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Everything posted by DesDownunder

  1. I agree, excellent story.
  2. Meow? Will sites with stories be affected? I presume not.
  3. Yeah, I picked up on that too. Twilight is one of my favourite nuke-astrophic stories.
  4. Fabulous, Colin. Reminds of the protest songs from the late 60s.
  5. I saw Nigel's reference to Chick Lit. and wondered at there being a category for Chicken Little books, but I soon woke up and realised what it meant.
  6. I think someone in the U.S. is trying to make our Aussie Prime Minister look half-way intelligent.
  7. I've never objected to a nice gorilla man. (I prefer elfs, though)
  8. To get back to the petition: Oscar Wilde should be included in the call for pardons, as should all those prosecuted under this law. As part of the campaign to recognise the injustice that was delivered, under the law, a demand should be made to all those countries that followed the English law, to repeal any remaining laws which persecute sexual orientation. A fitting retribution would be for each of those countries to immediately recognise marriage equality for same sex couples. And that includes the U.S., Australia and India, as well as a number of African nations.
  9. Nope. My first wore a slip...a pillow slip.
  10. John Cleese introduces the end of the show for the Prince of Wales 60th birthday. Don't be offput by the opening ballet number it soon gets hysterical, over the top and bloody marvellous as only the Brits can do. Prince Harry is in attendance, too. Even the operatic Fat Lady sings at the end. The full evening's performance is here: EDIT: Except that it doesn't have the ending which is the clip above, and I'm suspicious that some other acts are missing, oh well enjoy, even if it is from 2008. http://youtu.be/2MyggnP7JkA
  11. Let me Know when you see Batman perched outside your window.
  12. I've never objected to being hung, it's being left dangling that concerns me the most.
  13. I'm thinking that our hot weather here in Adelaide (near 40F) would make for a really good sweat lodge. I could then go on a vision quest to find out what I can do to help politicians be intelligent. Or perhaps not...
  14. Purely a thinking to myself on this unusual story whilst awaiting completion: I think there are two aspects of trust needed. Firstly that if an author wants to take us on an unusual journey, then we trust that he will provide us with the means to complete that journey. Secondly, I have to trust that I can make the journey. Only the second one is worth worrying about, because if the first fails then the work of the author has left us dangling. Of course, sometimes an author may want to leave us dangling, but I think I trust Cole to bring the journey to a significant completion. As presented I almost stopped at chapter two because I have had so many bad experiences with multiple stories masquerading as subplots, but I continued reading because I felt that Cole wouldn't do that. Now let's see where Cole takes us...It's quite exciting actually.
  15. Doesn't matter whether he's gay or not, he's still advertising the equipment.
  16. It's 88 F here in Adelaide with a forecast of 94 F I'm hoping that it stays cool.
  17. I'm surprised he wan't arrested for breaking Putin's anti-gay propaganda law.
  18. He presents as a wonderful, intelligent, loveable man.
  19. I've signed the petition as fast as I could.
  20. Scary? Yes, but even more so, it is offensive to every thinking human being who has fought hard to overcome the myths and superstitions that have been, and are still being used to indoctrinate children into being little more than a village idiot. I assure you Chris, I am not laughing at the list in the link you provide. I weep for the intelligence that is being sacrificed on the altar of ignorance.
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