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Everything posted by TalonRider

  1. I've been using Win 7 now for a few months after purchasing a new desktop and then later a laptop, both HP's. I've had no problems with the OS. The main problem I have had is downloading and optional upgrade from Intel. It tends to change things after a few days causing me to have to go back to the save point before the install.
  2. The age difference between father and son didn't enter into my mind while reading this delightful story.
  3. The third and final part of the interview has been posted.
  4. Given what we know about Charles, it surprising to see his softer side.
  5. I'm thinking that maybe it got taken down since it was never finished. The last I knew, there was one chapter left. The last time I had any contact with Joey was when he sent an email out that chapter 19 had been posted and that was back in 2007. That date is based on the file date for that chapter. Another reason for it being taken down could be that the author asked for it to be removed. Just out of curiosity, I googled it. AD and GA were the only story sites to come up.
  6. The report this morning on the news, is that 56,000 pictures have been found.
  7. Part 2 of 3 of the interview with Jamie is posted at Rising From The Ashes.
  8. I did the edit on this before lunch (at work), figuring I'd finish it up afterward. There was something like eight paragraphs left. I was surprised to find out I was already at the end. My reaction was WOW.
  9. Jamie has done an interview with Phoenix at Rising Up From The Ashes. Part 1 of 3 can be found here. Parts 2 & 3 will run the next two Sundays.
  10. I use an audio program as an editing tool. The biggest difference is this program doesn't add the emotion to it that an audio file can.
  11. TalonRider


    I'm gonna miss working with James on this story. I enjoyed it very much.
  12. From what I heard on the news about this, the student called in about the inappropriate behavior was observed smoking pot. A Cheerleader was also interviewed and she liked to listen to music while she showered at home. Imagine here surprise when she noticed the green light was on.
  13. In case you haven't noticed, Iron has been posted. Thanks Mike.
  14. I can agree, that life can be tough for us at times. There are times when I go home from work, I don't want to do much, let alone edit something for someone. With the 2010 budget for work, it meant cutting back on staff. My Department was reduced by 2 people, which included a Supervisor. As a result, my workload increased. Team Update: Book 2, Interlude 6 - Iron should be posted soon, followed by Bronze, Silver, and Gold. The Beta Team has started reviewing Book 2 to correct those things that slipped thru the process. At some point, those chapters may be replaced like we did for book 1.
  15. Welcome back Wibby. Glad to see once again.
  16. Sounds like you want saved from being saved.
  17. The more stupider, the more outrageous they make the commercial, the more you will remember it when you see the product in the stores.
  18. After our very cold start to the new year, we're finally getting back to some normal temperature for this area. They forecast we should be in the mid 40's by Friday. I'd gladly send you some of this cooler air if I could.
  19. I grew up in Indiana, so I've heard and said it both ways.
  20. As an editor, I'm currently working with two Brit's so I'm used to seeing the phrase. Some of it depends on where the story is taking place as to how it's said. If the location is in the U.S., I wouldn't expect to see it. There again, that would depend upon where the character speaking is from.
  21. Another phrase I've seen is "in hospital". Most American's say "in the hospital."
  22. "Any child can tell you that the sole purpose of a middle name is so he can tell when he's really in trouble." - Dennis Fakes
  23. Something that I've found that helps me during the editing process is the use of a program that reads the text to me. I use it last and it has helped me find things that I missed while reading thru it.
  24. Something that I didn't mention in my earlier post is the amusement I get from some of the spam I get the house box. I'm amazed at the amount of mail that I get that comes from me.
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