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Bruin Fisher

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Everything posted by Bruin Fisher

  1. I don't really know much about him. He appears to have a good relationship with his Dad, he did a good job of the lead part in After Earth, and he certainly has his own sense of style. if I was his Dad I think I'd be proud of him.
  2. It's a neat story with a powerful message, skilfully told. A jewel.
  3. Came across this on Youtube. Others think it's good, it seems...
  4. Thanks, ChrisR, you're absolutely right. Yes...
  5. Errr... which paragraph do you mean, Pertinax? I looked back and found the first paragraph to be "Some of you who have been following this thread might find the following of interest:" I didn't find that particularly objectionable?
  6. Oh yes. That's my latest camera. Notice the image stabiliser. It works brilliantly!
  7. A lovely story. Can I go live on that farm?
  8. After Donald Trump's controversial (to say the least) comments on muslims among others, a petition was launched on the UK Government's website calling for him to be banned from entering the UK on the basis of his expressed views that may constitute racism. The petition went live on Tuesday and today's Thursday and already it has over 400,000 signatures. Any petition on the site that gains more than 100,000 signatures qualifies to be debated in Parliament. This has been the biggest (or is it fastest?) petition ever on the site. Methinks the Brits don't think much of Mr Trump.
  9. Is that a Bugs Bunny way of saying 'moron'?
  10. This from the BBC, interesting statistics. Not sure whether the issue is seen in the same light from the inside, but from the outside it certainly is, and explains the puzzlement of Europe when observing from afar. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-34996604
  11. In my youth I was hauled over the coals for using the word 'conspicious', having confused auspicious and conspicuous. I still rather like it...
  12. Thanks everyone for your very kind comments. The story clearly had the desired effect. I almost feel that I should apologise for writing it; it makes for uncomfortable reading. Personally I like to read a story with a happy ending and this one... doesn't... and instead leaves you with a bad taste in the mouth. But that's what it's supposed to do and your responses tell me it worked. Nevertheless I doubt I'll write another story that punches you in the gut like this one does!
  13. Brilliant. Reminds me of the blunder they made when the UK electricity generation company opened a subsidiary in Italy. Initially their website was www.powergenitalia.com (or possibly .it, I can't remember). Powergen still exist in the UK, but I'm not sure what the Italian subsidiary is called these days.
  14. Wow. I need to know more. Who is this Susan? Is it a case of mistaken identity or is the complaint malicious? Just how did this great character Justin get to be so incredibly confident and sassy? A brilliant start which has left me on the edge of my seat to read more. Thanks Colin!
  15. Yup. Great story. And with a reference to Alice in Wonderland!
  16. Yes we knew you were being facetious - so were we! Here's some emoticons just so everyone knows we're not arguing...
  17. Yes a great video. I found some others in the same series that were similarly good, too.
  18. Speak for yourself Cole. Personally, when I was 15 I knew everything. Since then I've spent my entire life learning and now I know nothing. And we do have some frighteningly intelligent young people here...
  19. Luggie you would be more than welcome. I'm sure we would enjoy a snuggle.
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