ones. Family of choice. So family is maybe a good word?



  11. Here's a book for those authors working with symbols and imagry:

    Man and His Symbols- edited by Carl Jung.

    I saw it at Borders the other day but I've had a copy since the Reagen years.

    But do you think it's such a hot idea for authors to actively attempt to put symbols into their writing? I mean, doesn't it just come out that way, if it's to work?

    I know that the writing book I'm currently reading (been reading a lot of them this past 10 months since I began writing), recommended by RusticMonk-Robert's Rules of Writing, clearly states that trying to put symbols in is a mistake, that either they're there or they're not. I really do like that book, btw, and highly recommend it for practical advice.



  12. TR, I was *complimenting* you on your story, dammit.

    Only the one sentence was referring to your story, Oaklawn Cats. The rest referred to other things entirely.

    Yes, I got that you used everything in your story to achieve a specific purpose and to point out ironies and to make comments on things, including the conclusions in it.

    My comments were only partly to do with the story or directed towards you, mostly, as is usual, I used them as a jumping off point for other commentary. But we discussed that tonight in IM and I think we're cool.

    I meant more about my life than my writing, although they are intimately connected in ways even I don't understand.



  13. I'm glad I'm not the only one who hates Jar-Jar with a passion...I often fantasize about that character being slowly asphyxiated, garroted with his own tongue. What the hell was Lucas thinking?



    Jar Jar is so icky, I was just revolted. Felt like ten different alert buttons being pushed when that guy talked. I had zero desire to see another one of these movies, they desecrate the memory of the original three.

    Jimmy Carrey, I don't know. Sometimes I loathe him, I cringe when he talks in some movies, but in one or two, I like him okay. I like the flawed Truman Show, and I thought he was more decent in it than most films. I think there's another that doesn't ick me out but I can't think what...Sunshine of the Spotless Mind is one of those mildly-annoying-that-they-exist films that uses a not-unknown SF type storyline and gets undeserved originality points for same from people who don't read much. And the weird thing is that Carrey's kind of cute, except for those faces he pulls. Of course, I also complain that Keanu has no faces to pull, wooden acting, but he's still damn sexy. I'm inconsistent...

    I don't ever see anything by that jerk who did Waterboy, he just makes me shudder when I so much as see his face that I could never bear it, I know. Even so, now and then one sees something unwillingly, with a friend perhaps, and so I know that he sucks progidously. And his films are banal and insipid. And his friends' films are banal and insipid. Why is banal and insipid so appealing? Without advertising, most Hollywood films would never break even. And television is even worse, I'm with WBMS or whoever here who said that it's astounding that people get paid to write such utter shyte. And that people spend time from their lives to watch it...

    I think Elecivil is revealing here, with his detailed plot and dialogue, an intensely geeky side that is incredibly endearing and adorable. I just had to mention. And, EC, the dialogue to Parasite Eve was fabulous! Unrecognized genius. And the film sounds fun, too. Some of those imports from the west are just a scream. Mismatched dub tracks add to the entertainment value.

    Why do people hate subtitles so much? Pet peeve of mine.



  14. I know what's in my shorts, and it isn't girly.

    :roll: He went there, yes he did.

    On the other hand, you could always go for humor.

    Or, as Tragic Rabbit did recently, you flip the whole thing on its ear so it is not clich? or formulaic, by how you handle it.

    Would this be Oaklawn Cats that's so formula-free funny? Blue, would it surpise you to know that people really talk that way? People I know? (Naturally, I never talk that way) I'm not clear on what you think, so I'm mentioning. The cattiness is part of the humor, but it's mixed in with everything else. The fact that some of it requires a decoder ring is probably a legacy of the closet, I'm thinking. And I'm wondering how it sounds to people who don't know anyone who talks that way and can't imagine it, or are actively hostile, allergic to other gay people or whatever. I have such non-patience with the actively hostiles. 'Straight acting'! No one must ever guess! And then there is such a worship cult thing of the (alleged) Uber-Butch that I get a bit catty myself sometimes. I think most of us have a bit of yin in our yang, otherwise where's the fun? But Oaklawn Cats is more a humorous micro-tragedy, you know? Public cattiness/private pain. For so many reasons, the pain is private but that doesn't mean that others don't grok you. Everyone's been hurt; everyone has suffered losses, the losses that dare not speak their names. All part of why I'd rather buy coffee in gay-town, surrounded by GLBTQAXYZ people, than anywhere else in town. I feel safe, it's home. Cats notwithstanding. And, in a story, this is bad?

    Bleh. No Kisses. :twisted:


    PS. Anyone else get a rush hitting that 'Submit' button?

  15. I recently picked up "The Devil's Dicitonary/Cynic's Wordbook" by Ambrose Bierce. It's quite the hilarious read. Since this is the Editor's Desk, i see it only fitting that we define what exactly an editor is. Mr. Bierce has this to say of editors:

    "EDITOR, n.

    A person who combines the judicial functions of Minos, Rhadamanthus and Aeacus, but is placable with an obolus; a severely virtuous censor, but so charitable withal that he tolerates the virtues of others and the vices of himself; who flings about him the splintering lightning and sturdy thunders of admonition till he resembles a bunch of firecrackers petulantly uttering his mind at the tail of a dog; then straightway murmurs a mild, melodious lay, soft as the cooing of a donkey intoning its prayer to the evening star. Master of mysteries and lord of law, high-pinnacled upon the throne of thought, his face suffused with the dim splendors of the Transfiguration, his legs intertwisted and his tongue a-cheek, the editor spills his will along the paper and cuts it off in lengths to suit. And at intervals from behind the veil of the temple is heard the voice of the foreman demanding three inches of wit and six lines of religious meditation, or bidding him turn off the wisdom and whack up some pathos.



    Damn funny, that.


  16. I finally read this. A very good read. Very British. A period piece, and I normally dislike that, but this is good. If you haven't read it, I give it my official stamp of approval*.  :)

    -- wbms

    I also like this story very much. I'd read it on Nifty prior to telling the Dude that I considered it to be of AD quality, I'm glad people are reading it that perhaps had missed it on Nifty. Its very well researched and wonderfully written.



  17. Thanks!!

    Codey, hon, I'm sorry if you didn't like that it was disturbing, I did mean it to be, without being something terrifically heavy. It felt a little like a tiny script, I might end up writing a whole one, either from this idea of gay life (public cats/private pain) or from something else. I've got a few new projects going and when I get stocked up on cigs and Vanilla Coke, they should begin to appear on AD.

    Gabe, I consider you one of my favorite and weirdest hallucinations.

    James, dear, I'm glad you liked it and seemed to understand where TR was coming from. I wonder sometimes just how many things we do just in order to hide the scars, or to hide from future scarring. I think, though, that when you look deep and in just the right light, you can find amazing souls inside the most unexpected people. And loss is something most of us understand...



  18. The forgotten victims of homophobia are kids percieved to be gay.

    I'm not so sure. I don't think it matters, the details of the person on the receiving end of hate, whether they were asking for it, how they were dressed, what choices THEY made. I think the only thing that matters is the hate and the hater. Regardless of whether haters miss or hit their intended/stated target, what they're doing, what they're thinking, is wrong.

    Its the vector of hate that matters, not the end point. Otherwise, we devolve into discussions of who deserved what, how they lived their lives and loved their loves; in other words, whether targetting them was justified. Nothing justifies hate, especially when expressed in violence. No, we can't legislate thoughts, people are entitled to feel hate, to think hate. What they are not entitled to is any regard whatsoever for violence in hate's name, to my mind, there is NO defense for them, none whatsoever. Hate expressed is Evil and its the only definition of Evil that makes sense to me.


  19. will it? really?


    Yes. I got into some of this around 2000 and 2001, reading a bit of Derrida, Foucault, etc, and finding my mind stretched out nicely on a regular basis. Fascinating stuff, very often mind blowing. Other authors worth checking out: Baudrillard and Hakim Bey. I think I must have more than a half dozen of the former, he just turns my head upside down. In the nicest way. And Foucault, of course, was gay, his work on queerness is considered landmark work.


  20. And it's a very fine story.  


    No kidding, I like it a lot. After he sent it to us, I told the Dude that I'd read some of it already on Nifty and liked it. Good story, well written, well researched. I should have submitted it myself but maybe I had the idea that no one at AD wanted historical fiction. I'm glad I was wrong, especially as I have another historical story myself out now. His is more of a novel, long but worth the time to read. I think you'll enjoy it if you start it...



  21. No, TR has not written a new story, set in the 1941 Pacific Ocean. He has not written it nor has he posted same. Nor has anyone read it, obviously, since it doesn't exist. Had he written one and no one read it, that would mean that it sucked prodigiously.

    Just thought I'd mention.


  22. I was talkin to Ben tonight and asked him a question he couldn't answer. (I know that in itself is weird) He said I should ask Grame so here goes.

    If two friends were dancing in Austrailia, would that be a mating dance? :-k  


    The Asking For Trouble Dance, I'd imagine, as my impression is that poofters are held in low esteem down in Oz. I thought the term 'mating dance' was a dance, or whatever activity, that precede mating, or sexual congress. Is this an Aussie-ism? And aren't those Aussie-isms cute? Esp from a distance...



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