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Everything posted by Hylas

  1. I'm sure three wouldn't be a bother for a multi-millionaire either. I can carry the luggage!
  2. Are you sure? Coz even now I feel my muse start to stir in her grave... And NO WAY I'd avoid sex scenes!
  3. :lol: OMG I can't stop laughing!...Ok stopped. *phew*Maybe someone should make a movie of those two? Story anyone? The adventures of the accident-prone twinks? Ah. If no one would take it, I'd grab it. LOL. But Des owns the copyright. Oh, Gawd, Des. I wish you WOULD 'misdial' their number then invite them to tea (NO SEDATIVES! ) LOL And introduce them to us.
  4. Hylas


    Gee Camy. They were about to duke it out with newbie cards ninja action!
  5. That was so romantic!!! :lol: What happened to the digicam?
  6. Hylas


    Awesome Bruin! Poor Hubby...
  7. Hylas


    I guess I'm too young to feel the emotions in it fully. But it's cool. ^_^ Oh hey! I just found this GORGEOUS tombstone when I was... *cough*... erm yeah
  8. It's the coon-killah. The coon-butcha! The coon-erm-<insert something horrible here> It's the killer Gopher! Oh yeah... I pray that the certain goat never takes off his sunglasses... or it might just be the End of the World Part IV.
  9. Hylas


    I certainly don't.
  10. Hylas


    What was inside it?!!!
  11. You're crazy Maddy! Welcome to the club!
  12. Yeah. It's sounding like it's going the same way it did once. Nuh-uh. Bad way to go. I think he's only looking for someone to experiment with.Like Menzo states it in GA:"He's trying to have the cake and eat it too." And I bet when it comes to choosing, he'd choose the safer bet - the girl. :(
  13. Methinks its you, Trab. Dashing prince that you are!
  14. Hey!!! I just noticed. We joined at the same day! LOL November 9 2007! P.S. Did I mention that the Sunburnt Aussie was SIZZLING H - oh yeah, I did.
  15. LOL Did I mention that the sunburnt Aussie was SIZZLING HOT?!
  16. LOL sorry, your dudeness. I zips my mouth
  17. Huh? No I mean. They are already being treated like that RIGHT NOW because they are illegal, not when they will be taxed. I agree though, truthfully, they'll have a better life if they were given an amnesty and legalized. But come on, when has that ever happened? As such, they have to scrape through whatever job they can get. Hence the underground drug and sex trade becomes the only source of income for most. And whatever gave you the idea that they are enjoying the fruits of your taxes? They DON'T dare go near a hospital, coz the first thing someone will probably contact is the police. Public buses probably need an ID. So does homeless shelters. Free food. Etc. They don't benefit from those. (BTW. Homeless people are 'legal' citizens who do not pay taxes and enjoy full social welfare, NOT the illegal immigrants. I'm not saying they shouldn't be provided those. I'm saying what does it matter to whom the government spends its taxes on as long as it helps people.) The thing you mentioned about giving free tuition to immigrants' children is one step towards legalizing them and turning them into productive, tax-paying citizens, so why are you opposing this? If they remain uneducated because they're parents are too scared to put them to school because of the risk of being deported, then... they just grow up into gangsters, drug dealers, prostitutes, etc. I see giving education to children, legal or illegal, as a very good way for the government to spend taxes. Think of the hundreds of billions they spend on weapons each year. That's also from your taxes. Research, Space exploration, etc. those are things the US government spend tax money on, and none of you ever directly benefit from it. Anyway. Another rant P.S. Insomniac, I do hope you're not taking this personally
  18. There are certainly a lot of filipino illegals. But not as much as mexicans, cubans, etc. :P Uhm... How exactly would they do that? LOL. I can only speak for filipino illegals, though I don't know any personally, I've seen documentaries about their lives. They are called 'TNT's which is an acronym for 'Tago ng Tago' (Filipino for "Always Hiding"). And I can say their lives are far from being the easy, tax-free, freedom you imagine it to be. They are wretched. LOL. You were speaking of taxing someone who in most cases work for a pittance of what a legal resident gets. 1) Employers take advantage of their illegal alien status (and in some cases, inability to speak english) to reduce them to the lowest possible salary. Some even to slavery. 2) They can't ask help from the police/social welfare/etc. for protection/food/shelter/medicine. They'll just get deported. That means no hospitals/education/marriage/homeless shelters. etc. 3) They're also working to feed a family back home, and not for themselves alone. America was originally a nation of immigrants. "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me. I lift my lamp beside the golden door." I find it really sad that the US, one of the world's richest countries, exists border-to-border with one of the poorest - Mexico. I understand that the US has no obligation to help other countries, and that they are facing terrorist/drug threats. But... oh... i don't know.... America's xenophobia is simply adding more to the gradually mounting hostility against the US you know. Sorry. I'm ranting. ^^
  19. That is seriously AWESOME! I wish I had their guts.
  20. Actually, I can relate. LOL. I too have never seen a real live natural dick. :P Only when I was very young. But back then, I couldn't care less for them. LOL
  21. Interesting view, Trab. And yes, it does seem to be the case. Filipinos abroad are very industrious, which is why I was puzzled why they don't work as hard here in the Philippines. Mind you, most overseas filipino workers often work on minimal pay in the country they are working on, but it's still waaaay better than whatever they would have received in the Philippines. Plus the fact that they are more often than not, sending back at least 50% of their salary to families back home. They are literally bearing on their shoulders the future of their family. They don't shy away from menial labor either. Engineers here becoming carpenters abroad, Doctors here becoming nurses abroad, that sort of thing. Stepping down the profession ladder, and still getting better pay abroad. *sigh* It's no wonder that 90% or more (I believe) of filipinos want to leave the country (including me. I want to help my parents and find a BF! ) Our government had been nothing a succession of corrupt, self-serving, dynasty-building thieves ever since Marcos tried to institute a dictatorship. It's fascinating actually, that once, the Philippines was the leading country in Southeast Asia. We had the first airlines, we were a democracy, a charming spanish-asian culture, educated, etc. It all went *poof* Even Vietnam has better living standards than us, and they've just been through a war. We're still carving our way back up. That's why I LOATHE politicians. Case to point, I asked a fellow 3d artist/coder recently who recently started working for Hewlett-Packard as a tester for printer software what his salary was. He complained that it barely paid his bills at $16 per hour. I was shocked. $16 per HOUR?! I know that also may seem a trifling amount to you. But $16 is about 800 Pesos. He earns the average filipino MONTHLY salary in a single DAY. It's nice to learn we have a good reputation abroad. There're still stories of discrimination, but it isn't that bad anymore.
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