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Colinian, feeling a bit frisky, perhaps, being a precocious college student and all and so besotted by his academic and intellectual environment, presented me with a challenge. It was to form a statement of 26 words, each starting with a consecutive letter of the alphabet starting with 'A'. He then proceded to show me how easy it was.

I worked a bit a came up with a couple of my own.

If anyone else enjoys this sort of wordplay, you might like to contribute your efforts for us to marvel at.

Here are two of my own. You can see, I'm not a bit reluctant to display my lack of meaningful abilities in this arena:

Alan became coldhearted, disgustedly employing foxy girls, harrumphing, "I'm just keeping luckless men needlessly off payrolls." Questioning radically stressed the useless, voluptuous womanly xenophobic yak zookeepers.

and then:

Asking becomes critical, demanding essential facts, gathering helpful information. Juveniles--kids--like mathematics. Notwithstanding, obstreperous professors query reluctant students, turning up vacuously woeful x-axis, y-axis zealots.


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Colinian, feeling a bit frisky, perhaps, being a precocious college student and all and so besotted by his academic and intellectual environment, presented me with a challenge. It was to form a statement of 26 words, each starting with a consecutive letter of the alphabet starting with 'A'. He then proceded to show me how easy it was.

He's smarter than you. You just did his English homework.

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He's smarter than you. You just did his English homework.
I wouldn't dispute that smarter bit at all. I've know it for a 'coon's age.

Shame, Cole, shame! Picking on someone one-fourth your age. :spank:

Just to show that Cole wasn't doing my homework for me, here's what I wrote and sent to Cole to further his education: :razz:

A Buddhist congregant doesn't ever force God;

he instills just karma lovingly,

mentions no obtuse philosophies,

quietly recounts stories,

teaching unprepared, vastly wearisome, xenophobic young zealots.

Colin :icon_geek:

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Thanks, Cole, for pointing me here. It was 'interesting'. The challenge, of course, is to make it have at least a modicum of logic.

After berating cavorting dancers, each foreigner generally happy in joyous kicking lust, missionary novices overwhelmed; preaching, quickly reaching stridency, typically, until vanquishing with xenophobic yearly zest.

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After berating cavorting dancers, each foreigner generally happy in joyous kicking lust, missionary novices overwhelmed; preaching, quickly reaching stridency, typically, until vanquishing with xenophobic yearly zest.
A Buddhist congregant doesn't ever force God;

he instills just karma lovingly,

mentions no obtuse philosophies,

quietly recounts stories,

teaching unprepared, vastly wearisome, xenophobic young zealots.

Stunned, awestruck, overwhelmed I am.

I haven't even attempted it. My excuse will have to be I don't want to be seen as xenophobic...!


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Okay, okay, obviously we have to dispense with xenophobia,

although it's somewhat ironic that a foreigner would object to a foreign word

and that word would be xenophobia. Go figure.<g>

Is this better?

All babies create drool excessively, frequently gurgling hilariously. It's justifiable kitsch,

like many natural occurrences. People quirkily repeat silly taradiddles:

uselessly voicing witticisms, xeroxing yesterday's zingers.


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