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Everything posted by Hylas

  1. Yeah. Firefox is the new Netscape. :P Switch to Firefox! Put an end to Microsoft Monopoly! /rant
  2. The second poem was a parody of the children's song "Teddy Bear's Picnic" oops my link is damaged. Direct Link:
  3. Filipinos... in their homeland that is (overseas workers are hardworking enough). Are one of the laziest creatures on Earth. :P "Mamaya na" (literally "Later" or "I'll do it later") is a favorite promise. "Ningas Cogon" ("Brushfire") describes most undertakings. Coz they start out well enough, then enthusiasm gradually fades, and nothing ever gets finished! LOL also the "Bahala na" (sometimes "Basta" in Visayan, from Spanish interjection "Basta"). It's a fatalistic attitude. Kinda like saying "Bring on the consequences, I don't care." LOL -Eric (Who's lazy as hell)
  4. Sorry! Downloaded for bedtime reading ^^ Okay. Only Camy didn't! EDIT: Okay, I've actually read Codey and Graeme's version before. ^^ But I'll read yours later. :P
  5. Des and Camy didn't get it. LMAO Check this out And I like the first poem!
  6. Dad?! Izatchoo?! (EDITED lol) Done, I've downloaded it. ^^
  7. I wish to share this Fascinating Scientific Article with you people. And no thanks, Chew.
  8. Hmm.. haven't heard it. Will look it up. LOL, yeah. At least the Spanish knew the value of resting at midday, and extending the waking hours deep into the evening. It is simply impossible to think straight when the tropical sun is at its zenith. To describe midday heat here as stifling is an understatement. :P Every living thing takes shelter somewhere and sleep it off until the sun drifts lower. Tourists who schedule outings at high noon soon discover it isn't such a good idea after all.
  9. Yes, personally I've used italics to show characters' thoughts. A lot of stories use single quotes, bu I don't like them because they are oh so easily mistaken for actual dialogue. P.S. My story posted here in AD, Downpour, has bold fonts used for thoughts. Not my original intention. It was actually a mistake on my part when I failed to edit the RTF file I sent to the dude. Hehe. I used bold fonts so I could easily identify which sentences have to be italicized when I'm actually posting it in BBCode. *sigh*
  10. Actually, "said" is quite okay. Just don't use it a lot. Intersperse it with 'replied', 'smiled', 'laughed', 'yelled', 'whispered', 'uttered', etc.. Personally, I've learned to ignore 'said Mr.X' in stories. Except when two dialogues follow each other with the same precedent. 'He said' 'She said' Now that's irritating. :P
  11. He still manages to look HOT! And though I'm brown, I also get sunburns. :P We're near the equator though, so no ozone holes like down under. ;)
  12. That's what first struck me too. Describing the sun as "our main source of energy", is out of the context. I suggest finding other, more poetic means of describing it. :P
  13. Is there some other way out of here Other than driven by our own fear Maybe appeal, of those we hold dear Self reliance abandoned, that much is clear that sentence... shouldn't it be: Maybe appeal, to those we hold dear?
  14. Haha. Well I change colors. Lol.

    Sometimes I'm brown, sometimes yellow, sometimes red, sometimes gold. IDK wtf is wrong with me XD.

  15. Haha. For a moment I thought you were talking about my skin. But no... I just hadn't heard it in a while :P.

  16. haha I definitely didn't catch that. It's just been years since anyone's has said 'yellooow' to me instead of hello haha. or Hola :P


  17. Hmm, flying spaghetti monsters. I want one.

  18. oh gawd. I don't even get what you're saying. ahah. I was wondering what you meant by yellow in the first place. My avatar? haha

  19. uh... yellow what? lol

  20. Mostly from past experiences, daydreams, stuff :P but I write in western settings tho I've never been out of my country so I borrow a lot from my stock knowledge gained through being a eating books. :P Chomp Chomp. I've eaten almost three libraries growing up! (Godzilla was my grandfather) Also from teevee, the net, and most importantly movies, so I can make the settings actually feel genuine. Hmmm... I also write with some music in the background. I've got some story ideas from songs, dunno If I'll ever get to write them. Sometimes I wish the reader could read the story with the same songs I've been listening to playing at the same time. LOL. So they could appreciate the mood better. ;P For personalities I sometimes take it from real people I know. Sometimes from books. Sometimes from movies. etc. Last saturday I just finished another story. The inspiration came from waking up to heavy rain outside my window. Heh. :P
  21. hmm... also i would like to add: Kevin Rudd (Quoted from wiki):
  22. I think the story is certainly plausible. Especially the way the other guy (sorry, I forget characters' names quickly, and it was months since I read it :P) keeps changing his looks partly for the main character to notice him and partly to mirror his own thoughts. The other guy could only guess why he was being ignored by his bestfriend and his compensations for it were believable as well as heartbreaking. It's like at first it was: "Hey, talk to me", then "Notice me, I exist", then finally "I give up, go play with your cool friends" :P Ignoring someone is kinda self-reinforcing. First you ignore him for several days. Then you feel uneasy talking to him again, so you go on not talking to him for weeks. Then you realize how awkward it would be to talk to him again after weeks of silence, so it goes on for months. Then, finally, both of you wouldn't even know when to start, so definitely years. I know six girls in high school who made their own clique. Then it fell apart rather messily (I think it was about boys LOL). And they only spoke the barest civil words to each other for 1 and a half year. LOL. Then at our senior year, they had a heart to heart talk and they ended up crying and saying sorry and stuff. Corny, yeah. :P But... y'know... they're girls LOL. Their ignoring each other wasn't even that noticeable to us and even the teachers, but sometimes you get this undercurrent of coldness when you hear them talking to each other. So, see... it does happen in real life. And, last but not the least, the main character was not only avoiding the other guy, but also HIMSELF. He was still in denial to the fact that he might be gay, that's why he avoided the object of his (umm... waxing poetic here LOL) 'illicit desires'. In those circumstances, ignoring would not only be to avoid the other person but also a sort of self-defense. I would say, the story is both believable and well written.
  23. I first read it at GA. It's one of my absolute favorite Short stories, along with DomLuka's Under The Mistletoe. I have a similar experience with my best friend all throughout elementary and kindergarten. We grew apart in high school after he converted to a more rigorous christian group... while i gradually became atheistic :P Anyway, I found another best friend while he became somewhat a loner among males because all my classmates found his newfound religious fervor a bit weird (as I did), but he did start girlchasing then , so I won;t bet he was really THAT lonely, LOL. I kinda feel guilty about it now. But still I didn't actually IGNORE him. I just hanged out less and less, and anyway, he prolly understood why, but we never talked ab out it seriously. I'm still friends with him now, but not as close as before.
  24. oi... bkit my pic :D

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