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Nigel Gordon

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Everything posted by Nigel Gordon

  1. That's not Satan, it's Priapus. Satan's phallus according to statements in the witch trials is forked!
  2. He clearly did not come out all right if this is the type of action he takes against a young child or anybody for that matter.
  3. This is the first Nicholas Hall story to be posted to AD, though I hope we are going to see more work from this writer. Railroad Bridges is a delightful and insightful story which is really well written. It is a piece of writing that I would recommend anyone to read. You can find it here: http://awesomedude.com/nicholas-hall/railroad-bridges/railroad-bridges.htm
  4. I am so pleased to see Revelations II start, it will give me a chance to follow the story of two of my favorite characters.
  5. I had not come across this story before but found it delightful and entertaining. I can understand why Cole is proud of it. I can also understand why people have asked for a sequel, though I also understand why it has not be written.
  6. Although there is a sound business argument for allowing preferential net usage, I have heard that the cost of maintaining net neutrality would be a reduction of profits of 40% over the next five years, there are also good economic reason for arguing for net neutrality. By allowing preferential transmission you introduce a barrier to entry into a market. Basically only those firms who are big enough to be able to afford the cost of getting preferential treatment are able to operate effectively in the market. This encourages the development of effective monopoly groupings within industry sectors with little or no external competition or innovation. The argument in the European Parliament against preferential net usage has very much been on the basis that it is a anti-competitive measure.
  7. Yes, they are the type of characters which make me open my files on extremely nasty toxicology!! You know those poisons which take ages to kill but make the process totally unbearable.
  8. Legislation is already in the process of being past in the EU to enforce net neutrality, for information see: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-26865869 Unfortunately massive pressure is being put on some European Government, especially the British Government by parties, mostly from the USA to block this law.
  9. More often than not for me the inspiration come from some offhand remark I overhear. For instance the inspiration for 'Miss Jenkin's Work' came about when two women sitting in front of me on the bus where chatting about somebody and the one said 'Well she looks such I nice old lady you would never believe she was into something like that.' The other lady replied, "and going down to London to do it." Once I heard that all sorts of possibilities came to mind but I decided to write up the jewel thief one. Strangely enough I will often start to write a story based on something I have overheard but it will lead nowhere and I will put the story to one side. However, something I have written in the incomplete story will give me an in to a story that I will write and finish. 'Joining the Movement' came about in this way.
  10. Well, I have just fallen victim to the latest scam. The scammer, my bank. They have done away with interest charges on my overdraft, when I use it, and replaced it with a flat monthly fee for having the overdraft facility. So my overdraft charges are going to go up from about £3.90 a year to £72 a year. The really nasty thing is that the letter advising me states that it will make life easier. For whom?
  11. I suspect this is going to get a lot more complex before we get to the end. It is going to be enjoyable seeing it come together.
  12. Rick, since I introduced its use the number of unwanted calls, especially those from India, have dropped from two to three a day to about the same number a month. Unfortunately I can't ignore withheld or international numbers as most of my friends are living overseas and often call using VOIP systems.
  13. I have an old fashioned penny whistle on the table by my phone any bogus, nuisance or hoax calls get a good ten seconds of top D# at maximum volume, I'm told it does wonders for the ear drums - fortunately at my age I can't hear it fully.
  14. Just read the third chapter, this is becoming more and more interesting. I always find that Chris gives a very insightful perspective on the Native American culture.
  15. The start up promises a lot, one thing with Cole, you can be sure he will deliver.
  16. Daniel has put up a request on the Go Fund Me site for people to stop funding him, it now stands at over $93K. He asks that anyone who wants to help LGBT youth in similar situations to make donations to Alanta Lost n Found Youth. To read his request goto: http://www.gofundme.com/dnoqgg
  17. The article is actually a cut down transcript of a broadcast that went out last Sunday. Listening to the actual broadcast, which can be found here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b04fchmd Comes across somewhat better than the written version does.
  18. I've recently come across a series of novels and stories by Nichollas Hall on Nifty after a recommendation from a friend. Some of his work is not suitable for AD but there is some good story telling and he addresses some challenging issues, so, in my opinion is a writer worth reading. I would recommend "Gif's Island", "Parkers Love", "Heart of a Dancer" and "West Otter Lake" in particular.
  19. Yes, of course there is a God, she's black and gay! The Moor is one of my favorite stories and I think one of Solticeman's best. Enjoy reading it again.
  20. I'm not sure but I think you have got your country wrong. The story that springs to mind is 'The Moor' by Solsticeman. You can find it here: http://awesomedude.com/solsticeman/the_moor/index.htm The story is set during the period immediately prior to the Second World War in Sicily and then moves to Rome during the time of the Second World War. It concerns a boy who starts as a photographer's model and ends up as a war reporter and covers the front from the Italian perspective. Sorry if this is not the correct story but it sounds like it.
  21. Chris James is a writer whose work I have long admired, it was following Chris's writing that brought me to AD, and I always look forward to a new story from him. There is something about his writing which reaches into his characters and makes them live, far more than i find with other writers. In this story he has certainly brought a character to life and in such a way that I cannot wait to find out what is going to happen next. This has all the hallmarks of being one of Chris's better pieces of writing and one I am sure is going to be well worth reading. You can find it here: http://awesomedude.com/chris_james/indigo-and-the-cowboy/index.htm
  22. As Marshall Hall pointed out that everybody has the right to have their position tested in law, they just don't have the right to expect the law to agree with them.
  23. I don't think it is so much about wanting to as needing to. Any idea how the kid is managing? What is worrying is to read some of the comments on YouTube regarding this. The way some people reacted is frightening.
  24. This is a touching and delightful story.
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