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Everything posted by Hylas

  1. I certainly don't. I just realized how eerily like him we are sounding. LOL. We're all basically saying, "Love the sinner, hate the sin." He may or not deserve it, but one thing I do know is that I really hate it when religion twists people into something like Card. I hate the way they always hide the streak of arrogance and cruelty in false humility and piety. As if the blanket of religion gives him the right to pass judgment on everything. He claims to not be a homophobe and is obviously not pro-gay at all. So what is he? Like everyone else of his kind, he probably believes everything he says is direct from his deity's mouth. Religion has a way of making men feel threatened by everything. It feeds on fear, guilt, and anger. It sucks to see a good man wasted by something like this. I'm atheist, obviously. Heh. I have my own ideas of what is "sin", and it's far less judgmental and ignorant. Sorry if I offend some people. /me stomps off
  2. Hylas


    They're building a WALL between the US and Mexico?! Oh God... America's gonna be the next N. Korea...
  3. *sigh* yeah, raccoon abduction is not news I guess... Aliens and raccoons have been dating for centuries...
  4. "as I find within myself" - I kinda have the suspicions he's one of those 'fighting it'. He may feel that the only way to preserving his 'success' is to actively fight against the source of confusion. He shares the same views as the Catholic church. Why not say, "treat sinners kindly, they're the ones going to burn in hell anyway"? The last statement is stereotyping. He's calling us weak and not worth the effort. Finally, I find it strange that he got the idea of the 'ansible' in his stories from Ursula LeGuin - who, though not outspoken about it, is very accepting of homosexuals and sexual deviation in general. It rankles for him to be given an award for the youth literature for sure, but he's blinded. But even though I've never read any of his works, I think he deserves it. The books singled out do not seem to tackle any topic about homosexuality. So I say, he grew up in a homophobic age, he can't help it. Let him have the goddarn award.
  5. LOL For a moment I thought 'Lost' was actually going to be written by grade schoolers. Ok now, TR, I want an article on the alien abduction of raccoons.
  6. I think my innocence was just violated. :P
  7. DAMMIT. I missed the cake. Anyways, Belated Happy Birthday Jason!
  8. Raccoons tempted Eve to partake of the apple of knowledge.
  9. I prefer voodoo to tylenol
  10. Eeew.But yeah, that stage usually feels good coz it means you're starting to feel better. You're hawking out the remains of a cataclysmic battle between your body and invading organisms. Those are the corpses of dead heroes, unsung valiant T-cells, and B-cells, and Phagocytes mixed in with the mangled bodies of bacteria/viruses. Swimming together lifelessly in mucus.
  11. Hey did you know that the fascination for the number 42 did not actually start with 'The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy'? It actually began with Lewis Carroll, and incidentally the creators of 'The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy' were fans of Lewis Carroll (obviously, since their own work is mostly nonsense, LOL) Quoted from Wikipedia, but you can check his works. ;) 1) He wrote The Hunting Of The Snark when he was 42. 2) Douglas Adams divided the radio series of The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy into "fits", after a suggestion by Geoffrey Perkins, inspired by the Hunting of the Snark. 3) The Baker (a character in The Hunting Of The Snark) is around the same age, as the phrase "I skip forty years" in Fit the Third: The Baker's Tale discloses. 4) The Baker had "forty-two boxes, all carefully packed, With his name painted clearly on each" (Fit the First), which he left on the beach, presumably his previous life. 5) Rule 42 of the Code (!) in the preface of The Hunting of the Snark: No one shall speak to the Man at the Helm 6) Rule 42 in Alice's Adventures in Wonderland: All persons more than a mile high to leave the court 7) and the fact that Carroll referred to his age as 42 when he was still in his thirties (!) Now back to the question... The question was: What is the question? The answer to everything is 42. Hence 42! You can probably use that as a question... i.e. Man 2: 42! Man 1: 42? Man 2: 84! Man 1: What was my question? Man 2: 42! Man 1: Are you sure? Man 2: 42! Man 1: Do you like cats? Man 2: 42! Man 1: ... Man 2: 42! ...ad infinitum... Note: Man 2 may be slightly retarded.
  12. Jason, I'm sickly, and I've been there, done that. LOL.Hmm... call a friend to come over? It helps when someone's there to pamper you. Get a Vicks Inhaler and antibiotic lozenges. Personally when i have a cold/fever and/or an asthma attack, I sleep with the inhaler stuck up my nose and suck on an antibiotic candy. LOL.Try sweating as much as you can. Wrap yourself in as many layers of blankets as possible.And most importantly, go to a doctor! It could be serious - like typhoid.
  13. 42 of course. That's the answer to everything.
  14. k, c01i|V | h4+3 133t 4c+U4||y.
  15. lmao, that's so corny! *rofl*

    Maddy (:

  16. Hey, hotstuff ;).

    Maddy (:

  17. c001! m34ns ya g0in2 sp34k m0r3 c134r1y fr0m n0w 0n. w007! d4+ jU5+ pwnZ d3m n00|3z sp33k3rz. W3 wr|+3rZ h4v3 2 5+iCk 2g3th3r, ykn0.
  18. I want to see it. But I usually hate most 'pretend documentaries'.
  19. Or maybe it could be your ISP blocking the site. Or they just might be having problems...
  20. Foot in mouth. LOL. I especially loved the Zimbabwean bus driver's trick. :D Perhaps I should do that with people I know...
  21. Yeah MOAH! :P We should probably send a surveillance team.And thanks Des. :) I'll try to make something... /me bodily hauls his muse off the grave and sits her to tea.
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