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Can no longer remain logged in


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including the solving of the annoying repeat of initial topic post at the top of EACH page of a thread. That is apparently gone.

No, it's not gone. At least, not on mine.

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I wish things were so simple as throwing a switch someplace to solve the problems some of you are having but this is commercial software and there are people being PAID to make it work properly so I pretty much believe if there is a real widespread problem it will be either resolved by a software change or at least a heads up to users on how to cure their own ills.

Well, I MIGHT have found a switch. Perusing the back corridors of the AD Forums... I found a new control that attempts to keep people from hijacking others cookies... apparently if you log on from another location or another computer or (it didn't say) your IP even changes from last log on it will challenge you for password again. I guess it didn't kick in for me as all my computers use the same online ip address ALL the time... static one.

I have disabled this.. just now... so let me have some feedback!

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Nope, still have to log in every time, no matter what.

This is different though. Yesterday I couldn't input anything to the forum. I'd pull up the Reply screen and about two seconds later, be bumped entirely out of AD. Now, it looks like I'll be able to put a reply up. I'll test whether I can do this in other forum rooms. The first tday this happened, it was a selective problem, and then yesterday, universal.

As you can imagine, frustration reigns.


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Do I dare suggest that maybe there should be no more software upgrades/changes? I can hardly believe it, but I seem to be one of the luckiest ones, this time around.

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I still think that it is a cookes management thing... there is a button you can click at the bottom of the main AD Forums page.. to delete all cookies from this site... might be something to try. Start logging in all over again.

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Cole has emailed me and said it's so bad he can't stay logged in at all. Since it's not related to the hardware (PC and MAC are both affected) nor the browser (FF, IE, and Safari) that leads to the inescapable conclusion there is a problem with the new version.

Has their tech support department been made aware of the problem? Have they answered? Will Bill and Steve find true love? Oh, nix that last one.

Seriously, what's going on?

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It is all very odd and weird, there is no consistent behaviour pattern.

I had automatic log in OK for a day then bingo I am not logged on again today.

I can open the homepage for AwesomeDude and click on Forums and I am not logged on.

I can go direct to Forums from my Favourites Links (IE7) and I am logged in.

Next attempt no log in at all.

Next attempt all logged in.

I have used the "Delete all cookies set by this board" thingy. -No doesn't help.

I have looked at MY Controls but can't see anything I should change to help.

I have altered my hairdo and changed my underwear.

Oh well There are worse things happening on this planet.


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I am still having no problems, but I still see the initial post on each page of replies.

Cole, I promise we don't have it in for you.

Hmm, I have an idea I'm going to run by the Dude. I don't see how it would affect anything, as it's a possible issue with the skins or themes.

Everyone, please keep us updated if you have problems, or when those disappear for good.

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After conferring with his Dudeness and testing my wild idea, we've determined my wild idea was, as I thought, not a problem and unrelated, but worth testing.

Please clear your cache and clear your AwesomeDude and AD Forum cookies, and that should resolve it.

If the problem persists, or if that resolves it for a few hours/days and it returns, then we'll know there's a different problem going on.

Do keep us informed. We'll get it resolved, if there's a bug.

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After conferring with his Dudeness and testing my wild idea, we've determined my wild idea was, as I thought, not a problem and unrelated, but worth testing.

Please clear your cache and clear your AwesomeDude and AD Forum cookies, and that should resolve it.

If the problem persists, or if that resolves it for a few hours/days and it returns, then we'll know there's a different problem going on.

Do keep us informed. We'll get it resolved, if there's a bug.

After repeated attempts using both Blue's and Dude's suggestions nothing has changed. Both my laptop and desktop will not stay logged in. I use Comcast cable and have no idea whether the IP address changes

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Mountain Dude, I would suggest you do what WBMS suggested. Also, make sure that when you log in, you actually click on the button so that it will try to remember you. If you do everything else, yet forget that one step, it for sure won't work.

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Mountain Dude, I would suggest you do what WBMS suggested. Also, make sure that when you log in, you actually click on the button so that it will try to remember you. If you do everything else, yet forget that one step, it for sure won't work.

All of that has been done Trab - if it has been mentioned in this thread, I've tried it. Many times, including reboots

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Interesting. I just signed out of AD and indeed, my browser, and had to log in again to get back on. BUT, and this is fascinating, I can click on one/any of my e-mail notifications that say that a thread to which I have posted has received a reply, and I get right in, completely logged in as if I'd never left.

My suggestion is that everyone try accessing the forums via e-mail notification and bypass the log in process.

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Yes Trab, I have found that the email notification allows logged in status.

But I have a couple of times where it did not work.

At the moment I have had a good night of being logged on. Will see how it goes later today.


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Interesting. I just signed out of AD and indeed, my browser, and had to log in again to get back on. BUT, and this is fascinating, I can click on one/any of my e-mail notifications that say that a thread to which I have posted has received a reply, and I get right in, completely logged in as if I'd never left.

My suggestion is that everyone try accessing the forums via e-mail notification and bypass the log in process.

I just tried Trabs suggestion and it did not work for me.........

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I boot AwesomeDude.com from my system tray............using WinXP Home and Firefox ...................... I just created a new Icon to my Desktop from the 'home' "logged in, Forum page" Using "save file as" .......copied it to my system tray from the Desktop and clicked on the new system tray icon and ended up on the 'Home' Forum page and LOGGED IN!!!! .......... (I would think that this would be true with any browser or operating system.)


Adding as I go------------

Now, from the "logged in Forum Home page" if you click on the AwesomeDude.com (home page) icon and then click on the Forum Link at the top, you are no longer logged into the the Forum. Seems to me that there is problem in the linking between AD.com and the AD Forum.

I'm thinking that some people are linking directly to "AwesomeDude.com" and others are linking directly to the "AD Forums". Linking to AD.com does not log into the Forums properly -- linking directly to the Forums does work. Going from a "logged in" Forum page back to AD.com kicks you out again if you use the AD Forum link at the top of the page. I'm not sure what happens if you click the "back" button..........Haven't tried that yet..........Steven King Mystery in the works. :lipssealed:

I am NO computer programmer but, my first computer was an IBM PC Jr. so I have been around the mountain a few times. The above are only observations that I have seen today while trying to get past this login problem.............they're working for me and others ....... give it a try.

Hugs to all,

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Maybe it would be useful to know how people access to forums.

95% of the time I just use the direct URL from my browser history:


In otherwords, I go to my browser address bar, type in 'a' and then select awesomedude.

In the rare situations that it is not in my browser history, I go to the main site and click on the link from there.

How do other people access the forums?

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Nope. This room works. Going to Wibby's room, the one on adding a personal message, within a couple seconds of hitting the Reply button, I get kicked out and the entire window shuts donwn. Yet it doesn't happen here. If I go difectly to that forum site after accessing the forum, which I can now do successfully without going through the AD homepage, and so without having to log in, I cannot reply to anything there. I can read all the messages, but get booted if I try to reply.

Oh, and all the original messages always show up at the beginning of every thread.

So part of the battle has been won. There's a problem between the homepage and the forums.


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Mtn. Dude's trick worked for me, and as I'm writing in this space, accessing the reply button didn't kick me out this time. That's no guarantee at all it will work next time, it's working right this instant, which is much better than most instances. I'll post this, then try again.

YAY MOUNTAIN DUDE! ::hugs:: :icon1:

It works for me too.

It also means there is definitely something broken at AD. It's got to be a simple setting.


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