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Didn't I Kill You

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I'm drawn to the odd. Nothing like a good story that doesn't travel in a straight line and BoyHowdy has certainly done that here. With just the right number of twists and turns, Didn't I Kill You is a brief but entertaining little short. Looking forward to more good things from this author. A welcome addition to the AD family.

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Thanks, Mr. Savik. The twistedness just comes out of me naturally. I once heard that the tree with the most twisted roots has the best grip.

Thanks again, Gee. I'll try my best to not get you kicked out of here for being the one who helped me in the door.

Thanks again, to you, too, Lugnutz. Uh, what happens when someone posts a story that really is rubbish? I ask 'cause I'm likely to do such a thing.

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Great story. It's left to the reader to think about what endings they might devise and which one they might select. I thought of several, some of which made the story twist in different directions. I love stories that have endings like Didn't I Kill You. Making the reader think is a good thing.

Colin :icon_geek:

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Great story. It's left to the reader to think about what endings they might devise and which one they might select. I thought of several, some of which made the story twist in different directions. I love stories that have endings like Didn't I Kill You. Making the reader think is a good thing.

Colin :icon_geek:

Right you are, Colin. I too came up with several possible endings. Once you saw the possibilities, it was fair game.


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Thank you, colinian. I was worried people would think that I had been too lazy to give the story a definate ending. I hope that with this one, readers can see that, good or bad, I left it hanging on purpose. Perhaps I was just too indecisive with all the possibilities I left myself. Would it sound arrogant if I claimed that?

Thank you, too, Mr. Parker. I've seen the many great stories you've posted here. It means a lot that you don't find this story to be mere drivel.

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Thanks, Camy. I promise that I'm not this dark all the time... well, I'm IN THE DARK most of the time, but I'm not dark. Btw, I've been meaning to comment your tale, "Oh F--- Yeah". I'm not very good at describing how or why, but I darn well enjoyed it.

I have no Idea what Cole and Lug are ragging about. I still live in the same small town I was born in. Its biggest flaw is that ... it's the same small town I was born in.

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