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Watching the Inauguration?


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Normally we don't go out for lunch at work. But today was different. My entire department's staff decided we should go out. Well, more down to the ground floor where there's a soup and sandwich place and tables to sit. They wanted to go early so it wouldn't be crowded. At 11:15 as we headed out of the office for the elevator some other employees joined us. Downstairs we pulled some tables together, got our lunches, and sat around eating. Then one of my supervisors waved his arm to collectively include all of us and asked, "Raise your hand if you're going to watch the inauguration when you get home tomorrow." No one, not any of the 21 staff members, raised their hands.

"Why?" he asked.

We all said just about the same thing: None of us want to be counted as a household tuned in to anything about the inauguration. It's our way to protest. None of us had heard or read anything on the radio or TV or in the newspapers about doing this. But we all had made the same decision. Amazing!

Colin :icon_geek:


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Isn't this like an ostrich sticking it's head in the sand?  Part of the 'if I can't see it, it can't see me and eat me' philosophy of defense?  He's going to be president whether we watch or not.


That said, however, I'm not watching either.  No more than I'd watch a public stoning or hanging, or an impending train wreck.  All of which this presidency may be.  I don't want any association with it whatsoever, even watching.



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Well I watched it and came away feeling about as blah as before it. Lots of platitudes, nothing concrete. Except, of course, that we're going to rebuild everything and hire everybody and the heck with anybody else.

Basically, trump stump 2.0.

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I watched. Couldn't not. The transmission cleverly omitted the appalled roar the crowd of protesters gave as he was sworn in. Then came his speech, and it all suddenly became real. A dystopia, often written about, is here. For real. Crap. Added to Brexit, the UK's nightmare, it's really not looking good. Hey ho. May the true force be with us all.





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President Trump has started. All references to Climate Change, LGBT and Gay (except one where it is used to be 'happy') have been deleted from the whitehouse.gov website. Sounds like VP Pence at work. If you go to the Department of Labor  (www.dol.gov) website and enter LGBT in the search box you are taken to a page with links to various pages and documents. Many of them (like LGBT resources - United States Department of Labor) result in a "Page Not Found" or an "Access denied" error message. Some links still work. But this is a foreshadowing of what might well be coming from Trump and Pence.

Colin :icon_geek:


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13 hours ago, colinian said:

President Trump has started. All references to Climate Change, LGBT and Gay (except one where it is used to be 'happy') have been deleted from the whitehouse.gov website. Sounds like VP Pence at work. 


Explained at Snopes - http://www.snopes.com/white-house-web-site-trump-changes/

Not even Trump/Pence would be that quick.

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8 hours ago, ChrisR said:

Explained at Snopes - http://www.snopes.com/white-house-web-site-trump-changes/

Not even Trump/Pence would be that quick.

Sorry, Snopes is wrong on this one. First, the material on climate change and lgbt were not "moved" to ObamaWhiteHouse.gov; it was copied leaving the originals on whitehouse.gov. Second, after they were copied, whitehouse.gov was changed to show Trump as president and Pence as vice president, and other Trump administration-specific changes were made including the removal of climate change, lgbt, and anything else that was Obama administration-specific including all Obama executive orders.

Colin :icon_geek:


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I watched it even though I knew I would feel sickened. You only have to read about insane asylum that was the Roman Empire to see that Trump and Pence share the asylum that was once the mindset of Commodus, Caligula and (amongst others) Nero. These are despotic men intent on ruling the people for their own whims and benefit even whilst they feign praise on democratic values. 

Here in Australia we need to keep an eye on Washington DC because our own right-wing bigots still think of themselves as Lords ruling, (rarely, governing,) over the people. If the imitation emperors of the U.S.A. run a muck you can be certain our politicians won't be that far behind them. We are of course still waiting for marriage equality, but with Trump and the GOP dictating their ignorance in Washington we may never see our own marriages being recognised here. Such is the influence we live under.  

So we need to know what is happening in the U.S.A. so we can try to avoid the death lurch to the right-wing which is so prevalent across the world.  

I agree with Cole that Pence is a real threat, but he may never become President...ask yourselves what would have happened if Nero had the nuclear codes; the fires would not have been restricted to Rome.


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