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Everything posted by Camy

  1. So. Three years ago, on my birthday, I got in the bath and came out shaven. Even now I don't know what possesed me, it was a spur of the moment 'thing', but the look on everyones face was just ... magic! It took a couple of months to grow back. Though you are exactly the same person, people treat you very differently. Weird, but understandable. Sometimes a change is as good as a rest ... Baaaaaa!
  2. My avatar and I met somewhere - probably google images. Dunno why I adopted him, except I had a comment from Mr Savik about appearing as Sideshow Bob. I'm hoping I'm not the same Emu that Graeme photographed, but then as Emu's go I'm pretty fabulous bird, so I don't really care ... sweety. Anime. I have seen a few (chortle). Comics you can't beat 'The Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers', Asterix, and Tintin. Colin, If you cut it, it grows back. Honestly
  3. Dunno what to say. I read it. And yes you write well, and you are very brave - or bereft of sense... I'm revolted because you've crossed one of the few remaining moral boundaries. Which I suppose is odd. Why it's more palatable to watch CSI and see murders and autopsies (generally while I'm eating), than it is to be in love with a corpse eludes me, but I'm jolly glad it is. What floored me was ?Necrophilia is more prevalent than most people imagine.? ~Karen Greenlee I won't be adding this to my list of TR re-reads. I hope you don't mind.
  4. Congratulations! A unique spin on well known characters is hard to pull off, and you did it really well!
  5. Ditto - except I did read it and can't wait for more.
  6. I've meant to read your fiction, and haven't got around to it yet; except for this, which I found almost too poignant. Not that it isn't well written - it is, it's probably more my own head space. So glad the resolution was happy. Thanks, Camy
  7. WOOOOOHOOOOO!!! for Jon and Dave! Thanks for the really super, sweet story. Camy
  8. I think I finally got 'The Point' an hour after I read it. It's a bit like a double double bluff. Had Bill decided to wear a tutu I'd have got it there and then, but then that wasn't 'The Point'... Was it? Camy, who's off to read it again.
  9. You write really well - but then I think you know that, and though I'm not convinced I like where this is going I am nevertheless waiting with baited mouse to read part two. I only know Louisiana through films, and the one that frightened me most was 'Southern Comfort' directed by Walter Hill. Then there was 'Hard Target' with Van Damme, directed by John Woo. So, to me. Louisiana is just full of weirdos and rather frightening. I know 'Deliverance' was set in Georgia, but it didn't help either. You start with: There’s a reason I don’t talk about where I’m from. and then But here we were, after all this time, landing in Baton Rouge and ready to drive back out there, through the fetid Louisiana swamps and into the past. It's hard to read a computer screen hiding behind the couch. Camy PS - Remember, Necrophilia is deadly boring.
  10. Graeme, this is a great use of the title, and the 'ghost in the machine' is brilliant. Admittedly great love requires fidelity, but five dates a year ... poor Nick. This struck me as very filmic. I saw it rather than read it - if that makes any sense. That it's really well written goes without saying - silly phrase - as I seem to have said it anyway. Cheers, and thanks. Camy
  11. Trab, This was beautifully poignant. Thank you so much. Camy
  12. See? I'm hoist by my own petard. What I should have done is write a good -insert expletive of choice- story before starting a stupid thread called 'declare yourself' I declare myself a prune. Though I did write a storyI've binned it. Plot holes to drive a truck through. Stupid, that's me. Sorry. Camy
  13. deja vu! Weird. Doen't make it any the less wonderful though El Emu
  14. Camy


    Walk by Camy I walk the line between the sane, and all of those whose minds are maimed, all those who don't know me - but hate 'me' none the less. Yet the line I walk this autumn day refreshes my heart, gets wider by the second as hope converts the misery to more tolerant forms of pain. But the pain remains, and always so, until I find the one I know is out there waiting for me: And out there waiting for me he is, though we haven't met just yet.... When we do all my previous incarntions will vanish in less time than it takes an atom to have lunch: Shyly we'll smile "I am me" I'll say, and he'll reply "I know...." --- 26th Octber 2006 - from an earlier idea
  15. Yep, chapter 2 is a goody: http://www.codeysworld.com/rick/kadin/chapter02.htm ... in which we find out lots of stuff (I'm not going to be accused of spoiling) and I found out that you have to cook Game meat differently from Beef. I learn something new everyday! Thanks Rick.
  16. Thank you all for your comments! I think Des's comment is pretty much the way I'm going to go, and ... erm ... damn the consequences.Either I can or I can't, and the judge of that will have to be the listener. This had me laughing like a drain, as duvets tend to make me look rather overweight. Cheers!
  17. I'm trying to read and record some of my poetry. The recording part I don't have a problem with ... it's the reading, and I guess it would be the same for prose too. Do I perform it or just read it? As listeners, do you prefer a straight approach or a thespian one? or does it depend on the poem? Gah, 'tis causing brain ache.
  18. I've never been keen on facial hair - possibly 'cause I'm lacking in what ever brain chemical is required. However, my BF thinks I look ... umm ... 'cute' when I'm trying - so I try, and try, and weeks later end up looking like 'shaggy' from scooby doo.All the best with your effort, can't wait for the album!
  19. Susan sounds great!A real bummer about the car and stolen stuff though :( Commiserations.Camy
  20. I don't know a lot about wikis but my two cents would be to sign up for a blogger account. That way you can publish text and photos and also have sections for poetry etc. http://www.blogger.com/start and the help files look quite comprehensive: http://help.blogger.com/ --- If you want to buy a www address, they are not expensive. Then you need web space - again not expensive and often if you get yearly space you get the name for free - and it's really yours ... though do check the small print. www.desdownunder.com is taken - by a brit living in Australia, but all the rest are available. of course then you need to learn a bit of html or get an editor. Lots out there though. --- I wouldn't go near Yahoo, or any of the 'free' web site places. they always intrude in some way, either with popup ads or framed pages. --- Or if you just want to blog why not use the blog that the Dude has given us. It's really good, and you can have pictures, and categories as well - for poetry for instance. It's pretty much like Blogger really, except you don't have your own address. If you need any help when you decide what you want to do please ask. Camy
  21. If? If! So: close the five others, finish the sixth, the one for Halloween - 'cause ya know the deadlines coming soon - and write, write , write. See, easy!
  22. I was wondering - purely for the sake of how many wax dolls and pins I'll require - how many people were entering stories for the AD Halloween Anthology? Ok. My game, I'll start. I'm in ... ouch. Camy
  23. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/americas/6053378.stm In the UK we have 60.5 Million people - but then we are a weency island. Somewhere I read that 1 in 10 people are gay. Which means 30 million in the USA and 6 million in the UK. I find this difficult to believe. There must be a LOT of closets out there. Camy
  24. coo-coo kachoo We're getting quite a menagerie here, what with Walruses, Goats, Rabbits, Emus and all. Apparently they have flying Lemurs in Borneo... Camy
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