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Everything posted by Trab

  1. Hey Cole. He'd still have his mask on. It probably never comes off at all. (Oh, but what one could do with the last few words in THAT sentence, huh?) :D
  2. Our wonderful new minority government wanted to revisit the issue of same sex marriage, and brought it back for a vote. I'm happy to announce that the motion to resume the debate was soundly defeated, so the law allowing same sex marriage stands in Canada. Yessss!!!!!
  3. I echo Pecman on this one, and AJ. It should be a story everyone reads asap. Wonderfully done. I could barely stop reading it in order to deal with the essentials of living.
  4. Are you looking for feedback on this? I know I've read it somewhere else, some weeks ago. The glaring contradiction in the first paragraph is disturbing to me. "I had no choice..." and "My other option was..." The whole thing doesn't strike me so much as a literary work, but as a rambling of thoughts and feelings told in a sort of reminescing style. There are awkward phrasings, but it feels kinda 'chummy'. :)
  5. Oh for goodness sake WBMS, just keep sloshing bleach on it here and there, and make a fashion statement. Hell, but off the sleeves, unevenly, and really show the world what you think of us.
  6. That's brilliant Graeme. They wouldn't be chapters, they'd be sequels.
  7. Isn't a Microsoft cleaner for Microsoft Windows somewhat like the police heading up the police review commission? Would that they pulled Windows off the market based on the number of complaints.
  8. Hey! No fair!!! You posted this in your blog, and I came up with a wibby retard, but I can't remember it, so now I have to come up with a new one. Aren't you being a bit hard on the old coot? Opps. Typo. I meant 'witty retort'.
  9. Trab


    Yes indeed. Now that I've got the 'real thing' rather than an imitation screenshot, I admit it's great. At first I wanted to bitch about the poor copy, but I bit my tongue, not wanting to seem an ungrateful lout.
  10. Trab


    You might like to check out these Canadian ads against HIV stigma. They are fairly interesting. http://www.endhivstigma.ca/
  11. That bit of blog was an interesting bit of insight/introspection. I promise not to try to meet you in SFCA. BTW, I used to work in the Post Office and people actually address letters that way: SFCA or KCMO or NOLA. It might be okay within the States, but dammit, not when you're mailing internationally.
  12. Awesome. May tomorrow top today!
  13. Trab

    My first AD blog

    Cool. Welcome to AD blogs. Some of us post more than others, but I think there are lots more readers here than bloggers. Happy Thanksgiving!
  14. Trab

    I-pod's + PDA's

    Sorry to go on about this, but others may also be interested. The PDA I used had a charger 'socket' on the bottom, so that if I was laying in bed reading, and trying to keep the unit going, the charger cord would rest on my chest. Eventually (about 10 months) the plug/socket started to malfunction, presumably from the continual pressure of it resting on my chest, and it became impossible to charge it. Without there being any way of changing the battery, my PDA became useless. This is a long winded way of asking if the iPod has its charging socket on the bottom, or somewhere that will not cause long term problems. (The PDA could not be repaired, and worse, all the information was lost to me. I am now VERY leery about it all. When it quit it contained all my information, like contacts, finances, etc. from a 4 week vacation.)
  15. Trab

    I-pod's + PDA's

    I used to put the stories on my PDA, but I found that the 3-4 hours of viewing time wasn't enough. Having to then charge the batteries, sometimes at 2 a.m. was very frustrating. What I want was a unit that I can just pop a charge battery into. Does iPod fill the bill on that? Or maybe it is a quick charge of 15 minutes?
  16. I'm certainly not an editor, and barely an author (1 short story), but I seem to have a bit of a knack for spotting typos, spelling errors, and incorrect word use, like 'too', 'to', or 'two'. I have read lots of stories which have been edited and yet have those above listed errors. It just happens that that particular editor was better at guiding the story a bit, tweaking the flavour, than finding niggling details. Which one improves the story? Both do. You might want to think about getting someone with opposing talents to help you out, if you really think it is a problem. As Graeme mentioned though, if the author is happy, don't worry about it. On the other hand, if you're not happy, why are you bothering to do the editing at all? You too need to get some satisfaction out of it.
  17. Gee WBMS, I'd hardly get after the church for not learning from mistakes. I think it's all of humanity that fails in that regard.
  18. Great article. Glad you found and posted it.
  19. An interesting developement. My brand new FireFox uninstalled itself. I booted up my computer, and there it was, a broken icon, with no program behind it. I could try downloading it again, but it would be interesting to know if this is a common occurrence.
  20. When you have to wear that type of clothing, you'd better have a sense of humor.
  21. That's a funny story about the nun! I guess if they can't DO it, they can think about it a lot.
  22. Priceless. Well done. And yes, I got my prick last week, as I did last year. Once a year, whether I deserve it or not.
  23. What strikes me most, each time I read about this type of hatred, is that the target is basically the concept, and not an individual or individuals. Whether it is religious, racial, orientation, or whatever, the primary way those who hate operate is by first considering the targets as something other than human. Then, because the targets are not human, these full of hate people can feel, within themselves, justified in their attacks. That's how a religious person can turn around and literally kill, or condone the killing of, someone of another religion, race, orientation, or whatever they cannot accept. While it seems bizarre to me, that some could profess to follow the Ten Commandments and yet break them, they can justify it by thinking that they aren't doing anything wrong because they aren't doing it to a fellow human being. Some of those TV shows, like the Oprah show on The Challenge and some of the recent Dr. Phil shows in which he guides in changing perceptions of people by giving them makeup that lets them experience the other person's life for a short while, are a good thing, but they don't go anywhere near far enough to humanize us all, regardless of our minority. Sadly, it is also obvious to me that there is a certain amount (lots and lots) of bullying in their tactics. You will notice that those zealots never attack (verbally, physically, emotionally) groups which are larger than them. You will not see them making anti-semitic protests in Israel, nor anti-black protests in Africa. One can only assume they hate themselves, that on some fundamental subconscious level they know they are inferior, warped, inadequate, unloved, and, like any bully, are out there picking on someone, or some smaller segment of society, in order to feel elevated by comparison. In a way they remind me of a feral cat, or dog. If you've never met any of those, be happy. They look fine, until you are close to them. Then they snarl, lash out, and become the most hateful of creatures, truly to be feared. But they are doing it out of their OWN fear. They sense that they want to approach. They've felt love in their past, but it is gone from their lives and they do not know how to behave to get it back. It is rather pathetic. I offer this, not as an excuse for those who are so vicious in their attacks and language, but to hopefully let you see that they too are hurting and fearful, and that they, while dangerous to us and other minorities, are also victims of something that has made them this way. Someone who feels truly loved, for who they are, will not, and cannot, act this way, therefore I know that they truly feel unloved, in the core of their very beings. I fear them, and I pity them, and, if the truth be known, I wish I could help them.
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