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Tanuki Racoon

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Everything posted by Tanuki Racoon

  1. Sure he is, he answered my post :)
  2. Yeah, whatever. We all played with our swords as kids.... }:>
  3. Perish the thought. It's pretty much my only hobby.
  4. I'd have never noticed if you hadn't posted this. I had NO idea. Wow. One day, I'll work that into a story.
  5. http://tinyurl.com/asyhm Okay, that subject line is terribly misleading. But, it got you here to read my post, didn't it? :twisted: I always wonder about circumcision. The whole concept is sort of weird. I mean you are or you aren't.* Yet the debate rages on. I figure I'd see what people's two cents or two pence are. * Is WBMS? I dunnno, you'd have to ask him
  6. To quote a famous person: That's no lady, that's my wife.
  7. It's ALL about the details. Really. If you know something's wrong just don't do it. In a novel I wrote some years ago (not published) I created an entire world. I researched geography and weather patterns so deserts would appear on the correct side of mountains, lakes would form in the correct place. Dialects would appear based on shifting population changes, and so forth. I know you don't all like AWMS but everyone who's read it is amazed at how real it feels for a fantasy novel. It's the details. If you ever go to London you will find everything where I say it is. Every ghost train station exists where I say it does, every date on the trains is right, all the details about Scotland Yard are right. If you visit the airport terminals (SFO, JFK, or LHR) you will find everything was where I said was down the correct decor for that time period. You will find pilot announcements are accurate for the time, and so on. It's the details. Overkill I know, but still. If you CAN do it right, that's the way. My two pence.
  8. Could you be mis-transcribing from the conversational "I could HAVE done that..." also pronounced "I could've done that..." ??? If someone writes that, I maintain the Death penalty is not severe enough. If it's spoken one can assume they were saying could've. In fact COULD OF is just an ignorant person saying/writing COULD HAVE. It's the basis of THEIR/THEY'RE as well. Just 'cause you hear it that way doesn't mean you write it that way.
  9. Nowhere in the article does it say if you're hung. I thought, as a professional courtesy, I should point that out. "Wow, I'll be hanged. He's well hung."
  10. WOW! I didn't know your number was listed. ::RUNNING AWAY FAST::
  11. I agree on both counts (A) It's a great story (B) Welcome FT
  12. Pulitzer Prize winning columnist used to regularly publish names of people he encountered or read about with odd names. He called them Name Phreaks (if I recollect) and they were quite amusing. Once I knew someone who was named "Richard Headd" being cruel kids we just called him "Dick Headd" and the teachers could do nothing. Ah, the priceless memories of childhood.
  13. Sir, as a gentleman, you disgust me! (However, as a fellow perverted minded person, I laugh with you.) :) (:
  14. Sir, I am offended. That is the LAST thing I want from anyone's parents :evil: Indeed :D
  15. Har. Avast! Yew will be walkin' the plank, little one, for such grammar. Ye' scurvy dog. We be celebratin' at work, we be. (I wonder what the customers will think.)
  16. WBMS isn't afraid of Mr. King. I would gladly tell him what I think to his face. WBMS isn't afraid of any author, musician, or any celebrity. In fact, WBMS, has been known to be very opinionated to the face of several famous actors, authors, and musicians. Being opinionated doesn't involve being unkind. However Mr. King is a terribly lazy author IMHO and I will gladly tell him so. Anybody who can churn out Four Seasons and then also churn out Cujo is lazy. Mr. King should be ashamed for letting Cujo out. Anyone here could do better. Hmph. Bring on Mr. King. And tell him the other RBR gang ain't going to protect him from me. He'll know what I mean. :twisted: Do I sound angry? Yeah. Talented people shouldn't be lazy. It's sad :(
  17. :: PS: Special thanks to our resident Graeme Cracker for restoring this thread from the new, old, and soon-to-be-dead original revised and updated obsolete forums :D :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(
  18. Amen. You're not O/C, you're just anal. And so am I, especially when I write. :) I am always looking things up for the sake of accuracy. My scenes set in airports even include the correct terminal and ticket counter locations. You'd never notice but a resident of NYC, for instance, who had been in that terminal in JFK would certainly recognize it. The details absolutely add up.
  19. Yeah, there are differences, and they can be major ... He was convinced that, because he had a couple of friends who were Americans, and he'd heard them speak a few times, he knew American dialog better than I did. But believe me: if I wrote a story that took place in England or Australia, I'd damned sure run it past a resident to make sure I got the hang of the dialog. Yes, if you aren't absolutely fluent in a language a second set of eyes can't hurt. I am proficient in three dialects of English and in American and Canadian I can pass both written and spoken as a native. Although I know British English very well and am very profficient in its written form, I am not perfect and forget me trying to speak it. Hah. Yes, not the same language Indeed.
  20. Listen, just 'cause I'm an old fart, doesn't mean I can't turn you over my knee and beat your ass you little whipersnapper :) "Beat the shit out of...." is the most common phrasing I hear (and use) followed by "kicking (his) ass" so the word BEATS just really was noticeable. The other stuff didn't really bug me either way. This actually bugged me enough where I thought I'd at least point it out. Oh, and adverbs are fine despite what another poster claimed ;)
  21. See, I agree. It's common here too. In terms of realism it's perfect but it's just not right there. If I were writing it I'd probably have said "Hell if I know" in that case. I still love your story yet I was compelled* to inquire. And, if you're not nice to me, I'm going to start calling you "Graeme Cracker" :) * A large man named Guido said he'd kill me if I didn't.
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