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Not so much a short story; more a gallery of word pictures, related by the theme of Rain. I found these short tales quite delightful in the same way that a box of hand-crafted expensive chocolates are delightful - I took my time over enjoying every aspect of each story. Cole's writing is first-class and he brought to life the various characters and their stories brilliantly. The joy of getting soaked to the skin is something I had nearly forgotten.

A lovely treat, thanks Cole!


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No, not really. Des had me convinced the story I wrote for the AD project wouldn't get past the censors and might land me in jail, so I wrote a backup. Mike convinced me to go with the original, so I posted the backup.

Which I'm happy about because I think the original I wrote is better.

Not that I don't like this one. It was really fun to write.


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I suspect that Cole, when he was a naughty little boy, got plenty of practice devising backup stories.

Whoever said I was a naughty little boy? I resent the assumption! Gee, I was the perfect little darling. Always.

But I did have an active imagination, and, as James suggests, there were occasions when it did come in handy. :icon_twisted:


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Whoever said I was a naughty little boy? I resent the assumption! Gee, I was the perfect little darling. Always.

See my post here where I talk about something that I did that's the same as what Cole is doing in this post.

You were a naughty little boy, Cole! :lipssealed:

Colin :icon_twisted:

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