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Laika by EleCivil in picks of the past sep/oct 2022


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Due to Dude's picks of the past, I've picked up Laika again, after so many years.

Fun thing is: during the time you forget details and it was again an enjoyable surprising ride.
With mismatching socks, a manequin beside me on the passenger seat, good music and red cheecks because of the snow.
And love, lots of it.

Loved it again. Entirely.

If you haven't read it, please you when you're game for lots of humour, and a great serious coming of age story. Good combination.

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  • 1 year later...

Just finished this little tale again, probably for the fifth time or so. This time around, two things struck me right off the bat....

I still love mismatched socks, I where them all the time, drives my husband crazy. The last few years, I developed another annoying habit of wearing mismatched shoes. Once you get used to the varying differences in heel height, it makes for some fun social interactions. 

I miss cuddlecore, 

And I positively hate the ending to this story. Not because it wasn't happy, because it mirrors so many relationships I had in my younger days. Fast furious and just as quickly its gone. 



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