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Running by Cole Parker

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  • 2 weeks later...

Bishop, California? Do people actually live there? Talk about the middle of nowhere! Is that really considered northeastern California? To me it looks like it's pretty much in the middle of the state. In any case, for those who don't know California that well, Bishop is northeast of King's Canyon National Park, southeast of Yosemite National Park and northwest of Death Valley National Park. It's pretty close to the Nevada border and in satellite view, it appears as a green oasis in the midst of the desert. It appears to have water from runoff from the nearby Sierra Nevadas via a couple of rivers, but then so does Mono Lake, which has been shrinking for some time.

I've probably driven through Bishop at some time in my life, as I've been to all of those famous places, but the town itself didn't leave an impression on me. The area around it does have spectacular scenery though, and if you love the mountains and the desert, it must be paradise… well, to visit anyway. I just can't imagine what it would be like to grow up there. Bishop has a population of 3,879 as of the last census. There are certainly much smaller towns than that, but compared to Bishop, the small town of Mellencamp's song, Seymour, Indiana (Pop. 17,503), is a thriving metropolis. Not only that, but there are small towns all around Seymour. Other than Big Pine (Pop. 1,756), fifteen miles to the south, there's nothing for miles around Bishop. Those kids must spend hours traveling to and from other small towns for their cross country meets. It's probably not the best place to grow up gay either, but then neither is Seymour.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Approving a girl to shower with the boys, to find out if you're friend is gay.... I've seen easier ways. 😃

That what I like about narrators in Cole's stories. They got a witty way of fixing things.

And they got humour. As does Cole.

Thanks again for a new wunderful story, Cole!

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  • 3 months later...

I finally got the chance to sit down and read this straight through.

Yes there were more than a few unexpected twists!  

I've stayed in Bishop a number of times in connection with hiking/backpacking trips to the lower part of the eastern Sierras.  Bishop and Lone Pine are the two towns of any consequence along Route 395 there.  I have to say, though, that I prefer the trails that originate from Mammoth, quite a ways north.  It backs up to Yosemite and the area is just breathtaking.


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