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Kingdom Come by Mihangel


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Making his debut at AwesomeDude, popular web author Mihangel joins the legion of creative and talented AD authors with the introduction of his newest novel, Kingdom Come.

It is posted in it's entirety and we invite you to read it HERE

We won't give the story away here, but I'm sure you'll enjoy it!

We also welcome Mihangel to the AwesomeDude Community Forums, our interactive community of readers, writers and editors.


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Yes, a very public welcome to Mihangel. An accomplished author from across the pond, he is certainly a scholar of the first order when it comes to the history of the British Isles. His stories are not light fare and should be read with a mind open to learning a good deal about the people and places which existed long before the words Olympics and London were used in the same sentence.

I believe that Americans have a fascination with all things English, well beyond the typical Hollywood nonsense. To those who write, it is a souce of comfort to see the English language used so well, and Mihangel will not dissapoint. His past stories have led us through parish houses, boarding schools and across streets that tourists pay a fortune to visit. I look forward to finishing the latest offering: Kingdom Come

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At five years old, I took one look at the dentist and his surgery, turned and ran screaming into the street with my mother and grandmother in pursuit. It was, they informed me, very traumatic for everyone. At least now I know why I was frightened.

I have to say this is one of the best stories I have read. I especially liked the use of the...and the analysis of the...is first rate, not to mention the sensitivity of the whole...along with the...of the human condition. I clapped with mirth and joy at many moments. I have to say, the opening paragraphs are not easy, but the rewards for persevering are many.

Welcome Mihangel, and congratulations on your wonderfully talented writing. Classic classy story telling. I loved it.

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