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Nigel Gordon

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Everything posted by Nigel Gordon

  1. I think it is possibly Deutsch Gothic, which is of course based on the original type font used by Guttenberg - their mindset seems to be stuck in the thinking of Calvin and co who were around at that time it became popular and it has not advanced since.
  2. Comic Sans is a marmite font, you either love it or hate it. Strangely enough I don't like Comic Sans but I do find that in certain circumstances, it is easy to read, especially for people who are dyslexic.
  3. Read James Cavell's Nobel House, one of the most dangerous things going is a limp-wristed freak - everybody underestimates them.
  4. I have just come across the following quote, don't know who it is by or where it is from, a friend passed it to me without attribution, but I fully appreciate its sentiment: A good writer can capture a reader in a story, a good editor enables the reader to read the story. That is so true!
  5. The cat perfectly understands its position cat owns human, human owns dog!
  6. The is a story which I have read elsewhere and it is one I can well recommend to others to read.
  7. It's to be hoped that Garrett did learn a lesson, though I'm not also convinced by his actions. Hope we find out how Josh and Greg get on, it is not going to be easy for them.
  8. Well worth watching right through to the end. Wish there was more RAP like this.
  9. Over the years I have read a lot of stories about the Invasion of Normandy, seventy years ago now. I have also spoken with a number of people who were part of that invasion. This story gives you something of the feel of what it must have been like. This is a remarkably well told story that says a lot by just saying the minimum. It is one I would recommend everyone to read. You will find it here: http://awesomedude.com/cole-parker/snyder/snyder.htm
  10. Of course we believe it, you had the best propagandist going promoting it, Douglas Adams: http://arstechnica.com/civis/viewtopic.php?f=23&t=986853
  11. I totally agree, Cole is having far to much fun. I don't mind cliff hangers but have a feeling that Cole is also cutting away at the safety rope and any moment I'm going to find that I am not where I expected to be.
  12. I am really glad that Nicholas has started posting to AD as it means I am finding Nicholas Hall stories that I have not read. This is a delightful story with has a touch of sweetness about it and one which I really enjoyed reading. You can find it here: http://awesomedude.com/nicholas-hall/the-carpenter-and-the-piano-man/the-carpenter-and-the-piano-man.htm
  13. Actually Bruin the Isle of Man is not part of the United Kingdom being an independent sovereign domain of the Queen. As such it is only subject to its own laws made by its parliament the Tynwald and laws made by the UK parliament do not apply there. Incidentally the Isle of Man like the Channel Islands are not part of the European Union.
  14. Well, this story, which I had found interesting and delightful with its insight into boyhood relationships, has suddenly taken a turn to the dark side. Something unexpected from what had gone before but which promises to take the whole story in an interesting and challenging direction. I just hope it can match its promise.
  15. No, I mean Cornwall, although part of England it did until the middle of the 18th century have certain autonomous rights, which were recognized by royal charters. Amongst those rights was the right to self-government and judicial oversight of its own affairs that did not affect life and limb by means of the Stannary Parliament and Courts. Henry the VII issued the Charter of Pardon in 1508 which stated that no new laws could be passed that affected the Cornish miners without the consent of the Stannary. The Cornish Stannary Parliament last assembled in 1752 and finished in 1753 but it was never formally wound up or disbanded. The opinion has been stated in the UK Parliament in the 20th century that there is no longer a constitutional basis for the existence of the Cornish Stannary Parliament, but it must be noted that there is no legal or judicial ruling that states it does not have the right to form. Since the 1950s there has been increasing pressure from various parties in Cornwall to re-convene the Cornish Stannary Parliament. Mebyon Kernow (The Party of Cornwall - strictly translates as The Sons of Cornwall) is pushing hard for a Cornish Assembly, its claim to such resting in part on the historic right of the Cornish to self-government through the Stannary Parliament. Have a look at : https://www.mebyonkernow.org/news/article.php?id=170
  16. No Cole, Scotland is not part of and never has been part of England. That is the whole point, Scotland is a totally separate kingdom within the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, to use its full name. England is the annoying bit at the bottom and on the right hand side, To the left you have the big round bit sticking out of the side which is Wales, a principality in its own right, and the long bit sticking out at the bottom on the right is Cornwall, whose exact status is still under debate. Oh and the little dot at the bottom is the Isle of Wight, which is in a totally different time dimension, currently somewhere around the 1950s, which explains the high cost of the ferries going over to it, it is the most expensive sea crossing per mile in the world, but time travel has a lot of overheads. Saying that Scotland is part of England is rather like saying that New Mexico is part of Texas, a comment which both sides find insulting.
  17. Latest news on the subject, Alex Salmond the First Minister of Scotland and Leader of the Scottish Nationalist Party has resigned from both posts.
  18. The final result has just been announced giving an overall result with 55.3% voting NO. What is more interesting is that only 4 of the 32 electoral areas voted in favor, I must say that from an emotional and constitutional point of view I am glad they have voted no. From a business perspective I regret it, I had a number of companies lined up who wanted technical assistance to move from Scotland to England (or anywhere else in the EU outside Scotland) in the event of a no vote. Could have done with the consultancy fees. We are now going to see some major constitutional changes in the UK, it is going to be interesting times.
  19. Actually Chris taxation is playing a minor role in the arguments over Scottish Independence, the main issue is one of National Identity. People are asking if it is possible to be British and Scottish. Some are saying it is, others that it is not. The other issue that has arisen is the question of social responsibility. The SNP and its supporters are taking a view that they want a much more welfare based society, such as found in Sweden, this is in contrast to the general trend of policy within the Westminster Government. Most of us in the UK are hoping that Scotland votes NO, then we can use the promise of more devolution for Scotland to argue for devolution for the regions of England. Personally I would like each of the ancient kingdoms of England to have its own government.
  20. This story is getting more insightful and interesting with each chapter. Chris has done a great job in giving us an insight into alternative social views and understandings.
  21. Also signed. I also have meet the son ... ditto, especially considering where I met him.
  22. Yes they are easy and quick to get off and if damaged in the process cheap to replace. The problem with fashion is that it is too expensive to get really passionate in.
  23. Cole, please don't tell me that Satan is mythical, that would totally upset the plot of the story that I am currently working on, next you'll be telling me there is no such thing as Farther Christmas.
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