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Bruin Fisher

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Everything posted by Bruin Fisher

  1. Giggling again - do it again do it again do it again!
  2. I'm sorry Larkin - what is this a quote from? I can't find it in any of our posts above it, and nor can I find it in the BBC article. I want to comment, along the lines of 'the parts of the British press that would print something like this are not fit to be used as toilet paper' - but I was hoping to drill down and find which newspaper said it - and of course I can't.
  3. I don't know enough about US TV to comment, really, but we do get quite a lot of American TV over here and I can get a number of US news programs online. On the flimsy basis of that evidence I get the impression that the US and the UK are polar opposites regarding news sources: our TV news is very good, very good indeed, possibly because the BBC with its government remit does a very good job of impartial authoritative news broadcasting, and the other channels strive to match that standard. On the other hand many (most?) of our newspapers no longer make much attempt at delivering news, being more concerned with salacious gossip-mongering. There are exceptions, but the circulation of the 'quality press' is tiny compared to that of the 'gutter press'. From what others have commented it would seem that US newspapers are relatively good. News on TV in America from what I've seen of it frightens me in its bias and bigotry - I'm thinking Fox News in particular. I do follow Rachel Maddow on MSNBC who is very entertaining, clever, and clearly biased on the other side of the fence from Fox.
  4. No it's current vernacular - 'fit' means good-looking, nothing to do with health or fitness. No doubt the usage will go out of fashion soon, to be replaced by some other misuse of a perfectly good word!
  5. Exuberant. Infectious. Lovely.
  6. Now this, it seems to me, is a great little story. Had me enthralled from start to bittersweet finish. Bravo!
  7. Ah I did wonder if there was a longer story around this episode. It would be interesting to see how the whole story fleshes out the characters and their relationship. Just from the flash we have here, the older boy comes across as 'sly and sneaky' as the protagonist describes. It probably is true that most (many?) relationships do develop with one party leading the way, but if they respect their inamorato they will take great care to lead at a pace and to a goal that is amicable to him or her. Sorry, Larkin, I am impressed with your writing but not happy with the idea that all relationships have a coercive element. I wouldn't want to be in such a relationship, and I understand if Colin, for instance, is discomforted by the implication that his relationship is so. Coerce - persuade (an unwilling person) to do something by using force or threats.
  8. I too read the relationship as to some extent abusive. And, like Colin, I wouldn't want to be in any relationship that wasn't grounded in equality and respect. I know there's a whole scene, BDSM, where people feel fulfilled by giving up that equality and being 'owned' by another. That's fine for them if they're safe. But it's not me. I have never thought that means I conform to heterosexual values, though!
  9. Interesting piece - wasn't entirely sure how to take it at first. The title helped. I guess the one thing that 'ends' in this piece is any uncertainty as to whether the protagonist is 'owned' - by the end it's clear he'll do anything the older guy says. That is very well conveyed.
  10. That one stood up on the left side of the picture is not a cucumber - it's a marrow. Regarding cucumbers, though... yep I reckon they left one out. Checking the list, really?? Cucumbers cure diabetes? Reduce cholesterol? Control blood pressure? Shouldn't someone tell the doctors? The drug prescriptions they could save!
  11. Apparently Ukraine's police force, long considered corrupt, is having a make-over. A whole lot of police officers have been sacked, and a load of new, photogenic, recruits have been trained. They hit the streets last weekend and members of the public are having their photos taken with the good-looking, young policemen and women. Here is one example: Isn't that cute?!
  12. May I echo Nigel's congratulations! Hooray today is a great day.
  13. Ah, the double negative! There's a story: A teacher tries to explain to his class that in English a double negative is incorrect. He explains that in English a double negative equates to a positive and therefore is unlikely to convey the meaning that is intended. He finished by saying that to the best of his knowledge there is no language in which a double positive equates to a negative - at which point a voice from the back of the class could clearly be heard commenting: "Yeah, right!..."
  14. That's so cool. There's hope for the world yet!
  15. I really loved this story on so many levels - deft description of British political life, neat and plausible explanation of events with reference to single-sex boarding school experience, comic situations, happy developments in the east. A delight. Thanks Pedro!
  16. It is a truly great piece of writing. One of my all-time favourites. I think Elecivil is probably a very busy man - he's I think an inspirational teacher which is a full-time occupation and more. That may be why we haven't seen anything new from him for a while. There's a Work in Progress which hasn't had any new chapters in a long time and it's making me sad...
  17. I can attest to the truth in Larkin's poem. Takes a whole lifetime to repair the damage, too...
  18. This gives me hope - that the next generation will deal with difference better than my generation did.
  19. So the school pulled his speech to prevent him from using it to 'push his agenda'? I'm sick and tired of homophobes bleating about our 'agenda'. All he did was say he's gay. How is that an agenda? This will be a PR disaster for the school, methinks, and rightly so. The kid comes across as mild-mannered, and he's repeatedly stated that he didn't want a media circus and didn't want to harm the school. The condition he stipulated before allowing the press to have his story was that it must be to improve the school long-term. His motives appear to be laudable. The school's, on the other hand...
  20. Oh wow. What an amazing story! Is Colorado a very conservative state? What a terrible thing for the head to do to the boy. Why on earth shouldn't he out himself in his address if he wants to? I'm glad he got to make his address, but there's more I want to know: did his schoolfriends attend and see him give it? What sort of event was it? Did I correctly understand that politicians were there?
  21. For those who can't see the video in the earlier link, try this on instead:
  22. The competition was won by a woman with three trained dogs. Very cute, but not in my view the beginning of a long career in show business. Several of the finalists had the potential to have long and successful careers. A missed opportunity.
  23. This is what all the fuss is about: http://www.svenskafreds.se/singingsailor/downloads/Sailor_morse.mp4
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