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Everything posted by TalonRider

  1. Looking back at the history of this category, Graeme won in 2006 with New Brother, 2007 with Heart of the Tree and 2008 with The Price of Friendship. Jamie won in 2009 and 2010 with The Scrolls of Icaria. The Scrolls was nominated, but didn't receive enough to make the top five.
  2. The nomination process has concluded and the voting begins this weekend. In the category of Best Non GA Story there was a total of 11 candidates nominationed and only the top five move on. To that end, I'd like to offer my CONGRATULATIONS and Good Luck to the following AD Authors for advancing into the finals. Circumstances by Cole Parker Exit Hollywood by Chris James Sentennial Mountain by Sequoyah The Fall by Mike Arram Wayward Son by Dabeagle Also, Congratulations to Jamessavik as he moves on in the category of GA Best Anthology Story.
  3. This is heartbreaking. At first, I thought whoever was off to the side was making him do this. As I continued to watch, I decide someone was there for encouragement and support. It also reminds me a story I've been reading at GAStories, Indiana Summer by NightOwl88. One of the protagonists is a cutter.
  4. The test strips I use used to be in a dispenser in the aisle at Walmart. All you had to do was find the brand and amount, turn the knob until it dropped forward, the open the top and take the box out. Now they have them in those plastic security boxes that the cashier has to open.
  5. If he likes sci-fi/fan stories, he might like reading The Scrolls of Icaria. From what Jamie has told me, there are straight people who read it. I can verify that by saying, I have a staff member who reads is and she enjoys it.
  6. Something that I've noticed since the introduction of v3.x.x is the list of people viewing a forum a the bottom is missing from some sites. I think what Tracy is referring to is the list on the first page. I've noticed that the See Full List button is missing.
  7. In case you haven't noticed, we had a sneaky mid-week posting of Interlude the 7th - Iron.
  8. For those of you who follow this story, Jamie has given me permission to post something extra at The House.
  9. That's something that Mike will need to take care of as it appears to be something in the html.
  10. Before Book 2, Part 2, Prince of Mondele Royale, Castor is mentioned twice in the story. The first time is in Book 1, Part 4, Chapter 48. The next time is in Book 2, Part 1, Chapter 6. The passages contained within those chapters may be what is confusing you. I did some searching to find those.
  11. Let's not forget that Jamie and Nic did not receive any of the Darroot Tea so they don't remember everything and what they do remember, may be a bit faulty.
  12. Chapter 44, the last chapter of Book 2, Part III, The Baron of Rood, is now in the beta phase. I'm guessing it should be posting the weekend of June 11th.
  13. Gay Authors was experiencing server problems. The site was taken offline to prevent a major loss of data. The server is being replaced and should be back online around 6:00 pm EST.
  14. This sounds very similar to a story by DomLuka, Leave The Pieces. It's currently not available tho on his site at Gay Authors. A first boyfriend, loyal friends, a stepfather he could do without, the snakes, frogs and lizards that hang out with a nice guy who wants to be more than friends, and the return of his best friend, who was pulled into a strangers car when they were eight years old and disappeared. No one ever told Jesse that growing up would be easy. When it wasn?t, he was always confident that he could hold his own. But one situation after another reduces even the sturdiest parts of his world to pieces.
  15. Not all the guests are bots. Most will be human. Not all bots may be identified as such. For example, I can go into one of my control panels and look up some stats that will tell me exactly what bots have been to my site. I can also check the list of the last 300 visitors and get for the bots, I can get the IP they visited under, then go to another control panel and assign it the bot name it was under. In case you're wondering, the forum software is set up so that bots can't join.
  16. Yahoo, Bing, and Facebook are among the many bots that visit sites.
  17. It's been thru the beta phase and is ready. There's no maybe about the tears, they will come.
  18. This same front is expected to be in the Philly area Tuesday afternoon into Wednesday to leave us with a few inches of snow.
  19. The edited version has been sent back.
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