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Everything posted by TracyMN

  1. dammit! a-c-a-d-e-m-i-c. I'm funny about handwriting, too. That is now a lost art. My kid writes like a doctor. How anyone could not care if they're understood is so far beyond me; in fact, it makes me crazy. There it is folks, the answer you've all been waiting for... Hehe, and a lovely bit of hijacking, if I do say so myself. T.
  2. I agree, Des, definitely get the money up front. We pay good money to these people to come up with this...baloney, Did anybody else notice that the list of things that supposedly go along with these names reads suspiciously like the time tested factors that DO make bad boys bad? Like discrimination and poverty, lack of education and therefore the access to a liveable wage? This may replace my long time favorite for the most insipid conclusion from acedemic/scientific reseach: "to reduce your risk of of heart disease, eat real food, get off your ass at least three times a week for 30 minutes, and and don't poison yourself". OK, we heard you the first time 30 years ago. Haha, Garland? In my experience it didn't matter what your name was, there's a body part or function to go with every one of 'em. Kids are infinitely creative. Tracy
  3. :icon And a Cat lover, too...it just gets better and better. If you give your cats a 'puter, they can answer my questions! Tracy p.s. is it hijacking if it's a thread you started yourself?
  4. Thanks, Bruin, i'mma get it. Makes me wonder what else you guys know that I don't. That's why life is long, so we can figure out the questions. Tracy
  5. My world expands by the minute around here. I am continually amazed at what I get just for having an open channel from my mind to my mouth, and how useful the information turns out to be. I really bought a computer because I can't live without one and mine died. The Word thing was a bonus that was pointed out to me after the fact by Rick Beck, as it means I can make myself useful to him by correcting his spelling without obliterating the format his work must be in for posting. But your info about the alternative means I can let the trial run out without shelling out the 2 or 3 hundred bucks to purchase it. God love you! The picture painted of your household with a computer for every room and need has some humor in it, and a degree of functionality beyond even my wildest dreams. My understanding of music and video requirements comes from my daughter who says "I can, and you can't". You're very gracious, and I appreciate that. Tracy
  6. Always a pleasure, Des. Invariably informative, with a hoot or two for good measure. You must be good with that stick, as I have yet to see a fight break out here. Bruin got me thinking about hijacking, and suddenly it's everywhere I look, aka watching where I'm going. As for sense of time and place, if it's absent and i'm not missing it, I'm reading Nexis Pas. Tracy
  7. This thread was making me dizzy, so thank goddness for a distraction. Pec, I know this line from a song by one of my favorite artists, a woman, named Sam Phillips. Virtually no one I know has heard of her, but that's Minnesota for you. Californians and other people who get out once in a while likely might, as she was married to T Bone Burnett. The irreverent song which this line is from is one of my favorites on a Government/Capitalist-hating afternoon. Tracy p.s. Is this a hijacking?
  8. WBMS gave me the greatest definition of the difference between a Mac and a PC, and in one sentence sold me on Mac. Unfortunately, I haven't convinced anyone to buy me one. So I have Vista, which so far, for two days and my purposes, does not seem much different than XP. I've heard some groans about it, but when you're me, the most basic operations present a surprising amount of unusual difficulty. For the life of me, I can't imagine why a person would have 3 or 4 computers. One to stay and one to go is about all I can come up with. That, and "gee, he must be really smart.... There is something to be said for a person who thinks a current version of Microsoft Word, and sound, are worth 500.00. My daughter sums it up rather nicely, in a word... DORK! Yea, well, that's a happy dork anyway, at least temporarily. Tracy
  9. Indeed, a very "Bruin Fisher" piece, and a welcome read for a girl who made a pig of herself, reading all of this author she could get her hands on and thus sat...hungry. Hello Bruin, and as always, thank you for your effort. I am relatively new to flash, but appreciate the way it first challenged, and then offered an alternative to the expectation of a complete picture, with answers to the questions raised within it's borders. Initially, it felt like there was something impolite in leaving me to decide almost totally for myself about significance and meaning, which I find amusing now, as there are few other instances where my own opinion doesn't suit me just fine. What a fine compliment from Des, richly deserved and understandably cherishable. Tracy p.s. a finer group of hijackers surely could not be found, one hardly minds at all...(Cole, that ellipsis is for you)
  10. http:/www.nifty.org/gay/relationships/stonegatestables http:/www.crvboy.org/stories/gabrielmorgan/52p/c01.html And I second the wonderful suggestions already mentioned, with Cole's "Courage" and "Jakes Hand" (which has a partner story or alternate view if I am not mistaken) at the top of my list. I used to keep a log of the storries I was reading on Nifty, when that was the only place I knew. It was not easy keeping track of updates that were sporadic and across such a vast ocean. It's a pleasure to be reminded of some of them when there are threads like this one, so thanks, Jeremie, for bringing us back to what were many hours spent remembering how human we all really are. Tracy
  11. I have sound! So it came with a new computer attached to it. I believe the thing is called a hard drive, and mine died. God works in mysterious ways, and the long way around still finds me just as happy when I get there. If that's not the philosophy of a Dork, then it's likely they don't have one. Now I can sing along with AD radio. Tracy
  12. Anybody know what causes that disorganization of sentences, (but only MY sentences, hehe) in the above text? It happens elsewhere on occasion, but this is about the best example and best chance of getting any reliable answers or reasonable facsimile. BTW, if I wanted to start a thread about the dumbest answers to computer questions by folks whoshould have said IDN, where would I do that? Thanks already, Tracy
  13. I just noticed it was Bruin's suggeston to do this thing here, and also he who put his mnoey where his mouth was, and venture the first offering. Thanks Bruin, I'm the cheerleader for this project, minus the pom poms. And Pec, I don't think "topping" is allowed on public forums... I took my cheers to the street, in a matter of speaking, or else I could say I went fishing, and reeled in the following entry, from my friend and writer, Tim Stillman: Hey Des, it's not uncommon for readers to beg, but writers begginng is something we'll not likely see again while still able. It may be they just want you to carry this thing single-handed...so I say cover all the bases, and give it to'em until it's so bad their ears bleed. (there's always the possibility that this is just another form of begging). I thought kicks like these could only be found in what passes for Art these days, but I'm calling this "Subtleties of BS, for Dummies" and considering it education. No mistaking your implications here either, guys, no nail-biting, head scratching, or "WTF is he getting at!!"-- at least one of you understands the appeal for me in that... it's also like the annual company picnic, boys in shorts, boy's without shirts, and I understand the appeal in that, for everybody. Bye now, I really only dropped in to deliver Timmy to the mix. Tracy
  14. Des, that is the single best single sentence that has ever been put to paper (quiet down, that's called a "figure of speech"). My inclination/obsession with run-on sentences is known the world over, now that i've told you, that is, in fact I find it to be a fine stand-in for sex if none of that is available, and it almost seems that the more I run-on the less sex there is around, but that could just be my imagination, running away with me or maybe with it, though I don't think you can ever be sure when sex is involved, or when it isn't though it should. You should think about a book that is one long sentence, since you seem to be "a natural". Steven Keiths could probably help, he wrote a story that was a sentence long, and I thought it some of his best work to date. Hey Steven, you're up. If this gets much worse, you guys won't be able to beat off the flood of fans on AD with a stick. There's something about that last sentence that made me think I should be laughing, but for the life of me, I just don't see it. Anybody got a guess? No way am I putting my name at the end of this. And Des, you're way to good for radio. Thanks for showing up.
  15. Yup, that's the stuff I'm talking about. Good writers do bad better than anybody. That's no doubt the horse they rode in on... Thanks Cole, that was terrible. Haha, now there has to be somebody who thinks they can do Awful
  16. "He opened his eyes and said, "I thought I told you to go home." (I'd like to say I forgot what you do with a quote inside something that already has quotation marks, but I don't know now and never did). Haha, that's not really an entry, it can't be because i'm not a writer. But where the heck is the lot of 'em that hang out here- this is so perfect for this bunch I can hardly stand it. Thanks, EJ, for bringing it here, and to Bruin and James for giving it their "worst". Tracy
  17. Wait, wait, let me get in my WELCOME DOROTHY before you move on!!!! Quite the interesting thread, I must say. You can't buy this kind of publicity Dorothy! Tracy
  18. Haha, your recommendation definitely puts him on my list! And i'm always looking for something to read. Thanks. Tracy
  19. I very much agree with you, Bruin, as to the tone of this story, and love it for both the story it tells and the way it is told. Great work, James, thank you. Tracy
  20. I like the personal top ten idea, which sounds easier than duplicating the GA function. I would be one of those forced to give some thought to it if I had to pick my10. As for the recommendations for BONN, what about a preliminary vote on the stories by those who have read them, before they go to the panel for BONN? That might weed out some of the stories that may have appeal to an individual for personal reasons but not beyond. It is interesting to note the variations in ratings of the stories on the list. I find the simple yes or no votes without knowing why disturbing and misleading, and in some cases an obvious disservice to a well-regarded author. Rating criteria would seem more useful all around. It is easy to make suggestions when I am not the one doing the work, and too easy to make recommendations and want them considered while forgetting how much time and effort goes into the decision making process. And since those who feel confident to make those decisions are likely to be writers themselves, respect for their time should be the first thing we readers consider. Having the aforementioned clarity as to what constitutes a good story could be our contribution to the process. Tracy
  21. If it's just proofing, I might be able to help with that. There was a formatting issue when I was doing the original OTFL, but he has a new 'puter now. I'd like to know if that's resolved anyway, so i'll let him know i'm willing, and leave the rest between you guys. I'm glad to hear he has some competent help, and I know he must be too. I didn't remember that DG ran that long, but then I may have read it as one whole piece. I'll send your comments along to Rick, makes him happy and me feel useful. Tracy
  22. I'll just come back when he's yesterday's news. B'sides, if you're just lookin', hot homosexual men are a dime a dozen. Tracy
  23. So i'm not the only one asking "What's wrong with these people?!" T.
  24. I also found this to be a real gem, Bruin. And exactly as you said, a snapshot of experience, intimate and personal, of art transcending life. The photograph is captivating. The story delightful. Tracy
  25. Should I know this guy? I find the whole concept of "Reality TV" doubtful; and the apparent popularity of it rather frightening. That said, i'll go check out Mr. Snake in the Pants. Tracy
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