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Huh. Really? Cool.

Guest Dabeagle

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:: Looks around. :: Oh, hmm... reads... ::

The statement by the webmasters at Bulbagarden || Bulbapedia.com is just fantastic. Everyone should get the chance to enjoy the things they love without being made to feel excluded, ignored, or unwelcome, simply because of who they are. It's anime and gaming, for cryin' out loud. Those are for enjoyment, for imagination, to relax, to have fun, darn it.

I have seen people act derogatory in fan forums, simply because someone was gay or lesbian or transgender, and it is counter to what fandom is and should be about. When you're in a place that values being different, pointing at the guy or girl who is different and making fun and abusing them, picking a fight, makes no sense. It's not cool, either. If being a giant alien critter or an android or a half-naked barbarian or wizard or beast is acceptable, but being gay and human is not...someone has their priorities wacked.

I've never really watched Pokémon. It struck me as a kids' deal. That's cool, kids need kid-stuff too. But this makes me curious. I do know that boys and girls both like Pokémon, including teens. So, two thumbs up.

OK, I gotta say, I loved the gaygamer site slogan, but I had to do a double-take on the FilipinaCupid banner ad on the left. Huh? OK, if you're a lesbian or bi or friendly straight, haha, I can see why hubba-hubba cute girls in bikinis would appeal, but lol, perhaps not the optimum target audience for gay boys. :laugh: Just saying.

Also gotta say, I do love that slogan: "For boys who like boys who like joysticks."

Uh, say, if a boy offers to show a boy his Pokémon.... OK, sometimes a cute game thing is just a cute game thing. Even if it does translate as Pocket Monster. :)

The Japanese do have a somewhat different take on boy-boy relationships, thank goodness. If only I'd known that as a boy.

I'm not an online gamer or video gamer. Despite that, I have a story idea that involves a future VR immersive game. -- Hey, my idea of computer games is (mostly) stuck back with Zork or Asteroids. Yeah, I know, laugh! :D

However, I do like anime and sci-fi a lot. Cowboy Bebop, The original Dot-Hack, others. And I'd be more than fine with gay characters. -- I was surprised when a sci-fi fan friend suggested Gravitation, and explained it. (Huh? Really? Wow! Hmm....) Yes, I do know what shounen-ai and yaoi are, but I haven't seen much. I'm not big into manga, but I'm curious, and when budget allows, I'll try a couple of manga titles.

I'll have to say, I probably would've liked D&D if there'd been anyone I knew to play with, back in the day. Even in college, not many friends were into it. Yeah, weird friends, I know. :: shrugs ::

Um, and hey, the furry community ... why not? My only objection there is, dude, a furry costume in *this* kind of summer heat? Whew! :laugh: -- But otherwise, hey, if it suits 'em, why not?

There's a local sci-fi convention coming up sometime this month or July or August, but I'm not sure I'll get to go this year. Budget sucks like a black hole. But I enjoy going.

You'd probably never guess from most things about me, that I'd be open to all that. I suppose you'd say I have a stealth-mode freak side. -- This is one of the reasons I like EleCivil's punk side.

So -- being gay-friendly at a Pokémon forum? That is tremendous. Good job to the Bulbapedia and Bulbagarden pplz. Plus, gotta love someone who's called Webmaster Archaic or Webmaster Evil Figment.

This is, in fact, well worth passing along to the fan forums where I hang out. -- I am BlueCatShip at a few places, science fiction and fantasy forums and others. (Farscape, Firefly, etc.)

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WTF is a toon? One name looks like yours. Bellomorte.

Luggie, dude! A toon is (1) a character, like Roger Rabbit in that movie, or Bugs or Daffy. You could say any cartoon character or comic book / manga / graphic novel character is a toon too, though that might make some people uncomfortable. (2) A toon can be a short form for comic strips and comic books and animated films generally. Short for cartoon. (3) So toon can be a drawing, too, like fan art or representations of characters or possessions or surroundings in a role playing game.

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I didn't find the quoted statement (yet) but I did find a very fine, very clear announcement from the webmasters and admins at Bulbagarden.net's Forum.

Striving For Equality

I'd also like to say, the Farscape forum where I'm a proud member is gay-friendly. Most members are straight, many are female, some are male; some are LGBTQ. Terra Firma Scapers. I'm BlueCatShip. Howdy.

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Huh. I have no idea what I'm seeing there, but nice to know ppl I can ask if I enter as a complete N00B. :)

I suppose gaming topics could go in the Raccoon's Den and anime/manga under Video Views. -- Heheh, gamers and otaku, why not? :)

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Guest Dabeagle

Well, it may seem like recruiting, but just think of how many opportunities that would provide to prod him into writing more? I've been playing WoW for 6ish years, I run a guild and have a strong core of good people - even when I like another intensive game I can't devote the time to it. I loved Star Wars: The Old Republic, I just can't play it more than once a week, if that. I play Civ5 with my partner, and we manage one or two nights, maybe.

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Well, it may seem like recruiting, but just think of how many opportunities that would provide to prod him into writing more? I've been playing WoW for 6ish years, I run a guild and have a strong core of good people - even when I like another intensive game I can't devote the time to it. I loved Star Wars: The Old Republic, I just can't play it more than once a week, if that. I play Civ5 with my partner, and we manage one or two nights, maybe.

Just poking a little fun at the situation, really. Trolling :P. I've played a couple MMOs (mainly just Aion now) and were I playing WoW I'd join in a heart beat. I hope EC joins your guild, regardless of whether you get him to write more or not :P.

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LOL, fine to tease a little. People can't join if they don't know it's there. :)

I'm all in favor of EleCivil writing more, a lot more. Also DaBeagle. And now I see there are stories and poems I haven't read, by Madrigal.

Hey, I'm in favor of EC joining a guild if he wants, also. Gotta do something besides write and day job.

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Roll D100 on Psi and Empathy for Luggie. ;)

Yes, that was pretty much exactly it, Lugz. (I halfway understood it, but somebody would have to teach me, tabletop or MMO online.)

Though if you want a fun male bonding geek scene, there's a session with a bunch of guys playing D&D on an old Freaks and Geeks episode. I'd recommend at least renting that series, btw.

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Guest Dabeagle


World of Warcraft at it's peak had something like 16 million subscribers. I think it still has about ten. It has been the most successful MMORPG in history (Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game). In fact raid and guild leaders have landed jobs because of the organization skills required to manage resources for, at one time, up to 40 people in a raid. This requires coordination and a management substructure to deal with classes of characters and the specific talents they bring to a situation.

The true challenge is to enjoy the game while finding like minded souls to play with because there are those that will take anything, even a game, too seriously.

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