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Everything posted by TracyMN

  1. This one had me ROTFLMAO As for telling, James, it's hard not to if it's all you can think about. Haven't decided if it's ever helped me or not. I think you have to care what people think for that to work in your favor... You do your best, that's all we can ask of ourselves unless we want any lasting peace in our lives... I'm all for a play-by-play, if day one is any indication, it will get better (funnier) before it gets worse (the other side of funny). For us, that is. For you: Tracy
  2. So this is what the ruckus is all about! I should have known, this story has me clapping my hands, and laughing out loud almost every time Wolcott opens his mouth. Poor Daniel, such a perfect vehicle for his wit... I'd like to join the VW parade, sadly without a VW Bug, because I love the old Bugs too, and Minnesota winters ate them like M&M's...I had I think 5 of them, the first (and second) I paid $150 for, and the most expensive was a VW convertible I bought for $500 from a co-worker, a rather large man, who had to sell her because the seat was threatening to go through the floor...looking back, I'd say the best thing about those cars, next to driving them, was that when something was wrong, you called your VW mechanic, who invariably was one of your best friends, and took it over--no need to worry about the repair bill--after all, how much could it be? Simply a joy to own, and to drive. Much as...Wayward Son is to read. And at the rate I'm reading these days, I should have little, if any, wait at all! Bitchin'!! Tracy
  3. :lol: Between the beard, the voice, and both of them struggling to keep a straight face, it wouldn't have mattered what they were talking about. Got me laughing. Thanks, Cole. Tracy
  4. Moral silliness, what could be more delightful? Well done, Des. Tracy
  5. TracyMN

    Stand Up

    Thank you Colin, I'm glad most of all, but there is an unavoidable bit of relief whenever one sides against caution. I was able to witness firsthand the further impact of this video when describing it to Rick brought out aspects that were absorbed below the level of conscious attention that accompanies visual experience. It's illustration of isolation, imposed secrecy and subsequent fear of exposure, and the very real consequences of the realization of those fears made their own individual impressions that are a full partner to the need for and act of Standing Up, for ourselves and especially for each other; defining differences gives the illusion of separation and by alienating others, we isolate ourselves. The idea that we are alone in anything is perhaps the biggest lie of all. That it was all done without words brought me to once again to tears, because as much as I regard the ability of language to bridge the gaps in our understanding of each other, it is what we are that binds us and there are no words for that. Thanks again, DearHeart, there is so much more than talk happening here. Tracy
  6. Late for the party? If that's a problem, I'm in some serious trouble... Of course I second everything said here, though it may not qualify as seconding if I've done it a thousand times already. But Cole, I couldn't help but notice how well these readers "get" virtually all of what, over the course of so many patient conversations, I have come to understand of what you want, and fearlessly pursue, from a particular story, from your work in general, and from yourself as a person and as a writer. The reader comments seem to suggest a good degree of success for your considerable effort, and your responses seem to suggest that, finally, FINALLY, we are getting somewhere with convincing you. Whether convinced of your talent or of our regard for what we're proclaiming is talent, I'm just glad to see it, and you, a little more pleased with yourself by way of your reception. It is a significant part of the goal, as I understand it, of the feedback option, which you know I consider to be, for me, the chance of a lifetime, and for you all...a can of worms. I'd especially like to thank Gee for his "particular measure", and Constantine1453 for the degree to which he nailed down your number and his ability to just say it. ( begging pardon for that last part, its an insider thing, folks) And Des, there's enough unembodied intellect in the world, and your ability and willingness to bring your whole self to the table is essential to the times we live in and to the lives we are living, and you would be my first choice as representative of the inherent value of intuition and emotion under the firm guidance of sound intellect-- it is a coalition with the greatest potential for workable solutions to the problems of a world, inhabited by human beings and dependent upon their participation in any and all solutions. Words make us think, but it is the appeals to our hearts and to our higher selves that will move our feet. Jeez, I've really missed you guys. Can you tell? Thanks for your constancy, all. Tracy
  7. TracyMN

    Stand Up

    :wave: Hello Colin and Hello All: This video pleased me on a number of levels, and encouraged me on each of them as well. We all hope for a better world for our children and their children; that they will find the best of the good things we found, and a measure of what we hoped for them. We want our children to be better than we are, and for all the trouble that causes them and us, they, as individuals and as a group, are always better at something significant. The world may never be what we imagine it could or should be, but the significant improvements lend hope from one generation to the next -and from the next, backward also, bestowing the satisfaction of realized hope upon our passing. I don't know about other folks, but being a parent of one child made me a parent of all children, and my hope is encouraged and satisfied by any who manifest the essence of what is hoped for. This video realizes my hope in a general sense, and more specifically, it demonstrates my hope that the next generation will have the courage to stand up, as some of us did, but to greater effect; that they will reach out to each other, as some of us did, but to an extent that approaches the inclusion of all that is the full desire of reaching out; and that will utilize the resources, regardless of the nature of the struggle, available in the sheer number of them that stand up for any given thing. The look on the face of the bully said it all, his confidence dissolved with each new pair who stood up, and who was gay and who was straight mattered not a bit to the outcome. Thank you Colin. As much as I regard you as an adult, and appreciate you as a voice that affirms the past, confronts the present, and argues for change for the future, you continue to be a child of my hope and a source of its satisfaction. :hug: :hug: Tracy p.s. what parent doesn't get just a little kick from embarrassing their kids in public?
  8. It only feels silly, Cole, and that goes away with practice...besides, Doug is a very clever boy; I bet he can write, and write at the same time! Well said, Pec, and a reminder that there's always more that can be said about a good story. Tracy
  9. Hi All: There is nothing I could say that hasn't been well said here already, or to Doug during the posting of this story. LOL, strictly a reader, I do all the waiting I can reasonably expect of myself between stories. If not for readers in general, posting by chapter and I would still be a match made in heaven. Well deserved praise for a delightfully original author; wit is a shining star amidst many stand-out qualities in his work, not the least of which is an attraction to commas, that on appearances only would suggest something closer to compulsion. I know, (because I asked him, of course) for Doug, it is a natural element of expression, and thus, is as endearing as it is unique. I expect that I will, occasionally, be alone in my view of some particular thing. This, certainly, was not one of them. <g> Thank you, Doug, for your effort always; and all of you for saying first and more eloquently what I would have and more. Tracy
  10. Nice to see you, Colin, and thank you, I think I see where I went wrong. Helpful, and kind, too. Oh, and handsome, can't forget handsome. Tell your parents I said "Good Job!" Tracy
  11. For those who are familiar with the Mike and Danny Series, and anyone who enjoys stories with strong characters with heart, here's my usual LATE notice of an addition that has completed posting on CRVBOY: www.crvboy.org/stories/rcl/mnds13/c01.html Now why that doesn't appear as a link, I don't know... Tracy
  12. I vote Hell YES. I'm not a writer, but I am a minor influence on a couple. Tracy
  13. I'll second Des' And his: as well. The haunting quality of the piece, for me, began early, with every detail expnding in my mind a picture of the ultimate homeless teen, the very real challenges and the critical danger in losing heart; until, in the end it reminds me that rescue will always and only have a human face. So if I allowed it, my mind would run in a hundred directions, chasing the details both stated and implied, or I can just as easily take it as a whole experience, more than grateful for what i've got. Thank you, Gee, it's always a pleasure to see you, a little bit of Christmas in everything you bring. Tracy
  14. I am intentionally optimistic about the possibilities on the publishing horizon. My theory is that where authors go, readers will follow, and a larger number of authors making a modest living would have to mean readers are reading what they want, not what they got. I dream of a world where there are no James Pattersons, where two people on the bus reading the same book actually means something. Tracy
  15. I don't know, Cole, but I get Justice, fair and square. I read JJ's first posting, "Bob The Wonder Boy" on CRVBOY, and have read everything since; he had style coming in and is, IMO, a shining example of what consistant effort can do with a bit of talent. My favorite of his remains "Constantin", but I agree with Gothy that this is probably his best writing, craft-wise. Don't ask me why or how I know that, I don't know how you guys do whatever it is you're doing, I just enjoy it, enjoy it A LOT, or enjoy it more. Thanks for delivering some well-deserved credit where it was long over-due, Cole. Author support of other authors is part of the strength of this community, and what encourages you all to write some more is a service to readers as well. Tracy
  16. Thanks EJ, that one would have got me. Tracy
  17. Thanks Camy, I was just telling someone last night about the moment I realized that topics I had typed into email were appearing in the ads on the right side of the page. And I figure any time they provide an opt-out (albeit, well hidden) it's because they are required to, and I have to wonder whose idea of protection this is?? I don't have enough info to be sure, but I might have to have more respect for someone who just admits they could care less about me or what I want or what is in my best interest than the motives behind this dog and pony show. Tracy
  18. TracyMN


    For what it's worth, James, though I did read "Special Delivery", there was no mention of it being part of a series that I recall, and I approached this piece as a stand alone--and found it to do that quite nicely! Mom is just too funny! And being one myself made it all the more delightful, as I could picture my own friends and family as I was here, wondering how I could be so oblivious to the sum of the words rolling off my tongue... So off I go to fill in the middle. As always, thank you for your effort. I'd call this one FunFlash at it's best. Tracy
  19. Truly incredible. Thanks! Tracy
  20. This is everything I love about you guys! I'll spare you the convoluted explanation... Tracy
  21. I heard about this on the radio this morning and wondered why they needed a second opinion? "Because I said I would" wouldn't seem quite enough, not even for a dipshit. I don't know why I worry about a dumb question now and then... Tracy
  22. I know somebody. I'll see if I can't send him over. Tracy
  23. My condolences to you also, Trab. To be known and remembered fondly for ones approach to life is the finest tribute anyone can give, and you have done that here for George. Every insulin-dependent diabetic goes to sleep every night knowing that a miscalculation can mean life slips away in their sleep. And the bugger about low blood sugar is that while in it's clutches, the simple remedy so close at hand becomes as if it were diamonds deep in a mine--the one clear thought and the move toward it are, across that very fine line, impossible to muster. One true friend who recognizes your pattern of speech or gait were once the surest hope, before we learned of the amazing sensitivity of dogs to do a quite better job of it with self-less reliability. It seems sad we should have so many abandoned and abused domestic animals, dogs in particular are bred by human intention (in the US most certainly), and not have enough service dogs for those whose lives depend on them. Something to be mindful of, but knowing it is your sorrow that affords the opportunity, gratitude, however heartfelt, is thanks with it's hands tied. Tracy
  24. That is a beautifully encouraging thought, Des, and destined to become part of my own prized collection, gathered from a thousand voices over a lifetime, aid amidst a troubling landscape. So in that it would seem to work both ways. Tracy
  25. You make it sound so simple, which of course, it is. For the life of me, I couldn't find that thread again...it looked so tempting , "How to Listen" Thank you Camy, sometimes it is best just to jump on in. I'll start with the one that has YOU on it!!!! Tracy
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