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Richard Norway

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Everything posted by Richard Norway

  1. This planet produces such a variety of goods that no matter what you want or need, there are always alternative sources. Buying from gay friendly sources will not leave you limited.
  2. Oh, I'm fully aware of the 'other' version. But I'm trying to change. sometimes.
  3. Nah, Luggie. You just need to continue. There once was a man from Nantucket Who had his head stuck in a bucket. He tried and tried to set himself free Until he noticed that he had to pee. So he said to himself I?m between a library shelf And the blue of his eyes started to glean As he commenced to darken his jeans.
  4. I think Rick is spot on here. I've been preaching the same thing for years that we need basic human rights Before we try to get marrage...and I'm not a minister or priest. Rick, you say anything you want to in this tread! But open your mouth on any other thread and the 'lawyer' jokes will come out of the woodwork. <ducks> <runs away> I'M KIDDING TOO!
  5. MOST assuredly a positive impact!
  6. I couldn't agree with Cole more. If you like words, if you're fascinated by the way the right words are fashioned together, if you can let your heart go and follow these right words, this story will take you to new heights. I don't know how to better describe what I just read. This was Duncan Ryder writing poetry.
  7. I just read Positive by Altimexis, and it only took a little over an hour, but the emotional impact that this story had on me will last for years. All I can ask is that you please read this story.
  8. I was stuck in an elevator in San Francisco once many years ago, but fortunately, I wasn't alone. There were about a half dozen strangers in there with me. We were in there for about 10 minutes. It was dead quiet for the first minute, but then someone started speaking, probably to keep us all calm. About 5 minutes into this incarceration...the lights went out. All I could thing of was the 20ish blond cutie in the corner and what would happen if I went over and grabbed him...or he decided to come after me. Actually, I just made that up. I was scared shitless. A minute later the lights came on, and the sighs of relief from the others was only drowned out by my own. Then the elevator started moving again, opened at the floors whose buttons had been pushed, and went on about it's business as if nothing had happened. I never saw anyone at the floors that the elevator stopped at to let off passengers. I found out later that the security guards at the front desk knew immediately that the elevator was stuck. Evidently the technician who was working om the problem flicked the wrong switch or something that caused the lights to go out. I too had stopped using elevators for anything less than a four floor travel. It was good exercise. I think I gave in a year later and now still use them.
  9. Deviant? You don't really believe that, do you?
  10. Colin, you're not really alone. Most parents love and will eventually accept their children, no matter what they are...at least today...in the world that you grew up in. But you also know that there are exceptions. And Wibby's right in that there are parents out there that don't or can't understand.
  11. Yes. After a few paragraphs, I realized that the story was unfolding in a familiar way. Nevertheless, this is a good story. I hear many authors say that they sometimes don't know where a story is going to lead them when they start writing, and yes, even Cole has said that. But after reading this and his subsequent works, I don't believe Cole for a minute anymore. His stories are too well crafted. Every paragraph seems to be plotted out well in advance for everything that is said to come together so well. There is practically no superfluous fluff in his work.
  12. David and I laugh at their commercials when they show an African America and a Caucasian couple getting together to show how inclusive they are.
  13. It's too bad that phelps (notice, I wouldn't capitalize his name? Due respect and all.) is a citizen here, so we can't exclude him (1st amendment and all that), but Canada gives me a warm feeling when they talk about inclusion and civil rights. I'm not leaving the US, but have an endearing respect for our neighbor. phelps has earned the disrespect of more people by the way he continues to speaks out. Even we here, I mean the straight community, are seeing his ill-logic. But then again too, we've seen Prop 8 pass in California I guess, I see us on a road to finally being citizens of a just society. It will take time, but the African-American community waited for a long time too, but it's paid off. Just never stop trying.
  14. Of course there's not. The answer is that we write our own way. How we accomplish detail is...just the way we write, period. It's what we want the reader is see. Shit, who am I to be giving you advice?
  15. James brought up an interesting point by his use of the word 'carpetbaggers.' There was an awful lot of money pouring into California from around the country, from people and businesses that didn't live there. Prop 8 has evidently taken on a national significance.
  16. The San Francisco Chronicle is hosting a searchable database to find out who contributed to the California Prop8 ballot initiative. Searches may be done by geographic location. Here is the link: http://www.sfgate.com/webdb/prop8/
  17. I'm a new writer, so don't take what I do as anything more than what I do. I like to get the story out first. Then when I go back through it, I look at how it sounds, what pictures I have in my mind and add detail to make it clear what I want the reader to also see. Each time I go through it (and there are many), I'm fine tuning it, adding more detail as needed.
  18. NO!!!! Don't do this. John, I need to tell you this. I'm a new writer, and you've been an inspiration to me. Do you fucking know that? I don't always agree with you, and you haven't always agreed with me either, but we here at AD need your knowledge, inspiration, your...your...honesty. Look, someone said they didn't like the way you said something. Well, so what? How many different writers do you know? And how many of them have off the wall opinions? Look man. you're part of what we are. Just don't go. We (I) need you.
  19. Have a look. There's some very interesting and quite supportive comments from around the world. http://www.queerty.com/the-second-stonewal...ornia-20081110/
  20. In a way, I felt bad about starting this thread 14,000,000 words ago because of all the different directions it's gone and some people arguing (well, discussing) the many aspects of how we approach our writing. But then on the other side, I'm glad that this all started. For I have learned a lot! I mean that seriously. Some of these discussions were at the heart of how we write, and it speaks to what these forums are all about. Thanks for being upfront and letting me listen.
  21. Now that is something we can agree on, down to every letter, word and punctuation mark.
  22. Actually, Pec, I was trying to make a distinction between religion (faith) and the church (dogma). But you're right in that like everything else on this planet there are extremes at both ends and one shouldn't generalize. I'd place the fundamentalist Christians at one end and possibly Buddism at the other. It's unfortunate that people get faith and dogma linked. To many, their chosen dogma dictates what their faith is. Whereas their faith (belief) should find a dogma (church) that supports them or just not find a church and believe what they want. But here again, maybe I'm presupposing that people will actually think.
  23. Very well said Des. Okay, here's something for discussion. I'm a very religious man, but have a real problem with the church, whichever one it is. Churches are run by people. Religion is run by faith, and religion has nothing to do with denomination. That's a label that people get into for convenience. I really don't care, nor should you, what you think about what I believe. That's me and is not open for evaluation. But like Des pointed out, the "church," and all that that means, is. The Church is most assuredly a heated topic. and all that means to us. Maybe we should start a new thread (or topic) to continue this discussion. This is an exciteful topic, and I think it's worth pursuing, but under it's own name.
  24. WOW! All of the comments here exprss my thoughts, but I need to say them myself.I've only been with these forums for a brief few months, and during that time, I thought I had gotten to know you a little. I always liked what you had said, even if it was just ranting about this or that, and that made me like you. It told me that you're honest.Most of the time our inner strength will not show itself until we're forced to see what we're made of by having to make a 'real' choice. I won't say that you surprised me by what you had to do, but it solidified in my mind what a wonderful, caring person you are who can use his inner strength to do what is right.You have not only my love, but my respect.You're a good man, Jason
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