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Everything posted by Trab

  1. Jason, I'm not really sure I have the right to even make a comment. Your life sounds like it's fucked up badly, and your family isn't exactly helping you any. My temptation is to want to hug you, just because for some reason, I'm one of those despised people who want to help. I don't know why, but when someone is hurting, I want to make it stop for them. If someone needs, I go overboard to assist. If I'm not careful, I just about kill myself trying to 'make things better'. This too, is an affliction, and one I have to constantly guard against. I've been told that it's because I cannot love myself, so I try to buy affection from others. Frankly, I don't believe that. (I love myself every night, rain or shine; sometimes more than once.)Nevertheless, there may be the slightest thing that I can do for you, which doesn't overdo things for me, or offend you. Bi-polar has been found to be directly connected to poor processing of copper by the liver. By cutting down on foods with copper in them, you can drastically reduce that 'tendency' as you called it. It's not a tendency, it's a medical condition, alleviated to some extent by diet control.If you will forgive me to making this further comment: shed your family from your life. THEY are dragging you down. They're already lost to you, no differently than an actual death. They are blinded and brain dead. As long as you continue to live through them, whether memories or hopes, or even anger, you are lost. You owe it to yourself to find yourself.
  2. I would NEVER post someone's work on another site without permission, and I sure as hell would never claim it as my own. That would be disgusting behavior, not to mention criminal. As for printing it up and then shredding it, yes, it would save trees to keep it, but I seldom read a book twice, but if I do, it needs about a 10 year hiatus, and I just don't have that kind of room. The number of books I'd have in 10 years would kill me. But, because I respect the copyright of the author, I always shred the manuscript before putting it into the paper recycling box. If I didn't, I would (in my mind) be violating the copyright by distributing it, even though the likelihood of recycle workers actually taking it out is next to infinitisimal. Des, I tried what you suggested, and it didn't work. I'm using Safari as my browser and MS Word for Mac. I HAVE found a way though. Ironically, each time I go to paste the copied chapter, I need to go to Edit, then Paste Special, then select Unformatted Text in order to save the formatting. If I select Formatted Text (the default) then it promptly strips the formatting when I complete the paste. Go figure. Anyway, I now have a way to do this, and I thank you all for your suggestions and comments. PS. I run through 45,000 sheets of paper per year and have my own high volume laser printer and cerlox binding machine. I told you guys I was an avid reader, but I don't think anyone realized just how avid.
  3. I supposed I should preface my actual comment with another comment, just to clarify. The stories I like to read, which are mostly accessed via AD, are on websites. Now I don't know about all of you others, but I don't like to perch my iMac on top of my chest while lying in bed reading. So, I take all the material, chapter by chapter, and put it into my MSWord as one long document. I read the story, then carefully cross shred all the pages. Although technically I'm breaking copyright rules, I don't really feel I'm doing anything wrong. (This is comment #1. Feel free to comment on this if you wish.) Since "Someday Out Of The Blue" is now finished, I thought I'd start to read it. I quickly realized that it is too long to do at the computer, so saved the whole thing into a .doc file. There's something 'wrong' with this one. I have no idea why, but the formatting is completely stripped off the story. There is no new line. No new paragraph. It is one huge clump of text with spacing only after the periods. This is completely (to me) unreadable. (This is comment #2.) If anyone can clarify why this happened with this one particular story, as opposed to others like TSOI, I welcome the knowledge, and even moreso a solution. I WANT to read this story, but I simply won't be able to fit it in during the day sitting at the computer. BTW, I thought it would have been more appropriate asking this on the web whiz section, but surprisingly, I cannot post even a question there. Is that section strictly for posting information from our web specialists?
  4. Trab

    Author of:

    I was undecided about whether or not to post this or PM it, but I think it's important for people to realize. In reference to TR's "Trab, don't be so literal-minded, luv." I cannot help it TR. It's part of my Asperger's Syndrome. It would be no different if you were to say, "Don't be so tall." or "gay", or "right-handed". It's who I am, and sometimes I can act a part for a short while, but it almost impossible to not be literal minded for me, mostly because I cannot see what I am 'supposed' to be seeing. I don't know if that is clear enough. I'll try for an example (over explaining is another AS trait, but in written format I can detect it, in verbal I cannot and just ramble on). If one sees an ugly person, one can act as if the person isn't ugly. But if one truly cannot see if the person being observed is ugly or pretty (as in different standards such as might exist in aboriginal societies) one cannot act one way or another, so just says what they THINK is right, the only thing that actually comes to ones own mind. The only reason I'm even going on about this TR, is because I know you are a brilliant and caring person, from having read some of your stuff, and this is the second time you've indicated you think this is under my control. It isn't, and it hurts me a bit that you think it is. It's very close to the way straights think we should just switch back to straight.
  5. TR, I just heard your ad on ADRadio, and it gave me a good laugh. I'm not sure it was intended to be 'tongue in cheek' but it's great! I myself am the author of numerous unstarted novels, and the painter of many unstarted masterpieces. Sorry TR. I not making fun of you. It just sounded so...innocently self deprecating; understated recognition of your humanity. It actually made me want to hug you.
  6. You guys don't know scary.
  7. Gosh. I hope I haven't offended anyone with my comments. I started to make up a spreadsheet to keep track of all the stories I'd started to read, which chapter I'd gotten to, date of the last chapter, etc. (okay, AS again: organize, organize, organize) but when I went back to some of the stories, they weren't at the original locations. Then I'd have to start searching site after site till I could find it/them. That's what makes AwesomeDude such a blessing. Many of the best stories are here, and I don't have to search all over the place. And yes, I make exceptions all the time. I will often check out a first chapter, and if I'm hooked, and I mean really hooked, I'll wait eagerly for that next chapter. That doesn't mean I don't prefer to simply read till I can't keep my eyes open any more though, finishing the whole series in one go.
  8. I really dislike ongoing serial stories. More often than not, I'll bypass them in favor of a series that is complete. The fact that it may take months, even years, if ever, to get the next issue, turns me off completely. There are some stories though, which are of sufficient length that I can entertain myself with it for a long time before running into the 'wall'. A good example is TSOI. Lots of chapters, and they kept me going for a long time. Finally I reached the end, and then I waited till there were some 8 chapters ahead for me to read. Sometimes I never get back to a serial story at all. That's really sad, but I cannot remember enough about the story, yet I remember too much to want to read it all over again. So it just gets 'junked'. And yes, The Angel is a victim of that. I've never gone back to it, despite liking it as far as I got. My personal recommendation is to NOT post a serial story. Or, leave off with it in a place/position in which the story is essentially complete in its own right, with subsequent chapters forming a new 'arc' as they say in TV.
  9. Trab


    Every once in a while, I will see other members online, and think, "Gee. It would be nice to just say a few words, like "Hi. Howya doin'?"" But there is no effective way to do this. I'm wondering if it is possible to make this easier. My suggestion, which is two-part, is: Make a small 'window', much like the AD Radio window which shows if someone is logged into the chat service. This will allow one to know if it is a waste of time to even start up the javascript. Make a Chat Invite section on the member's Profile under Communication, and have this pop up an invite window to this member immediately. Have an option for members to disable this Chat Invite, and have their profile say that it is disabled. This leaves the option with the members being asked for contact, but increases the chance of contact being successful. As it sits now, it is virtually impossible to ever get a chat going, unless we post a notice a week ahead of time, and even then the different time zones would likely kill our chances of success.
  10. OMG Des, that's just too friggin' terrific. One little question niggles me, the word "span" as in "In shock, I quickly stood and span around,", which I think is a typo/spelling error? The end was hilariously touching. Well done!
  11. Rick, besides the obvious, that we would in fact still not be 'equal' because 'similar' is not the same (wordplay but valid nonetheless), the difference in the language itself would require the re-writing of endless millions of other laws, regulations, and contracts. Each one of those would be fought with equal vigor, I'm pretty convinced. I like the idea mentioned elsewhere in this forum, eliminating marriage altogether, along with all the 'benefits' given out by governments for those so united.
  12. Trab

    Pre - Blog

    Oh kwitcher whining Camy. Just kiddin'. But there was a tidbit on the radio forum, his dudeness works for Sirius. After seeing how long it takes just to READ the stuff on the site and forum, I cannot even imagine the time it takes to RUN the thing. I'd like to know where dude gets his extra 12 hours extra per day. The rest of us poor slobs only have 24 hours in a day.
  13. http://mrgayuk.co.uk/home/?topic=1402 http://mrgayuk.co.uk/home/?folder=27
  14. I know what to say, but I'm too polite to say it. On a related note: I've read several times that one should video tape a statement to go along with your will, particularly if there could be an 'issue'. Have it witnessed and left with the will for reading. It goes a long way to proving what is wanted.
  15. C.J., I've taken your 'hint' and read your story, "No Shirt? No Problem!" and I have a few possible corrections or changes. As I said, I'm not a writer, and I'm certainly not an editor, but I've spotted some stuff for you. If you contact me by direct e-mail, with your own e-mail address, I'll be able to attach it in .doc format. It's up to you. Bart BK_Trab@shaw.ca
  16. I seriously doubt that there is anyone here who would offer negative criticism. Comments can be taken as negative or positive, but one should always take into account the motive behind the comment, and in this forum they are pretty universally made with the intent of helping to let a person become a better writer. Also, I've noticed that almost always each person adds on something like, "That's my opinion only, and others may feel differently." That's heartwarming really; as the person commenting is acknowledging their own biases and possible ignorance.
  17. How about a wolf C.J.? I'm not an author (sadly), but I'm a wickedly avid reader, and downright nasty with my comments about spelling and typing errors. In fact, I'm probably about as grumpy an old fart as our resident racoon.
  18. So the answer to your question (the one without the question mark) is, 'yes', someone does. The question marked sentence doesn't seem to be a question at all. I'm just funnin' with ya Des. BTW, smelt is a fish. Really, it is. Smelt
  19. Wow. Thanks for that link. It makes me proud to have been born Dutch. The translation did have one little error, in that it said he is 'bullied' at school about it, but what he said is that he's 'teased'. A major difference in my view.
  20. This was sent to me, and I think it's worth a short guffaw. Bart WHAT were they thinking? All of these are legitimate companies that didn't spend quite enough time considering how their online names might appear ... and be misread. 1. Who Represents is where you can find the name of the agent that represents any celebrity: http://www.whorepresents.com/ 2. Experts Exchange is a knowledge base where programmers can exchange advice and views at http://www.expertsexchange.com/ 3. Looking for a pen? Look no further than the company named Pen Island at www.penisland.net 4. Need a therapist? Try Therapist Finder at http://www.therapistfinder.com/ 5. There's the Power Generator company in Italy: http://www.powergenitalia.com/ 6. And don't forget! Select flowers at the Mole Station Native Nursery in New South Wales, http://www.molestationnursery.com/ 7. If you're looking for IP computer software, there's always http://www.ipanywhere.com/ 8. Cumming (Georgia) has a very modern First Methodist Church. Their web site: http://www.cummingfirst.com/ 9. Then, of course, there?s these brainless art designers, and their whacky website: www.speedofart.com 10. Want to holiday in Lake Tahoe? Try their brochure website at www.gotahoe.com
  21. I don't think there is truly any solution. The same as the warnings parents had for kids of yesteryear (Des, Graeme, me), they are often taken not as a warning, but as an exciting possibility. I think parents are very often decades behind in even knowing the dangers, and warning effectively. How is a parent who is virtually computer illiterate supposed to even KNOW about the online dangers, much less adequately warn their kids or provide safety? Just as in the past parents living in the country couldn't know about dangers in the 'big city', parents now cannot truly appreciate the dangers online. The sad fact is, there have always been, and likely always will be, those who will prey on those younger, weaker, older, naive, more vulnerable. They either cannot, or will not, deal honestly with anyone. They may be desparate for love, money, self-respect, or whatever, but they cannot achieve it in a 'proper' way, so they resort to exploitation. It is simply impossible to protect everyone from 'anyone' who may be 'out to get them'. It's not 'fair', but it is raw nature. The most powerful or the most devious wins. If it is not brute force that wins, it is the one with the best disguise/camoflage. In this case, they are trying to set up a system of protection from disguise. Well, it can't be done. The next step in the process of disguise is to disguise oneself as one of the 'cleared' thereby causing a worse situation, in which having this identity (supposedly cleared) makes the kids automatically believe them. Now even the moderate caution they might have had has been stripped from them. Isn't the best protection truly just a huge and healthy amount of paranoia (if it is possible to have healthy paranoia)? Just don't tell your personal details. Maybe what is needed, for each computer, is some automatic system that will ONLY allow the adult ADMIN on the system to type in things like name, address, phone numbers, dates of birth, etc. That way, the CHILD using the computer is not even able to type it in. When they go to say they live in Liverpool, their computer won't let them, and the closest they can come, with huge effort, is "I live YYY miles north of London in the UK" When they go to type that they were born in 1995, it refuses to allow it. The parents would need to type in all the restricted details and the program would automatically update things like the kids' ages. Probably this is impossible too, but at least it puts the onus back on the parent, and more importantly, doesn't run the risk of infringing the rights and privacy of all of us who really are who we say we are. Bart 57 year old, fat, gay guy in BC Canada, likes looking at cute eye candy, wouldn't hurt anyone, lost virginity at 56 in a relationship, sadly once again alone (as said in another post-this is not likely to benefit me if I was to be lying about it)
  22. "?" left me confused too. I thought the editor had chopped a bit too much out of the story.
  23. Trab

    An idea

    Okay. I give up. What part of your own anatomy did you remove? Or is it that you dropped a few words, and meant '...left you with the memory of a really really really bright red...'
  24. "I don't think "meh" in this sense fits in the noises-of-hesitation category" I don't believe that Graeme was trying to start a specific category like that. I thought it was ALL sounds we make during speech. I also use "meh" at times, but it is not all that common for me, or those around me.
  25. Trab

    An idea

    Oh, you guys are GOOD.
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