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Surface Tension


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Surface Tension

by Merkin

His path to grace won't be his face, I fear;

No noble brow nor Roman prow lives there,

And while his ears would sooner suit a jug

At least they match, and balance out his mug.

What hair's his own, while fair, so lank and thin

It fails to hide the shine, or mask his chin;

A pity since his jaw needs much more thrust

To help his smile, spread 'cross his dial, win trust.

His specs so dense I can't make sense, you see,

Where he is aimed -- I must suppose it's me.

I'm puzzled why he'd catch my eye; you'd think

I'd spurn away his offer of a drink...

Yet, what you see is never what you get:

Turned out to be the finest man I've met!

I took a chance and put aside my pride;

Looked past his face -- and saw the grace inside.

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That is delightful James, very clever and a wonderful message too.

I love the way you use everyday words and then surprise us with eloquent lines:

"Yet, what you see is never what you get"

and then match it with the following line:

"Turned out to be the finest man I've met!"

is just brilliant and had me smiling.

To complete this poem with your final lines

made me think of Oscar Wilde's works,

and the way he exposed beauty with words.

I am so beguiled by your poem, that I am giving it my appreciation award. :wav:


To James Merkin

for his Poem

Surface Tension

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Bruin said just what I was planning to say, but better, as usual.

What a tremendous effort. And I couldn't agree more with Des' award and his citing of the wonderful line: Yet, what you see is never what you get. . .

Beautiful work. Simply splendid. It's one of those small pieces of writing that require a poetical setting to be best expressed.


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A DesDownUnder! You are a lucky chap,

though it's a well deserved award:

for your poem is wonderful, marvellous, a peach.

Now I'll stop or you'll be bored.

Honestly James, it's excellent. The within is so much more important than the exterior.

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Well, I'm just gobsmacked. I never thought I was in the running for a DesDownUnder Award, and I'm tremendously touched by it. Thank you Des, and to all of you who see beneath the surface.

I'm a bit speechless at the moment.


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Well, I'm just gobsmacked. I never thought I was in the running for a DesDownUnder Award, and I'm tremendously touched by it. Thank you Des, and to all of you who see beneath the surface.

I'm a bit speechless at the moment.


James, whilst it may be true as you have written that, "Yet, what you see is never what you get", at AwesomeDude you also get what you earn, and you have well and truly earned the award. :lol: I think it is safe to say we love your poem.

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