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Going to England

Guest Rustic Monk

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Ah, I'm jealous. I've been in many places -- Rome, New York, Mexico, Japan, Hong Kong, California, Florida -- but never managed to find the time to visit England. One of my favorite places in the world, at least on paper. The Sherlock Holmes stories got me through most of my adolescence, and I think of London as this wonderful, mystical, mesmerizing place. Gotta get there, one of these days!

Have fun -- watch out for the bad food.

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Guest Rustic Monk

C'mon, now. I actually enjoyed Haggis. And I can't think of anything people like less than haggis. More people would eat menudo than haggis and I :: regurgitates a little :: I can't eat menudo. It takes like it smells. :: runs to the toilet. ::

I'll send you some pictures when I get back. :)

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Guest Rustic Monk

:: returns :: Did I say "takes" like it smells? I meant it tastes like it smells. And, for the people who don't know, menudo is tripe soup. That is, the lining of cow. Another version of tripe would be what haggis is cooked in. The different between haggis and menudo is that menudo is a soup, complete with cute little flagellum roots (eck), and haggis is sheep stomach, stuffed and baked. Oh yeah, and haggis is Scottish, and menudo is Mexican. But tripe could be the lining of the stomach of any animal with the cloven-hoove that chews the cud.

Thanks MD. :D

Sorry for the food lesson. Though I am looking forward to a proper toad-in-the-hole, fish and chips, yorkshire pudding, and bubble and squeek! . . . not so much the blood pudding, though. I think I'll save that dish for last.

Anyway, I finally found someone who called me back for a job right away. So I'm off to interview.


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Hmm. Raccoon snacks. No wonder the UK's getting a reputation for bad food. :lol:

Eating in the UK depends on how much money you have.

If you have a spare ?20 I'd have lunch at Fortnum and Mason on Piccadilly. Welsh Rarebit is just ... *falls over backwards drooling* wonderful.

Then there's the Ritz

or Harrods

Lots of good places to eat in Soho too.

Covent Garden is also cool, though somewhat expensive and touristy. It's also the centre for street performance of all sorts.

Have fun!


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come & visit rostock! :w00t: the sleepy city on the baltic coast where I'm sure the most exciting thing that ever happened since the german unification is the G8 summit :lol: with its attendants of riots of course. on the other hand, it's pretty good atmosphere to study.



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Guest Rustic Monk


Here I am. Yay. It's midnight-forty right now, I'm jet-lagged, wide-awake and wondering what to do.


Thanks to WBMS, who gave me a very informative and soon to be helpful, list of things to do while I'm here.

Sorry, Rad, Germany is not on the itenerary. M?glicherweise folgendes Mal, wenn ich Tour von Europa nehme. I'm always down for a riot against the G8.

Damn translators. Here's to the rosetta stone.

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